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Luoping Zhang


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Formaldehyde is virtually ubiquitous in the modern environment due to its cost-effective nature, its use in resin formation, and its preservative properties. Though formaldehyde is necessary for many products and processes important to the world’s economy, this economic dependence on formaldehyde comes at a cost to public health.
Growth and consequent industrialization rely heavily on formaldehyde use. New buildings—residences, public places, and offices—are not only built with timber preserved by formaldehyde, but they are also furnished with wood, wool, and textile products that contain formaldehyde. The general population faces environmental exposure from indoor and outdoor air pollution, food, and even medicine. Scientific inquiry into formaldehyde exposure has grown in response.
This book consolidates the new and established body of formaldehyde research in the scholarly community, focusing on exposure, genotoxicity, and adverse health outcomes. Through this resource, we hope to increase awareness of the broad range of health effects posed by formaldehyde exposure, and to encourage interdisciplinary interest, as well as research, into this pervasive compound—especially in the United States and China, where formaldehyde production and usage is high. This book will be useful to researchers of environmental and occupational exposure, students, and government regulators and anyone exposed to formaldehyde in the workplace and/or at home.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Cover
Formaldehyde: Exposure, Toxicity and Health Effects i
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
Dedication xiii
Contents xv
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Formaldehyde 1
1.1 Formaldehyde—The Origins of Life on Earth 1
1.2 Endogenous and Exogenous Formaldehyde 2
1.2.1 Endogenous Production of Formaldehyde 2
1.2.2 Exogenous Synthesis of Formaldehyde 3
1.3 Industrial Uses of Formaldehyde 4
1.4 Medical Uses of Formaldehyde 5
1.5 Global Economic Significance of Formaldehyde 5
1.5.1 Production Capacity and Output 6
1.5.2 Consumption and Distribution 8
1.6 Public Health Risks from Formaldehyde Exposure 11
1.6.1 Lumber Liquidators 11
1.6.2 Brazilian Blowout 11
1.6.3 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita 11
1.6.4 Alaska Spill Accident 12
1.7 Controversial and Neglected Issues in Formaldehyde Studies 12
1.7.1 Controversy: Formaldehyde–Leukemia Association 13
1.7.2 US and China Focus 13
1.7.3 Controversy: Formaldehyde Systemic Effects 14
1.7.4 Neglected Study Areas 14
1.8 Conclusion 14
Acknowledgements 15
References 15
Chapter 2 - Formaldehyde Exposure, Regulation, and Metabolism 20
2.1 Occupational Exposure and Regulation 20
2.2 Indoor Air Exposure 24
2.3 Outdoor Air Exposure 28
2.4 Other Types of Exposure and Drinking Water Regulation 29
2.5 Metabolism and Fate of Formaldehyde 29
2.6 Conclusion 31
Acknowledgements 31
References 32
Chapter 3 - Formaldehyde Exposure in China 39
3.1 Formaldehyde Regulation 39
3.2 Formaldehyde Exposure 42
3.2.1 Occupational Exposure 42
3.2.2 Indoor Exposure 42 Residential Exposure 42 Office Exposure 47 Public Places 47
3.2.3 Outdoor Exposure 47
3.2.4 Food Exposure 53
3.3 Estimated Personal Exposure 53
3.4 Conclusion 55
Acknowledgements 56
References 56
Chapter 4 - General Toxicity of Formaldehyde 63
4.1 Acute Toxicity 63
4.1.1 Acute Poisoning 63
4.1.2 Irritation 64
4.1.3 Dermal Allergies 64
4.1.4 Worldwide Case Reports 64
4.2 Chronic Toxicity 65
4.2.1 Neurotoxicity 65
4.2.2 Pulmonary Function Damage 66
4.2.3 Allergic Asthma and Immune System Effects 66
4.3 Hematotoxicity 67
4.3.1 Blood Formation via Hematopoiesis 67
4.3.2 Reduced Blood Cell Counts 68
4.3.3 A Featured Hematotoxicity Report 70
4.3.4 Altered Lymphocyte Subsets 70
4.3.5 Hematotoxicity Studies in Animals 71
4.4 Genotoxicity 73
