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Water management for sustainable agriculture

Water management for sustainable agriculture

Prof. T. Oweis | Dr Gretchen R. Miller | Dr K. Rajkai | Dr F. Ács | Dr B. Tóth | Dr A. Makó | Dr Luis Garrote | Prof. N. Jovanovic | Dr S. Dzikiti | Dr M. Gush | Professor T. Shah | Dr Asad Qureshi | Prof. Dieter Prinz | Dr Alfieri Pollice | Dr Ramy Saliba | Dr Antonio Lonigro | Dr Z. Gao | Prof. Taffa Tulu | Prof. Megh Goyal | Dr Andrea Dührkoop | Prof. Oliver Hensel | Professor Munir J. Mohammad Rusan | Professor L. S. Pereira | Dr P. Paredes | Dr John Gowing | Dr Suhas P. Wani | Dr Kaushal K. Garg | Dr Girish Chander | Dr K. H. Anantha | Dr Susan A. OShaughnessy | Dr Manuel A. Andrade | Dr Henk Ritzema | Prof. Wayne S. Meyer | Dr Mladen Todorovic | Dr Pasquale Steduto | Dr Chris Perry | Roberto Roson


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There is increasing competition for water resources in the face of declining aquifer reserves and increasing risk in many areas of drought related to climate change. At the same time poor water management is damaging agriculture with problems such as salinization, waterlogging, erosion and run-off. This volume summarises the wealth of research on understanding and better management of water resources for agriculture.
Part 1 reviews fundamental issues such as plant water use and soil water retention. Part 2 discusses ways of mapping and monitoring groundwater and surface water resources whilst Part 3 covers other sources such as rain and floodwater, waste and brackish water. Part 4 surveys developments in irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and fertigation. The final sections in the book discuss ways of using water resources more efficiently such as site-specific and deficit irrigation techniques.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this wlll be a standard reference for agronomists, scientists involved in water and irrigation science as well as government and non-governmental organisations responsible for agriculture and water resource management.

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There is increasing competition for water resources in the face of declining aquifer reserves and increasing risk in many areas of drought related to climate change. At the same time poor water management is damaging agriculture with problems such as salinization, waterlogging, erosion and run-off. This volume summarises the wealth of research on understanding and better management of water resources for agriculture.
Part 1 reviews fundamental issues such as plant water use and soil water retention. Part 2 discusses ways of mapping and monitoring groundwater and surface water resources whilst Part 3 covers other sources such as rain and floodwater, waste and brackish water. Part 4 surveys developments in irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and fertigation. The final sections in the book discuss ways of using water resources more efficiently such as site-specific and deficit irrigation techniques.
With its distinguished editor and international team of expert authors, this wlll be a standard reference for agronomists, scientists involved in water and irrigation science as well as government and non-governmental organisations responsible for agriculture and water resource management.
"This book provides excellent source material, covering a range of important topics for sound and sustainable water management practices for agriculture. This is an urgent need as food production is the major consumer of water resources. This book will hold the keys to help unlock the potential for improved water management. The editor and author are to be applauded in taking this issue side by side with issues of sustainability."
David Molden, Director General - International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Nepal (formerly Deputy Director General for Research at the International Water Management Institute)

