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Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe

Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe

Sandra Ponzanesi | Adriano José Habed


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Postcolonial intellectuals have engaged with and deeply impacted upon European society since the figure of the intellectual emerged at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Yet a critical assessment and overview of their influential roles is long overdue, particularly in the light of contemporary debates in Europe and beyond.

This book offers an innovative take on the role of intellectuals in Europe through a postcolonial lens and, in doing so, questions the very definition of "public intellectual," on the one hand, and the meaning of such a thing as "Europe," on the other. It does so not only by offering portraits of charismatic figures such as Stuart Hall, Jacques Derrida, Antonio Gramsci, Frantz Fanon, and Hannah Arendt, among others, but also by exploring their lasting legacies and the many dialogues they have generated. The notion of the ‘classic’ intellectual is further challenged by bringing to the fore artists, writers, and activists, as well as social movements, networks, and new forms of mobilization and collective engagement that are part of the intellectual scene.
Sandra Ponzanesi is Professor of Gender and Postcolonial Studies, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Adriano José Habed, International Institute of Social History, The Netherlands
Ponzanesi and Habed have given us that rare gift in trying times: a wide-ranging and broadly comparative examination of the significance of the work of postcolonial scholars and public thinkers in debates on the various problems that afflict Europe today. Providing us with signposts and fresh research agendas, Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe will prove to be one of the most innovative volumes on the question of postcolonial scholarship in a very long time.
Ato Quayson, Professor of English, University of Toronto

Here postcolonial perspectives sequence into a heterogeneity of cultural and political practices that rework the archives of the West in another key, critically challenging the continuing colonial formation of thepresent.

Iain Chambers, Professor of Cultural and Postcolonial Studies at the Oriental University in Naples
Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe offers a refreshing new set of perspectives on the engagement of intellectuals in questions of colonial history and postcolonial politics in contemporary Europe. Far from acquiescing to the oft-repeated affirmation that the intellectual is dead, the volume displays the reinvention and reinvigoration of intellectual work in the twenty-first century at the same time as it lucidly articulates its ambiguities and tensions.
Jane Hiddleston, Professor of Literatures in French, University of Oxford
This is a fascinating and timely book. Anticolonial Lebanese princes and West Indian revolutionary black Marxists, thinkers like Arendt and Derrida and contemporary social movements, artistic activists and writers like Rushdie stage engaging and often displacing dialogues across the pages of Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe. And the “postcolonial intellectual” becomes a prism that allows us to rethink at the same time both “Europe” and “the postcolonial.” Opening up new angles on a politics of liberation in these hard times.
Sandro Mezzadra, Associate Professor of Political Theory, University of Bologna

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe i
Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe: Critics, Artists, Movements, and Their Publics iii
Contents v
Acknowledgements ix
Preface: Postcolonial Intellectuals xi
Intervention: Thinking Academic Freedom in Gendered Postcoloniality xv
Introduction xxxv
Chapter 1 3
Antonio Gramsci and Anticolonial Internationalism 3
Rethinking the Postcolonial Intellectual 4
Gramsci as a Postcolonial Public Intellectual 6
Gramsci and Ethiopia 10
Against Italian Imperialism 12
Towards an Internationalist Cosmopolitan Intellectual 15
Notes 17
References 18
Chapter 2 20
Talking about a Revolution 20
C. L. R. James: A “Victorian with a Rebel Seed” 21
Frantz Fanon: A Marxist Heretic? 24
James: History and Strategy—Towards the Anticolonial Pan-african Revolution 28
Fanon: Apocalypse and Prophecy. Towards a Revolutionary Humanism 31
James, Fanon, and the Postcolonial 34
Notes 37
References 37
Chapter 3 40
Edward Said’s Enduring Legacy 40
The Contemporary Crises in the Humanities 43
Said’s Humanism 47
The Role of the Intellectual 50
Conclusion 53
Note 54
References 54
Chapter 4 56
Conversations Unfinished 56
“In, But Not of, Europe” 60
Behind the Scenes 63
Knock, Knock 67
Notes 69
References 69
Chapter 5 75
Before Postcolonialism 75
Europeans as Allies, Orientalists as Obstacle 76
Studying Orientalists as an Anticolonial Act 79
Offering Alternative Information on Islam 81
Conclusion 85
Notes 86
References 87
Chapter 6 89
Hannah Arendt and Postcolonial Thought 89
Thinking through an Age of Empire 91
Thinking through an Age of Postcolonialism 96
Conclusion 102
References 103
Chapter 7 105
Jacques Derrida’s Three Moments of Postcoloniality and the Challenge of Settler Colonialism 105
A Revolution “From Within?” 109
Postcoloniality and the Black Decade 111
The Challenge of Settler Colonialism 114
Conclusion 117
Notes 118
References 119
Chapter 8 123
Rosi Braidotti and Paul Gilroy 123
Between Postcolonial Thought and Feminist Subjectivity 126
Countermemory, Counterculture 128
Europe and the Cosmopolitan Futures 131
Posthumanities, Panhumanities, and Postcoloniality 133
Reinventing Futures through Archivization 135
Notes 137
References 138
Chapter 9 143
Salman Rushdie 143
The Satanic Verses Affair: The Contested Intellectual “in the Eye of the Storm” 145
Rushdie, the Freedom of Speech Advocate 148
On Authenticity, or Split Selves 151
Conclusion 153
Notes 155
References 155
Chapter 10 158
“Not Merely in Symbol But in Reality” 158
Ethics of Connection: NW and the Canon 160
Political Engagement: The Embassy of Cambodia and Swing Time 164
The Relations between Us: Self-Examination after Brexit 167
Conclusion 169
Notes 170
References 170
Chapter 11 174
Anonymous Urban Disruptions 174
Street Art, Banksy, and Wallwriting as Political Action 176
Portraying European Politics and the “Refugee Crisis”—Engaging in the Art Works 178
The Brexit Mural 182
The “Les Misérables” Stencil 185
The Steve Jobs Stencil 187
Conclusion 188
Notes 189
References 189
Chapter 12 193
Contested Legacies 195
Repetition with a Change 202
Notes 206
References 208
Chapter 13 213
Strange Fruits 213
The Politics of Culture and Translation 215
Andre Reeder: “I Wanted to Be the Voice of My People” 220
Gloria Wekker: \n“You Need to Harm the Institution” 223
Conclusion 226
Notes 228
References 228
Chapter 14 231
Radical Equality and the Politics of the Anonym 231
Identity, Anonymity, and Equality 234
Radical Equality and Postcolonial Disfigurations of Europe 238
The Politics of the Anonym 241
Europe as Contaminated Culture 244
Notes 245
References 246
Chapter 15 248
Killjoy Movements 248
Decolonizing the Curriculum 250
Histories That Are Not Over 253
Feminist Points 257
Reorientations 260
Acknowledgements 260
Notes 260
References 261
Chapter 16 263
Hacking the European Refugee Crisis? 263
On Hacking the Crisis 265
Big Data Activism: The Migrants’ Files 268
Small Data Activism: @AlabedBana, “Our Era’s Anne Frank” 272
Conclusion 278
Acknowledgements 280
Note 280
References 280
Afterword 285
Index 292
About the Contributors 304