4.4.1 DNA–Protein Crosslinks (DPCs) 73
4.4.2 DNA–Protein Crosslink Repair in Yeast 75
4.4.3 DNA Damage and Repair via the FANC–BRCA Pathway 76
4.4.4 DNA Adducts 79
4.4.5 Cytogenetic Alterations 80
4.5 Functional Toxicogenomic Profiling and Epigenomic Alterations 81
4.6 Summary of Formaldehyde Induced Toxicities 82
Acknowledgements 83
References 84
Chapter 5 - Formaldehyde Carcinogenesis 96
5.1 Carcinogenesis 96
5.1.1 Nasopharyngeal Cancer 96
5.1.2 Sinonasal Cancer 98
5.1.3 Leukemia and Blood Cancers 98
5.2 Cancer Studies in China 99
5.3 History of Formaldehyde’s Carcinogenicity Classification 100
5.3.1 Importance of Carcinogen Classification 100
5.3.2 Cancer Classification Agencies and Categories 101 IARC 101 NTP 101 OEHHA 101
5.3.3 Classification History 102 NTP Primary Classification 102 OEHHA (Proposition 65) 103 IARC Initial Classification 103 Updated IARC Classification 103 Updated NTP Classification 103
5.4 Controversy Regarding Formaldehyde–Leukemia Association 104
5.4.1 Can Formaldehyde Reach the Target Bone Marrow 104 Formaldehyde–DNA Adducts 105 Formaldehyde–Protein Adducts 105 Potential Systemic Effects of Formaldehyde 105 Proposed Mechanisms of Formaldehyde – Leukemogenesis 106
5.4.2 Formaldehyde-induced Hematotoxicity and Stem Cell Toxicity 106 Human Studies 107 Animal Studies 107
5.4.3 No Formaldehyde-induced Leukemia in Animal Models 108
5.5 Formaldehyde Carcinogenicity Summary 108
Acknowledgements 109
References 109
Chapter 6 - Formaldehyde Exposure and Leukemia Risk 116
6.1 Epidemiological Findings of Formaldehyde and Leukemia 116
6.1.1 Classic Epidemiological Studies of Formaldehyde 117
6.1.2 Updated NCI Study 118
6.1.3 Updated British Follow-up Study 118
6.2 Meta-analysis Approach 118
6.2.1 Novel Study Design to Better Address Key Questions 119
6.2.2 Collection and Selection of Epidemiological Studies 120
6.3 Findings from Primary Meta-analysis 122
6.3.1 Meta-analysis Results 122
6.3.2 Increased Meta-relative Risks 124
6.4 Results from Updated Meta-analysis 124
6.5 Comparing All Meta-analyses 126
6.5.1 Overview of the Results from Six Meta-analyses 126
6.5.2 Comparison of Novel Approach with Traditional Meta-analyses 128
6.5.3 Risk Varies in Industrial Workers vs. Professionals 129
6.5.4 Comparison of Recent Meta-analyses: Exposure Metrics 131
6.6 Summary and Conclusions 131
Acknowledgements 136
References 136
Chapter 7 - Potential Mechanisms of Formaldehyde-induced Leukemia 141
7.1 Overview of Leukemogenesis 141
7.1.1 Leukemic Stem Cell Theory 142
7.1.2 Chemically Induced Leukemias 143
7.2 Targeting Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells 144
7.2.1 Culturing of Myeloid Progenitor Cells 145
7.2.2 Findings in Circulating Myeloid Progenitor Colony Cells of Exposed Workers 146
7.2.3 Formaldehyde Inhibited Human Myeloid Progenitor Cells in vitro 147
7.2.4 Formaldehyde Suppressed Myeloid Progenitor Cells in Murine Bone Marrow 147
7.3 Models of Formaldehyde-induced Leukemia 149
7.3.1 Traditional Model: Targeting Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cells 151
7.3.2 Alternative Model 1: Targeting Blood Stem Cells and Progenitors 152
7.3.3 Alternative Model 2: Targeting Pluripotent Nasal/Oral Stem Cells 153
7.3.4 Alternative Model 3: Targeting Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells in the Lungs 154
7.4 Biological Plausibility of the Proposed Mechanisms 155
7.4.1 Does Formaldehyde Induce Bone Marrow Toxicity and by Which Mechanisms 155
7.4.2 Does Formaldehyde Induce Hematotoxicity and Stem Cell Toxicity 157
7.4.3 Can Formaldehyde Damage Pluripotent Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Nose and Lungs 158
7.5 Summary of Potential Mechanisms 159
Acknowledgements 159
References 160
Chapter 8 - Formaldehyde Induced Leukemia-specific Chromosomal Aneuploidy 168
8.1 Overview of Featured Study 169
8.2 Study Design 169
8.2.1 Identification of Study Factories and Subjects 169
