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Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 1

Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 1

Prof. Gefu Wang-Pruski | Curtis M. Frederick | Masahiko Mori | Dr Paul Bethke | Prof. Paul C. Struik | Prof. John Bamberg | Shelley H. Jansky | Alfonso del Rio | Dave Ellis | Dr Jai Gopal | Dr Pim Lindhout | Michiel de Vries | Menno ter Maat | Su Ying | Marcela Viquez-Zamora | Sjaak van Heusden | Dr Ankush Prashar | Filipe de Jesus Colwell | Csaba Hornyik | Glenn J. Bryan | Dr Prashant G. Kawar | Hemant B. Kardile | S. Raja | Som Dutt | Raj Kumar | P. Manivel | Vinay Bhardwaj | B. P. Singh | P. M. Govindakrishnan | S. K. Chakrabarti | Prof. P. Zhang | Weijuan Fan | Hongxia Wang | Yinliang Wu | Wenzhi Zhou | Jun Yang | Prof. Duroy A. Navarre | Dr M. Moehninsi | Dr Sen Lin | Dr Hanjo Hellmann | Dr Putri Ernawati Abidin | Edward Carey | Dr Liping Jin | Dr Moses Nyongesa | Nancy Ng'ang'a | Dr Linley Chiwona-Karltun | Dr Maryanne Wamahiu | Dr Chikondi Chabvuta | Dr Dianah Ngonyama | Dr Paul Demo


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Potatoes are one of the world’s key food crops. Their nutritional value, and the fact that they can be grown with relatively few inputs in a wide range of environments, makes them an important food security crop. However, yields in developing countries are held back by factors such as poor cultivation practices and the impact of pests and diseases, whilst more intensive systems need to become more ‘climate smart’ both to minimise their environmental impact and adapt to climate change.
This volume reviews general developments in breeding as well as improving particular traits before discussing the challenges facing potato cultivation in particular regions. Part 1 assesses recent research on plant physiology and genetic diversity and their implications for conventional, hybrid and marker-assisted breeding. Part 2 looks at ways of breeding varieties with desirable traits such as stress resistance or improved nutritional quality. The final part of the book looks at ways of supporting smallholders in regions such as Africa and Latin America. Although a separate species, the book also includes selective coverage of research on sweet potato.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this will be a standard reference for potato scientists, growers, government and non-government agencies supporting potato cultivation. This volume is accompanied by a companion volume looking at production and storage, diseases and sustainability.
"Sustainable potato cultivation means simultaneously addressing and resolving a complex set of varied and interlinked context-specific constraints. These books promise to rise to the occasion with a talented cast of authors who span the disciplinary spectrum from genetics, pests and diseases, cropping systems all the way through to nutrition and consumer perspectives."
Graham Thiele, Director - CGIAR Research Program on Roots Tubers and Bananas, led by the International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru
Potatoes are one of the world’s key food crops. Their nutritional value, and the fact that they can be grown with relatively few inputs in a wide range of environments, makes them an important food security crop. However, yields in developing countries are held back by factors such as poor cultivation practices and the impact of pests and diseases, whilst more intensive systems need to become more ‘climate smart’ to minimise environmental impact and adapt to climate change.
This volume reviews developments in breeding, sensory and nutritional quality as well as the challenges facing potato cultivation in particular regions. Part 1 assesses recent research on plant physiology and genetic diversity and their implications for conventional, hybrid and marker-assisted breeding, as well as breeding varieties with desirable traits such as stress resistance. The book also looks at ways of enhancing nutritional properties before concluding back looking at ways of supporting smallholders in regions such as Africa and Latin America.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this will be a standard reference for potato scientists, growers, government and non-government agencies supporting potato cultivation. Volume 2 looks at production and storage, diseases and sustainability.

