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Therapeutic Photography

Therapeutic Photography

Neil Gibson


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Book Details


Therapeutic photography is an increasingly popular approach for increasing self-esteem, resilience and self-reliance in a wide range of people, including those with dementia, autism or mental health problems, school children and offenders. This book provides practical guidance on delivering therapeutic photography interventions and introduces the theory underpinning the approach.

Each chapter describes a different element of therapeutic photography, including storytelling through photographs to discuss relationships and the use of self-portraits and selfies to explore identity. Exercises, reflection points and examples are provided throughout and a detailed case study shows the approaches described in the book used with a group of young adults on the autism spectrum. An adaptable programme is also included in the appendix.

Neil Gibson is a social worker and Senior Lecturer at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. He runs a CPD course for professionals interested in using therapeutic photography.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Therapeutic Photography: Enhancing Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy and Resilience by Neil Gibson 3
Introduction 9
1. What is Therapeutic Photography? 15
2. How Can This Be Used in Practice? 35
3. Advantages and Challenges 56
4. Using Photography to Explore Self-Image 77
5. Using Photography to Explore Relationships 97
6. Using Photography to Express Emotions and Attachments 119
7. Using Photography to Explore Change 141
8. Using Photography to Explore Narratives and Perspectives 161
9. Using Photography to Make Changes to Society 182
10. Adults with Autism: A Case Study 203
11. Voices from Practice 232
Appendix: The Therapeutic Photography Programme 263
References 270
Subject Index 282
Author Index 286
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