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Academic Writing and Referencing for your Nursing Degree

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Nursing Degree

Jane Bottomley | Steven Pryjmachuk


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Book Details


If you are embarking on a university nursing degree, the books in this series will help you acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and strategies you need to achieve your goals. They provide support in all areas important for university study, including institutional and disciplinary policy and practice, self-management, and research and communication. Tasks and activities are designed to foster aspects of learning which are valued in higher education, including learner autonomy and critical thinking, and to guide you towards reflective practice in your study and work life.

Academic Writing and Referencing for your Nursing Degree provides you with a sound knowledge and understanding of:

  • what constitutes good academic writing in nursing
  • a range of strategies for writing successful essays and reports
  • the importance of clarity and coherence in your writing about nursing
  • how to improve your academic style, grammar and punctuation, and formatting and presentation
  • referencing conventions in the field of nursing, and of how to avoid plagiarism.


Jane Bottomley is a Senior Language Tutor at the University of Manchester and a Senior Fellow of the British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP).She has been involved in the development of a number of content-based academic study skills courses at the University of Manchester and has published widely in this field. 

Steven Pryjmachuk is Professor of Mental Health Nursing Education in the School of Health Science's Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at the University of Manchester and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His teaching, clinical and research work has centred largely on supporting and facilitating individuals – be they students, patients or colleagues – to develop, learn or care independently. 

In December 2014, Steven was elected as vice Chair (2015-16) and Chair (2017-18) of Mental Health Nurse Academics UK, an organisation representing 65 Higher Education Institutions providing education and research on mental health nursing.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Half-title i
Series information ii
Title page iii
Copyright information iv
Table of contents v
Acknowledgments vi
Meet the authors vii
Introduction viii
A note on terminology ix
Chapter 1 Academic writing: text, process and criticality 1
Academic writing at university: a new start? 1
Academic writing for nursing undergraduates 2
The writing process 3
Approaching a writing assignment 3
Analysing a writing assignment 4
Planning 6
Reading and information gathering 6
Writing essentials 8
Writing critically 8
Stance 8
Argument 9
Nuance 9
Expressing stance 10
Discussion: writing critically 10
Discussion: summarising your argument 12
The importance of evidence 12
Writing essays 13
Essay structure 14
Introduction (the ‘beginning’) 14
Main body of the text (the ‘middle’) 14
Summary and/or conclusion (the ‘end’) 14
Reflective essays 15
Writing short reflections for journals or portfolios 17
Discussion: reflective writing 19
Writing in exams 19
Discussion: answering exam questions 20
Writing dissertations 20
Summary 21
Sources of example texts 21
References 21
Chapter 2 Coherent texts and arguments 23
Planning for coherence 23
Editing and redrafting for coherence 26
The truth about writing! 26
Putting yourself in the reader’s shoes 26
Writing essay introductions and conclusions 27
Cohesion and paragraph structure 29
General and specific information 30
Old and new information 31
Referring back in the text: repetition, variation and pronoun use 31
Linking ideas 35
Developing a coherent argument and expressing criticality 37
Discussion: developing a coherent argument 39
Paragraph 1 39
Paragraph 2 39
Paragraph 3 39
Paragraph 4 40
The language of criticality 41
Summary 42
Sources of example texts 42
References 43
Chapter 3 Referring to sources 44
Terminology 44
Why should I reference? 44
How should I reference? 45
The Harvard system 45
The Vancouver system 45
Referencing styles 46
Using the Harvard system 46
In-text conventions in the Harvard system 46
Multiple references 47
Direct quotations 47
The use of ‘et al’ 47
Compiling your final list of references in the Harvard system 48
Referencing books 48
Referencing chapters in edited books 48
Referencing journal articles 49
Theses and dissertations 49
Conference proceedings 49
Newspapers and magazines 50
Organisational or ‘corporate’ authors 50
Common problems in referencing 50
‘Anonymous’ authors 50
Authors with multiple outputs in the same year 50
Secondary citations 51
Electronic sources of information 51
Variations in referencing 52
Using sources critically 53
Discussion: critical use of sources 56
Academic malpractice 58
Summary 59
Sources of example texts 59
References 59
Chapter 4 Language in use 60
Academic style 60
Clarity 60
Discussion: clarity 61
Strategies for achieving clarity 62
Formality 63
Discussion: identifying formal style 63
Discussion: word choice 64
Strategies for making your writing more formal 66
Grammar, spelling and punctuation 67
Common areas of difficulty in grammar and spelling 68
Quantifiers 68
Grammatical agreement 68
Commonly confused words 69
Common areas of difficulty in punctuation 70
The apostrophe 70
Hyphens 70
Brackets 71
Punctuation and sentence structure 71
Full stops 71
Commas 71
Colons 73
Semi-colons 73
Focus on fragments and run-on sentences 74
Focus on ‘hanging participles’ 74
Focus on relative clauses 75
Refining grammar and punctuation 75
Parallel structures 76
Summary 77
Sources of example texts 77
References 78
Chapter 5 Preparing your work for submission 79
Are you ready to submit your work? 79
Have you done what you were asked to do? 79
Have you stuck to the word count? 79
Are you clear about the submission process? 80
Editing and proofreading your final text 80
Editing your final text 80
Systematic treatment of names and titles 81
Systems for highlighting language 81
Discussion: systems for highlighting language 82
Proofreading 82
Formatting 84
Line spacing 84
Discussion: line spacing 85
Paragraph formatting 85
Discussion: paragraph formatting 86
Formatting tables and diagrams 86
Presentation 87
What should my essay look like? 87
1) It should have a title page 87
2) The word count should be written on the document 88
3) Your pages should be numbered 88
4) It should be written using an appropriate font 88
5) The font size should be readable and appropriate 88
6) It should look professional 88
7) It should follow printing guidelines 88
Finding advice and support 88
Summary 89
Sources of example texts 89
Appendix 1: English language references 90
Dictionaries 90
Grammar books 90
Other resources 90
Appendix 2: Grammatical terminology 91
Appendix 3: Key phrases in assignments 94
Appendix 4: Academic levels at university 95
Index 104