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The Women's Suffrage Movement in Wales, 1866-1928

The Women's Suffrage Movement in Wales, 1866-1928

Ryland Wallace


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An organized women’s suffrage movement operated continuously in Britain for more than sixty years, from the mid 1860s until the achievement of equal voting rights with men in 1928. In the decade prior to the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, both militant suffragettes and law-abiding suffragists ensured that the issue came to the forefront of British politics. This book presents a comprehensive investigation of the movement in Wales, which participated in the agitation throughout the whole of the period.

Grounded in primary research of extensive archival material, The Women’s Suffrage Movement in Wales assesses the impact of all the various campaigning organizations, highlighting the role of the many hugely committed but unsung individuals on whom local impact was dependent, and accounting for the stances adopted by various politicians as well as parliamentary developments. The book covers the dramatic and sensational actions of the suffragettes in Wales (including several of the most widely publicized clashes between demonstrators and authority outside London), and the more mundane work undertaken by the vast majority of campaigners across the decades – with due consideration of the arguments and organized resistance of the opponents of women’s suffrage. This is a study that focuses on the survival of the campaign in the face of wartime difficulties, detailing the much-neglected last decade of the campaign, between the granting of partial enfranchisement in 1918 and the triumph of equal franchise in 1928.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover i
Half Title\r ii
Title Page\r iv
Copyright Page\r v
Series Editors' Foreword vi
Contents\r viii
Preface\r x
Abbreviations xii
Introduction\r 1
I The Victorian Women's Suffrage Campaign 10
II The Women's Social and Political Union, 1903-1914 52
III The Women's Freedom League, 1907-1914 101
IV The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, 1897-1914 131
V The Opposition to Women's Suffrage 184
VI The Impact of the First World War 219
VII The Campaign for Equal Suffrage, 1918-1928 251
Epilogue 287
Bibliography\r 296
Index 321
Back Cover 339