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Living Under Austerity

Living Under Austerity

Evdoxios Doxiadis | Aimee Placas


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Book Details


Since its sovereign debt crisis in 2009, Greece has been living under austerity, with no apparent end in sight. This volume explores the effects of policies pursued by the Greek state since then (under the direction of the Troika), and how Greek society has responded. In addition to charting the actual effects of the Greek crisis on politics, health care, education, media, and other areas, the book both examines and challenges the “crisis” era as the context for changing attitudes and developments within Greek society.

“Interdisciplinary, multifaceted, and with abundant empirical observation.” • Othon Anastasakis, University of Oxford

Evdoxios Doxiadis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of History at Simon Fraser University. His research is on Greek, Balkan and Mediterranean history with a focus in the 18th and 19th centuries and a particular interest in questions of gender, law, state formation, and minorities. His publications include The Shackles of Modernity: Women, Property, and the Transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Modern Greek State 1750-1850 (2011), and State, Nationalism, and the Jewish Communities of Modern Greece (2018).

Aimee Placas is a faculty member at the International Center for Hellenic and Mediterranean Studies. She holds a PhD in Anthropology from Rice University and has published and presented on consumer debt and bankruptcy, the effect of the Greek crisis on overindebted households, and everyday economic life in Greece. She is currently writing an ethnography on the story of consumer credit in Greece in the 21st century.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Living under Austerity i
Contents vii
Tables and Figures ix
Note on Transliteration x
Abbreviations xi
Introduction — Crisis and Austerity 1
Part I — The Political Dimension of the Crisis 13
Chapter 1 — The \"Illegitimacy\" of Foreign Loans: Greece, the Great Powers, and Foreign Debt in the Long Nineteenth Century 15
Chapter 2 — The Political Consequences of the Crisis in Greece: Charismatic Leadership and Its Discontents 46
Chapter 3 — Golden Dawn: From the Margins of Greece to the Forefront of Europe 67
Chapter 4 — Protest, Elections, and Austerity Politics in Greece 90
Chapter 5 — From Boom to Bust: A Comparative Analysis of Greece and Spain under Austerity 113
Part II — State Functions, the Welfare State, and the Economic Crisis 141
Chapter 6 — Crisis and Changes in the Mediascape: Greece and the Globe 143
Chapter 7 — Crime and Criminal Justice Policy in Greece during the Financial Crisis 181
Chapter 8 — The Downsizing and Commodification of Health Care: The Appalling Greek Experience since 2010 217
Part III — Changes in Greek Society and Culture 251
Chapter 9 — Gendering the Crisis: Claiming New Values and Agencies beyond Destitution 253
Chapter 10 — From the Twilight Zone to the Limelight: Shifting Terrains of Asylum and Rights in Greece 280
Chapter 11 — Giname Kinezoi! (We've Become Chinese!): Critical Developments in the Imaginary of Chinese Capitalism 302
Chapter 12 — Disrupted and Disrupting Consumption: Transformations in Buying and Borrowing in Greece 321
Conclusion 347
Index 353