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Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health

Charlotte Watts


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Book Details


Digestive issues are widespread and prove difficult to address through mainstream medicine. Senior yoga teacher Charlotte Watts sheds light on the connection between the gut and the brain, explains the links between stress, trauma and digestive issues and demonstrates how yoga with its focus on stilling the mind can have profound effects on conditions such as IBS, IBD, acid reflux, colitis, diverticulitis and more. Breath awareness allows the breath to drop into the belly and diaphragm, essential for good digestive function and understanding the fascial connections within the viscera help shape movement that enables optimal function.

Fully illustrated with clear diagrams and instructions, this volume provides yoga, movement and medical professionals with a solid understanding of the digestive system in relation to breath, mindfulness, posture, anatomy, movement, stress and trauma. It helps them to apply this knowledge to their practice and teaching approach.

Charlotte Watts is a senior yoga teacher and award-winning Nutritional Therapist, specialising in stress related and digestive issues. She is a popular speaker at conferences and events and has authored several books, most recently The De-Stress Effect (2015).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health by Charlotte Watts 3
Acknowledgements 8
Introduction 9
Physical and Subtle Anatomy of the Digestive Tract and all Its Connections 81
Part One: Traditional Yogic Views in a Modern World 13
Part Two: A Journey Around the Digestive Tract and Its Functions 37
Part Three: Physical and Subtle Anatomy of the Digestive Tract and all Its Connections 81
Part Four: Modern Psychology Within Yoga and the Gut 129
Part Five: The Practices 155
Practice Section One: Visceral Movement 165
Practice Section Two: Supporting Digestion from the Feet 199
Practice Section Three: Gut-Brain Safety to the Earth 222
Practice Section Four: Beyond Asanas into Subtlety 245
Part Six: Considerations for Specific Conditions 265
Yoga and Yoga Therapy Course Recommendations 301
References 302
Further Reading 309
Subject Index 311
Author Index 317