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Series list xii
Introduction xvii
Part 1  Fundamentals 1
Chapter 1 Understanding and measuring plant water use 3
1 Introduction 3
2 Fundamentals of plant–water relations and their measurement 4
3 Evapotranspiration (ET) 9
4 Modern measurement techniques for ET fluxes 13
5 Plant water use in the context of sustainable agriculture 19
6 Summary and future trends 21
7 Where to look for further information 21
8 Acknowledgements 23
9 References 23
Chapter 2 Dynamics of water storage and \nretention in soil 31
1 Introduction 31
2 Measuring and modelling soil water retention 32
3 Case study: assessing the variability of water retention data and related soil properties 35
4 Methods for predicting soil hydraulic properties \non catchment scales 41
5 Using data sets with soil hydrological properties 46
6 The outlook for soil hydraulic properties prediction 47
7 Factors affecting water retention and loss 48
8 Conclusion 60
9 Future trends 61
10 Where to look for further information 61
11 References 61
Chapter 3 Climate change and water resources for agriculture 75
1 Introduction 75
2 Estimating the impact of climate change on rainfed agriculture 76
3 Estimating the impact of climate change on water resources 77
4 Water availability for irrigated agriculture 78
5 Climate change adaptation policy 79
6 Selection of adaptation choices 80
7 Case study: water availability for irrigation in Southern Europe 82
8 Future trends and conclusion 85
9 Where to look for further information 86
10 References 87
Part 2  Sustainable use of groundwater and surface water for irrigation 89
Chapter 4 An integrated approach for the estimation of crop water requirements based on soil, plant and atmospheric measurements 91
1 Introduction 91
2 Methods for estimating crop water requirements: overview a 93
3 Atmosphere-based methods for estimating crop water require 94
4 Plant-based methods for estimating crop water requirements 100
5 Plant-based methods for estimating crop water requirements 104
6 Soil-based methods for estimating crop water requirements 110
7 Case study 115
8 Summary 118
9 Future trends in research 120
10 Where to look for further information 121
11 Acknowledgements 122
12 References 122
Chapter 5 The economics of groundwater development and governance 129
1 Introduction 129
2 Textbook economics of aquifer development 131
3 Alternative approaches to groundwater governance 132
4 The possibility of collective action 138
5 Conclusion 139
6 Future trends 139
7 References 139
Chapter 6 Managing surface water for irrigation 141
1 Introduction 141
2 Global use of surface water for irrigation 142
3 Typologies of surface irrigation schemes 144
4 Strategies for the management of surface\nwater resources 148
5 Conclusion and future trends 155
6 Where to look for further information 156
7 References 157
Part 3  Other sources of water for irrigation 161
Chapter 7 Rainwater and floodwater harvesting for crop irrigation 163
1 Introduction 163
2 Rainwater harvesting (RWH): general issues 164
3 Rainwater harvesting: techniques 170
4 Rainwater harvesting: applications in crop irrigation 175
5 Water storage and water quality 181
6 Floodwater harvesting systems 187
7 Socio-economic and environmental aspects of rainwater and floodwater harvesting 192
8 Current research needs and future trends 194
9 Where to look for further information 196
10 References 197
Chapter 8  The use of treated wastewater for crop irrigation 203
1 Introduction 203
2 Characteristics of wastewater and treated effluents 204
3 Wastewater treatment technologies 210
4 Guidelines for agricultural reuse of treated wastewater 216
5 Irrigation with treated wastewater: crop types \nand irrigation methods 222
6 Conclusions and public acceptance of treated wastewater reuse 224
7 Where to look for further information 226
8 References 227
Chapter 9 Use of brackish and marginal water for irrigation in water-scarce areas 231
1 Introduction 231
2 Key issues and developments in the use of brackish/marginal water for irrigation 232
3 Case study 242
4 Application in various countries 245
5 Conclusion 248
6 Future trends in research 248
7 Where to look for further information 249
8 References 251
Part 4  Irrigation techniques 255
Chapter 10 Developments in surface irrigation techniques 257
1 Introduction 257
2 Historical development of surface irrigation 258
3 Developments in surface irrigation techniques: furrow irrigation 259
4 Developments in surface irrigation techniques: basin irrigation and border irrigation 263
5 Irrigation scheduling 265
6 Irrigation efficiency 271
7 Choosing an irrigation method 275
8 Modelling surface irrigation systems 278
9 Conclusion 280
10 Where to look for further information 282
11 References 282
Chapter 11 Trickle irrigation systems 287
1 Introduction 287
2 Components of trickle irrigation systems 288
3 Advantages and disadvantages of trickle\nirrigation systems 292
4 Maintenance of trickle irrigation systems 293
5 Conclusion 296
6 Where to look for further information 297
7 References 298
Chapter 12 An overview of subsurface irrigation techniques 301
1 Introduction 301
2 Clay pot (pitcher) irrigation: overview and components 302
