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John Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education

John Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education

Valerie Purton


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An art historian, cultural critic and political theorist, John Ruskin was, above all, a great educator. The inspiration behind William Morris, Leo Tolstoy, Marcel Proust and Mahatma Gandhi, Ruskin’s influence can be felt increasingly in every sphere education today. John Ruskin and Nineteenth-Century Education brings together top international Ruskin scholars, exploring Ruskin’s many-faceted writings, pointing to some of the key educational issues raised by his work, and concluding with a powerful rereading of his ecological writing and apocalyptic vision of the earth’s future. In anticipation of the bicentennial of Ruskin’s birth in 2019, this volume makes a fresh and significant contribution to Victorian studies in the twenty-first century. It is dedicated to Dinah Birch, a much-loved Victorian specialist and authority on John Ruskin.

John Ruskin, whose bicentenary will be celebrated world-wide in 2019, was not only an art historian, cultural critic and political theorist but, above all, a great educator. He was the inspiration behind such influential figures as William Morris, Leo Tolstoy, Marcel Proust and Mahatma Gandhi and his influence can be felt increasingly in every sphere of education today, for example, in debates about the importance of creativity, about grammar schools and social mobility, about Further Education, the crucial social role of libraries, environmental issues, the role of crafts as well as academic learning, the importance of fantasy literature, and the education of women. The current collection brings together ten top international Ruskin scholars to explore what he actually said about education in his many-faceted writings, and points to some of the key educational issues raised by his work. [NP] The volume is divided into three sections, covering the three major areas of Ruskin’s concerns, namely social reform, the arts and religion. Their titles suggest his dynamic effect in all three areas: A) Changing Society; B) Libraries and the Arts; C) Christianity and Apocalypse. Ruskin’s vision of education as both dividually and socially transformative is explored by Sara Atwood in Chapter 1. Among much else, he stresses the value of simplicity, one of many ideas he shared with his great admirer, Leo Tolstoy, a relationship explored by Stuart Eagles in Chapter 2. Ruskin believes too in the social and educational importance of dress, an idea developed by Rachel Dickinson in Chapter 3. Jan Marsh, in Chapter 4, examines Ruskin’s contradictory stance on female education. Though he was a great believer in the ‘separate spheres’, he also championed wider learning opportunities for girls. The dissemination of education, through libraries and through the arts, is one of Ruskin’s abiding concerns. Continuing his argument about the power of simplicity over artifice, he talks in the inaugural address of ‘the virtues of Christianity [being] best practised, and its doctrines best attested, by a handful of mountain shepherds without art, without literature, almost without language.’ In the history of Switzerland, he says, ‘The shepherd’s staff prevailed over the soldier’s spear.’ In Chapter 5 Emma Sdegno explores Ruskin’s Shepherds’ Library, his notion of book dissemination to such people, while in Chapter 6 Stephen Wildman examines another of his educational experiments, the use of photography to enable ordinary people to encounter the Old Masters and to ‘see clearly’. Paul Jackson in Chapter 7 breaks new ground in revealing Ruskin’s response to music, an art to which he responded deeply as a sensuous experience, while arguing that it could also act as an agent of moral improvement. In Chapter 8 Edward James examines Ruskin’s only explicit foray into fairytale, ‘The King of the Golden River’, and links this back to his imaginative use of the fantastic and of fairyland images throughout his social and political writing.

Ruskin was both a teacher and a preacher. His recollection in Praeterita of his first recorded speech, as a very small boy, ‘People, Be Good!’1 suggests the trajectory of his adult career. Keith Hanley and Andrew Tate in the final chapters of this collection explore the links between his aesthetic and his religious views. Hanley in Chapter 9 picks up the notion of the absolute centrality of this Christian worldview to Ruskin’s life and work and suggests the perils of ‘secularising’ him. In Chapter 10, Tate pursues Ruskin’s apocalyptic vision. Ruskin believed that ‘Every human action gains in honour, in grace, in all true magnificence, by its regard to things that are to come’; for him, therefore, ‘apocalypse’ meant, not an ending, but a revelation.

Valerie Purton is emerita professor of Victorian literature at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, and has published widely on the Victorians. She is the author of Dickens and the Sentimental Tradition (2012); editor of the Everyman Dombey and Son (1997) and Darwin, Tennyson and Their Readers (2013); and co-author of the Palgrave Literary Dictionary of Tennyson (2010) and Poems by Two Brothers: The Poetry of Tennyson’s Father and Uncle (1993). Purton has been editor of the Tennyson Research Bulletin since 2011.