8.2.2 Demographic Characteristics of Study Subjects 170
8.2.3Exposure Assessment 170
8.2.4 Biological Sampling and Physical Examination 172
8.2.5 Preparing Metaphase from Cultured CFU–GM Cells 173
8.3 The Initial Study by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) 174
8.3.1 Modern Cytogenetics—Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) 174
8.3.2 A Priori Hypothesis Tested in Benzene-exposed Workers 174
8.3.3 FISH Application in CFU–GM Progenitor Cells 175
8.3.4 Implication of the Initial Findings 177
8.4 Chromosome-wide Aneuploidy Study (CWAS) 178
8.4.1 OctoChrome-FISH 178
8.4.2 Study Subjects Selected in CWAS 178
8.5 Findings from the CWAS by Applying OctoChrome FISH 180
8.5.1 Loss of Chromosomes (Monosomy) 180
8.5.2 Gain of Chromosomes (Trisomy & Tetrasomy) 182 Trisomy 182 Tetrasomy 182 Implications of Findings in Chromosome Gains 182
8.5.3 Structural Chromosome Abnormality Rates 183
8.5.4 Comparison with Other Chemically-induced AML/MDS 183
8.6 Mechanistic Relevance of FISH Findings 184
8.6.1 Formaldehyde-induced Chromosomal Aneuploidy in Myeloid Progenitor Cells 184
8.6.2 Potential Mechanisms of Formaldehyde-induced Aneuploidy 185
8.7 Conclusions 186
Acknowledgements 186
References 187
Chapter 9 - Formaldehyde-associated Brain Tumors 192
9.1 The Basics on Brain Tumors 192
9.2 Epidemiologic Studies 193
9.2.1 Questionnaire-based Traditional Epidemiology 193
9.2.2 Biomarker-based Molecular Epidemiology 195
9.3 Epidemiologic Studies of Formaldehyde and Brain Tumors 195
9.3.1 Mortality Among Professionals 196 Pathologists & Anatomists 196 Embalmers and Funeral Directors 201
9.3.2 Brain Cancer Risk Among Industrial Workers 201
9.4 Meta-analysis Approach 202
9.4.1 Study Design and Exposure Information 202
9.4.2 Summary of Major Findings 205
9.4.3 Comparison and Discussion of Both Meta-analyses 205
9.5 Summary and Discussion 206
Acknowledgements 208
References 208
Chapter 10 - Formaldehyde-associated Neurodegenerative Diseases 211
10.1 Introduction and Importance 211
10.2 Assessment of Neurodegenerative Effects 212
10.3 Association Between Formaldehyde Exposure and ALS 212
10.3.1 Harvard American Cancer Society Study 213
10.3.2 NIEHS Case–Control Study 213
10.3.3 NIOSH/NIEHS Garment Worker Study 216
10.3.4 Harvard National Longitudinal Mortality Study 216
10.3.5 NIEHS— Sweden Study 216
10.3.6 Harvard—Danish Study 217
10.4 Formaldehyde and Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia 217
10.4.1 Parkinson’s Disease 217
10.4.2 Alzheimer’s Disease 219
10.4.3 Dementia 220 Connection with Alzheimer’s Disease 220 Formaldehyde Levels in Dementia Patients 221
10.5 Memory, Learning, and Behavioral Effects of Formaldehyde 221
10.5.1 Memory 222
10.5.2 Learning 222
10.5.3 Formaldehyde-laced Drug Abuse 222
10.6 Formaldehyde-induced Neurodegeneration in vivo and in vitro 223
10.6.1 Analysis of Neurodegenerative Effects in Animals 223
10.6.2Formaldehyde-induced Alterations in Neural Metabolism 226 Endogenous Formaldehyde Production 226 Formaldehyde Metabolism 226 Adverse Neural Alterations Induced by Formaldehyde 227
10.6.3 Potential Mechanisms and Contributors to Neurodegeneration 227
10.7 Conclusions and Future Perspectives 231
Acknowledgements 231
References 232
Chapter 11 - Formaldehyde Toxicity in Children 240
11.1 Formaldehyde Exposure in Children 240
11.1.1 Routes of Exposure 241
11.1.2 Exposure Assessment in Children 243
11.1.3 Formaldehyde Exposure from Early-life to Young Adulthood 243 In utero Exposure (Conception to Birth) 243 Early-life Exposure (0–5 Years Old) 244 Exposure in Children and Pre-teenagers (6–12 Years Old) 245 Exposure in Teenagers (13–19 Years Old) 245 Young Adults (20–26 Years Old) 246
11.1.4 Major Day Care Studies 247
11.2 Formaldehyde-associated Biomarkers and Health Outcomes 247
11.2.1 Asthma-specific Markers 251
11.2.2 Immuno-markers and Adverse Health Outcomes 252
11.2.3 Cytogenetic Biomarkers and Associated Health Outcomes 253