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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Volume 1: Breeding improved varieties i
Contents iv
Series list x
Acknowledgement xv
Introduction xvi
Part 1  Plant physiology and breeding 1
Chapter 1  Advances in understanding potato plant physiology and growth 3
1 Introduction 3
2 Crop rotation, planting and initial crop development 4
3 Development of the potato plant 7
4 Potato responses to water and heat stresses 12
5 Potato responses to nutrient availability 16
6 Additional factors affecting sustainable production 18
7 Summary 20
8 Future trends 20
9 Where to look for further information 21
10 References 21
Chapter 2  Understanding ageing processes in seed potatoes 33
1 Introduction: seed tubers as the main propagules in potato production 33
2 Quality characteristics of seed tubers 34
3 Dormancy and physiological age 35
4 The importance of seed quality as a yield-limiting and quality-determining factor 38
5 Understanding dormancy, bud activation, initial sprout growth and apical dominance 40
6 Understanding ageing in sprouts and mother tubers 43
7 Analysis of the dynamic development of physiological age and resulting crop performance 46
8 Causes of variation in physiological age and options for manipulation 49
9 Summary and future trends 50
10 Where to look for further information 51
11 References 52
Chapter 3  Ensuring the genetic diversity of potatoes 57
1 Introduction 57
2 Acquisition of potato genetic material 62
3 Classification of potato genetic material 65
4 Preservation of potato genetic material 67
5 Evaluation and enhancement of potato genetic material 69
6 Legal custody and access to potato genetic material 71
7 Conclusion and future trends 73
8 Where to look for further information 75
9 References 75
Chapter 4  Advances in conventional potato-breeding techniques 81
1 Introduction 81
2 Parental line selection 82
3 Progeny selection 85
4 Improving the speed and success rate of selection 89
5 Summary 92
6 References 92
Chapter 5  Hybrid potato breeding for improved varieties 99
1 Introduction 99
2 The scientific basis for hybrid potato breeding 101
3 The state of the art of hybrid potato breeding 104
4 Production and commercialization of hybrid seed cultivars 107
5 Inbred lines for genetic research 108
6 Cropping systems based on true seeds 111
7 Case studies 113
8 Conclusion 116
9 Where to look for further information 117
10 Acknowledgements 117
11 References 117
Part 2  Improving particular traits 123
Chapter 6  Advances in development of potato varieties resistant to abiotic stress 125
1 Introduction 125
2 Abiotic stress improvement targets for potatoes 126
3 Technological advances to develop abiotic stress resistant/tolerant varieties 130
4 Future trends and conclusion 135
5 References 136
Chapter 7  Developing early-maturing and \nstress-resistant potato varieties 143
1 Introduction 143
2 Selecting germplasm and traits for breeding\nearly-maturing varieties 145
3 Genetic aspects of earliness and breeding strategy 146
4 Early tuber initiation 148
5 High dry matter partitioning efficiency 150
6 Basic factors in breeding for earliness in the potato 150
7 Breeding strategies for earliness and stress resistance 151
8 Genetic aspects 152
9 Case study: developing an early-maturing, moderately late-blight-resistant Kufri Khyati potato variety for Indian plains 153
10 Future trends and conclusion 163
11 Acknowledgments 163
12 Where to look for further information 164
13 References 164
Chapter 8  Developing new sweet potato varieties with improved performance 169
1 Introduction 169
2 Genetic transformation of sweet potato from model cultivars to farmer-preferred cultivars 171
3 Production of disease-resistant sweet potato 174
4 Production of sweet potato resistant to abiotic stresses 177
5 Starch modification for industrial applications 180
6 Increased understanding of storage root development for better yield 181
7 Production of purple sweet potato with increased anthocyanin content 183
8 Conclusion and perspectives 184
9 Where to look for further information 185
10 Acknowledgements 185
11 References 186
Chapter 9  Nutritional properties and enhancement/biofortification of potatoes 191
1 Introduction 191
2 The vitamin B family 193
3 Vitamin C 199
4 Potassium 201
5 Carotenoids 201
6 Potato phenylpropanoids 202
7 Glycoalkaloids 205
8 Conclusion and future trends 207
9 Where to look for further information 207
10 References 208
Chapter 10  Improving the breeding, cultivation and use of sweetpotato in Africa 223
1 Introduction 223
2 Programmes for improving sweetpotato as a crop 224
3 Developments in breeding and seed dissemination 228
4 Improvements in cultivation and post-harvest handling 235
5 Nutritional quality and its improvement 237
6 Crop diversification for new uses 242
7 Case studies: Malawi 246
8 Case studies: Ghana 248
9 Conclusion and future trends 249
10 Where to look for further information 250
11 Acknowledgements 250
12 References 250
Part 3  Translating research into practice: improving cultivation in the developing world 257
Chapter 11  Potato production and breeding in China 259
1 Introduction 259
2 Current production and consumption 260
3 Key trends and challenges 262
4 Germplasm material 263
5 Breeding objectives and development 264
6 Types of new variety 265
7 Virus-free seed potato production 266
8 Future trends 268
9 Where to look for further information 268
10 References 268
Chapter 12  Improving potato cultivation to promote food self-sufficiency in Africa 271
1 Introduction 271
2 Potato production in Africa and its challenges 272
3 Variety development and promotion 275
4 Systems and programs to support potato production in Africa 278
5 Prospects for development and poverty alleviation: opportunities and challenges 280
6 Future prospects 281
7 Conclusion 281
8 Where to look for further information 282
9 References 282
Chapter 13  Supporting smallholder women farmers in potato cultivation 285
1 Introduction 285
2 The importance of potato cultivation to African \nsmallholders 285
3 The role of women in potato cultivation 287
4 Challenges facing women smallholders 288
5 Strategies to support women smallholders 289
6 Conclusion and future trends 291
7 Where to look for further information 291
8 References 292
Index 297