‘Building on Ruskin's growing reputation as an environmental and economic thinker, this timely and searching volume assembles work by leading scholars to show his equally powerful contribution as an educational theorist and practitioner.’
—Marcus Waithe, University Senior Lecturer, Faculty of English, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, UK

‘This brilliant collection of ten ground-breaking essays hints at Ruskin’s extraordinary range, sometimes by focusing on unexpected topics – verse translation, music, photographic reproduction – while also dealing with the idea and practice of education itself, especially education for women and working-class men.’
—Clive Wilmer, Master of the Guild of St George

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Front Matter i
Half-title i
Title page iii
Copyright information iv
Table of contents v
List of figures vii
Foreword ix
Introduction 1
The Cambridge Inaugural Address 1
Synopses of Chapters 4
Section A Changing the World 4
Chapter 1 4
Sara Atwood – ‘An Enormous Difference between Knowledge and Education’: What Ruskin Can Teach Us 4
Chapter 2 5
Stuart Eagles – ‘Souls of Good Quality’: Ruskin, Tolstoy and Education 5
Chapter 3 6
Rachel Dickinson – ‘To Teach Them How to Dress’: Ruskin, Clothing and Lessons in Society 6
Chapter 4 6
Jan Marsh – Mad Governess or Wise Counsellor? Sesame and Lilies Revisited 6
Section B Libraries and the Arts 7
Chapter 5 7
Emma Sdegno – ‘A Very Precious Book’: Ruskin’s Exegesis of the Psalms in Rock Honeycomb and Fors Clavigera 7
Chapter 6 7
Stephen Wildman – ‘Our Household Catalogue of Reference’: Ruskin’s Lesson Photographs of 1875– 76 7
Chapter 7 8
Paul Jackson – Ruskin, Music and the Health of the Nation 8
Chapter 8 8
Edward James – Ruskin and the Fantastic 8
Section C Christianity and Apocalypse 9
Chapter 9 9
Keith Hanley – Ruskin’s Many- Sided Soulfulness 9
Chapter 10 9
Andrew Tate – ‘Catastrophe Will Come’: Ruskin, Nation and Apocalypse 9
Notes 10
Section A (Chapter 1-4) 11
Section A Changing the World 11
Chapter 1 ‘An Enormous Difference between Knowledge and Education’: What Ruskin Can Teach Us 13
The Need to See Clearly 16
To Understand That Everything Is Connected 19
To Respect the Natural World and Our Place in It 22
To Educate Both Hand and Head 23
Notes 26
Chapter 2 ‘Souls of Good Quality’: Ruskin, Tolstoy and Education 31
Tolstoy’s Ruskin 32
Tolstoy the Educator 36
Education for All: The Wisdom of the Ages 40
Educating for Life 43
Notes 45
Chapter 3 ‘To Teach Them How to Dress’: Ruskin, Clothing and Lessons in Society 49
Notes 65
Chapter 4 Mad Governess or Wise Counsellor? Sesame and Lilies Revisited 69
Notes 79
Section B (Chapter 5-8) 143
Section B Libraries and the Arts 81
Chapter 5 ‘A Very Precious Book’: Ruskin’s Exegesis of the Psalms in Rock Honeycomb and Fors Clavigera 83
The Shepherds’ Library Project 84
Wrought Gold: The Sidney Psalter 88
Language and Labour: The Psalms in Fors Clavigera 93
Notes 98
Chapter 6 ‘Our Household Catalogue of Reference’: Ruskin’s Lesson Photographs of 1875– 76 101
Notes 112
Chapter 7 Ruskin, Music and the Health of the Nation 115
Notes 126
Chapter 8 Ruskin and the Fantastic 129
Notes 143
Section C (Chapter 9-10) 181
Section C Christianity and Apocalypse 147
Chapter 9 Ruskin’s Many- Sided Soulfulness 149
Notes 164
Chapter 10 ‘Catastrophe Will Come’: Ruskin, Nation and Apocalypse 169
The Futures of England: Apocalypse/Reading/Nation 171
Ruskin and the Future Now 178
Notes 181
End Matter 185
Notes on Contributors 185
Index 189