11.2.4 Childhood Leukemia and Cancer Risk 254
11.2.5 Other Adverse Outcomes 256
11.2.6 Challenges of Studies in Children 256
11.3 Formaldehyde Regulation and Policy for Children 257
11.3.1 Formaldehyde Regulation in Children 257
11.3.2 Johnson & Johnson's Reformulation 258
11.4 Burden of Formaldehyde Exposure Related Disease 259
11.5 Conclusion 259
Acknowledgements 259
References 260
Chapter 12 - Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Formaldehyde Exposure in Humans 265
12.1 Background 265
12.2 Evaluation of Human Studies 266
12.2.1 Literature Search for Population Studies 266 Literature Search 266 Population Studies 266
12.2.2 Reproductive Toxicity Studies in Multiple International Cohorts 267 Menstrual Disorders 267 Female Fertility 267 Male Reproductivity 273
12.2.3 Spontaneous Abortion Studies 274
12.2.4 Developmental Toxicity Studies 276 Congenital Anomalies 276 Low Birth Weight 278 Premature Birth 279
12.2.5 NIOSH Study 279
12.3 Human Study Challenges 280
12.4 Meta-analyses of Reproductive/Developmental Toxicity 281
12.4.1 Meta-analysis by Collins et al 281
12.4.2 Novel Approach in Updated Meta-analysis 281
12.4.3 Major Findings of the Updated Meta-analysis 282
12.4.4 Comparison of Results Between Both Meta-analyses 287
12.5 Summary 289
Acknowledgements 289
References 290
Chapter 13 - Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity of Formaldehyde Exposure in Animals 293
13.1 Overview of Experimental Animal Studies 293
13.2 Reproductive Toxicity in Experimental Animals 301
13.2.1 Reproductive Toxicity in Rats 301
13.2.2 Reproductive Toxicity in Mice 302
13.2.3 Reproductive Toxicity in Other Animal Models 302
13.3 Developmental Toxicity in Animals 303
13.3.1 Developmental Toxicity in Rats 303
13.3.2 Developmental Toxicity in Mice 304
13.3.3 Developmental Toxicity in Other Animal Models 304
13.4 Toxicity Studies from Postnatal Exposure 305
13.5 Animal Studies in ex vivo and in vitro 305
13.6 Summary 306
Acknowledgements 307
References 307
Chapter 14 - Mechanisms of Action for Formaldehyde-induced Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity 311
14.1 Overview of Mechanisms of Toxicity in the Reproductive System 311
14.2 Formaldehyde-induced Genotoxicity 312
14.3 Formaldehyde-induced Oxidative Stress 312
14.4 Alternative Mechanisms of Action 313
14.4.1 Roles of Dehydrogenases 314
14.4.2 Involvement of Heat Shock Proteins 314
14.4.3 Formaldehyde-induced Apoptosis 314
14.4.4 Epigenetic Effect of Formaldehyde 315
14.4.5 Sex Hormones 315
14.4.6 Stress Related Outcomes 315
14.5 Reproductive Toxicity Induced by Other Chemicals Compared to Formaldehyde 316
14.6 Summary 317
Acknowledgements 318
References 318
Chapter 15 - Conclusions and Future Directions 324
15.1 Formaldehyde Exposure and Regulation 324
15.1.1 Exposure Types and Sources 324
15.1.2 Exposure Routes in Adults and Children 326
15.1.3 Regulation of Formaldehyde Exposure 327
15.2 Formaldehyde Toxicities and Potential Mechanisms 328
15.2.1 Acute and Chronic Toxicity 328
15.2.2 Genotoxicity 329
15.2.3 Hematotoxicity 329
15.2.4 Neurotoxicity 330
15.2.5 Reproductive Toxicity 330
15.3 Adverse Health Effects of Formaldehyde 331
15.3.1 Nasopharyngeal and Sinonasal Cancer 331
15.3.2 Formaldehyde Associated Leukemias 331
15.3.3 Brain Tumors 332
15.3.4 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 332
15.3.5 Health Effects in Children 332
15.4 Future Directions of Formaldehyde Research 333
15.4.1 Importance and Implication of Formaldehyde Research 333
15.4.2 Controversy and Challenges of Formaldehyde Research 333
15.4.3 Recommendations Suggested for Future Formaldehyde Research 334
15.5 Summary 336
Acknowledgements 336
References 336
Appendix 1 - Abbreviations 342
Appendix 2 - Glossary 347
Appendix 3 - Meta-analysis Methods 357
Appendix 4 - Statistical Methods Appliedand Supplementary Data (Chapter 8) 369
Appendix 5 - Figure Index 375
Appendix 6 - Table Index 379
Subject Index 382