3 Clay pot (pitcher) irrigation: analysis 305
4 Current research: auto-regulative subsurface pipes with high-tech material 307
5 SDI: introduction and components 310
6 Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI): analysis 314
7 Case study: maize (Zea mays L.) grown using SDI in a Mediterranean climate 317
8 Porous pipe irrigation 319
9 Subsurface irrigation with wastewater 323
10 Model for designing subsurface irrigation systems 323
11 Conclusion 325
12 Where to look for further information 326
13 References 326
Chapter 13 Fertigation techniques for efficient water and nutrient use in agriculture 331
1 Introduction 331
2 Advantages of fertigation 332
3 Limitations and constraints of fertigation 333
4 Prerequisites of successful and efficient fertigation 334
5 Nutrient fertigation 338
6 Fertilizer injection equipment 350
7 Fertigation solutions 353
8 Fertigation under greenhouse conditions 357
9 Applying the 4R principles of nutrient stewardship 358
10 Monitoring of soil, plant and water under fertigation 359
11 Future trends and conclusion 359
12 Where to look for further information 360
13 References 361
Part 5  Managing water use on the farm 367
Chapter 14 Modelling water use on farms 369
1 Introduction 369
2 Crop evapotranspiration 370
3 Modelling soil water balance and crop yields 377
4 Assessing water use, performance and productivity 379
5 Modelling water use with the dual crop coefficient approach 381
6 Future trends 388
7 References 389
Chapter 15 Improving water productivity in rainfed agriculture: challenges and opportunities for small-scale farmers in dry lands 397
1 Introduction: the challenge of improving water productivity in rainfed agriculture 397
2 Water use, efficiency, productivity and opportunities for improvement: an overview 399
3 Key issues affecting productive use \nof available soil water storage 403
4 Key issues affecting amount of water \nstorage in the soil reservoir 406
5 Case studies 411
6 Summary and future trends 414
7 Where to look for further information 415
8 References 415
Chapter 16 Improving water use in tropical rain-fed systems: the situation in India 421
1 Introduction: the challenge of achieving global food security 421
2 Finite and scarce freshwater resources 422
3 Rain-fed agriculture: an overview 425
4 Measures to enhance WUE: overview and soil nutrient management 428
5 Measures to enhance WUE: in-situ water conservation practices 431
6 Measures to enhance WUE: irrigation management 434
7 Future trends 437
8 Where to look for further information 437
9 References 438
Chapter 17 Deficit irrigation and site-specific irrigation scheduling techniques to minimize water use 443
1 Introduction 443
2 DI strategies: overview 444
3 DI strategies: approaches, risks and advantages 446
4 SSIM: achieving precision irrigation 449
5 Variable rate irrigation 451
6 Integration of plant feedback sensor systems for site-specific VRI control 454
7 Conclusions 457
8 Where to look for further information 458
9 Acknowledgements 458
10 Disclaimer 458
11 References 459
Chapter 18 Deficit irrigation and site-specific irrigation scheduling techniques to minimize water use 467
1 Introduction 467
2 The need for drainage 471
3 Challenges to make drainage work 477
4 Future trends 485
5 Conclusion 486
6 Where to look for further information 487
7 References 489
Part 6  Managing water resources 495
Chapter 19 Increasing water productivity in agriculture: an overview 497
1 Introduction 497
2 Fundamental physical and biological constraints 499
3 Improving crop water productivity 501
4 Improved water productivity \nof irrigated agriculture 508
5 The human dimension of improved \nwater productivity 511
6 Limits of improved crop water productivity 512
7 Conclusion and future trends 514
8 Where to look for further information 515
9 References 516
Chapter 20 Regional strategies in sustainable water management for irrigation: the eco-efficiency approach 521
1 Introduction 521
2 Concept, principles and mechanisms of integrated water resources management 522
3 Regional water management: interrelations between scales and issues 524
4 Case study: the ‘Sinistra Ofanto’ irrigation scheme, Southern Italy 533
5 Future trends and conclusion 537
6 Where to look for further information 540
7 References 540
Chapter 21 The challenge of sustainable water resources management under water scarcity 543
1 Introduction 543
2 Sustainable and unsustainable water resources management 543
3 Water accounting as a prerequisite for sustainable water resources management 546
4 Modern irrigation and water sustainability: case studies from Australia, California and Spain 548
5 Modern irrigation and water sustainability: case studies from China, India and Pakistan 551
6 Modern irrigation and water sustainability: case studies from the Middle East 554
7 Modern irrigation and water sustainability: case studies from Africa 556
8 Conclusion 558
9 References 559
Chapter 22 Assessing the cost of supplying water for agriculture: the food supply cost curve 563
1 Introduction 563
2 The Food Supply Cost Curve (FSCC) concept 564
3 Implementing a food supply cost curve 565
4 Future trends and conclusion 575
5 Acknowledgement 576
6 References 576
Index 579