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Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

David Bainbridge


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Book Details



Intellectual Property offers unrivalled coverage of all major intellectual property rights and is designed to equip you with a strong understanding of the wealth of domestic, European and international laws at play in this area.

This tenth edition has been substantially updated and streamlined to ensure the book best fits the contemporary intellectual property syllabus. Key updates to the new edition include:

·    Significant restructuring to reduce the length of each chapter without compromising on coverage of each topic. 

·    A revised chapter structure which maps closely to the structure of a typical intellectual property module.

·    Discussion on the creation of a European patent with unitary effect and a Unified Patents Court.

·    Coverage of the new codifying trade mark regulation and the trade mark directive requiring implementation in 2019.

·    An outline of the Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017.

·    Consideration of the potential wide-ranging effects of Brexit in relation to intellectual property rights and protections.


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Inside Front Cover IFC
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Brief Contents v
Contents vii
Preface xii
Publisher’s acknowledgements xiii
Table of cases xiv
Table of legislation xl
Glossary lvi
List of bibliographic abbreviations lxi
Case and other references and access lxii
1 What are intellectual property rights? 3
Taxonomy of intellectual property rights 4
Copyright and related rights 5
Rights in designs 7
Trade marks, names, signs and ‘get-up’ 8
Trade secrets and inventions 10
EU competition law and conflict of laws 12
Nature of intellectual property 14
Combination of intellectual property rights 15
The nature of the study of intellectual property 16
Brexit and intellectual property 16
Summary 17
Discussion questions 19
Selected further reading 19
2 Justification for intellectual property rights 20
Moral right/natural law right 20
Incentive/reward theory 21
Contract/consideration theory 24
Prevention of deceitful/fraudulent practices 25
Abolish intellectual property laws? 25
Other issues 27
Summary 28
Discussion questions 28
Selected further reading 28
3 Sources of intellectual property law 30
International conventions and treaties 31
EU laws 37
UK intellectual property laws 39
Private international law 40
Summary 42
Discussion questions 43
Selected further reading 43
4 Enforcement of intellectual property rights and unjustified threats 44
Introduction 44
The Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights 44
Preliminary measures 53
Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 58
Summary 62
Discussion questions 62
Selected further reading 63
5 Subsistence and duration of copyright 67
Introduction 67
Original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works 69
Sound recordings, films or broadcasts 97
Typographical arrangements of published editions 99
Qualification 101
Duration of copyright 104
Publication right 112
Summary 115
Discussion questions 116
Selected further reading 116
6 Authorship and ownership of copyright 117
Introduction 117
Authorship 119
Ownership of copyright 126
Summary 138
Discussion questions 139
Selected further reading 139
7 Authors’ rights 140
Introduction 140
Moral rights 140
Artists’ resale right 163
Summary 168
Discussion questions 169
Selected further reading 169
8 Owners’ rights, infringement and remedies 170
Introduction 170
Rights of copyright owners 170
The acts restricted by copyright 171
Authorising infringement of copyright 200
Secondary infringement of copyright 204
Publication right 207
Remedies for infringement of copyright 207
Civil remedies 208
Presumptions 219
Criminal offences 221
Summary 228
Discussion questions 229
Selected further reading 230
9 Dealing with copyright 231
Introduction 231
Collecting societies 237
Licensing schemes 238
Compulsory licences and licences as of right 241
Copyright Tribunal 242
Summary 242
Discussion questions 243
Selected further reading 243
10 Defences and the permitted acts 244
Introduction 244
Copyright owner authorised or consented to the act 246
Acquiescence, delay and estoppel 247
Public interest 250
Non-derogation from grant 253
The permitted acts 254
General 255
Disability 271
Education 274
Libraries and archives 277
Public administration 283
Computer programs and databases 284
Designs, typefaces and works in electronic form 284
Miscellaneous – literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works 286
Miscellaneous – other works 286
Adaptations 288
Statutory licence to use sound recordings in broadcasts 288
Summary 289
Discussion questions 290
Selected further reading 290
11 Orphan works 292
Introduction 292
Twin-track approach to orphan works 292
The orphan works Directive 293
Licensing orphan works 299
Summary 306
Discussion questions 307
Selected further reading 307
12 Computer programs 308
What are computer programs? 308
The copyright protection of computer programs prior to the 1988 Act 310
Subsistence of copyright protection for computer programs 311
Authorship and ownership of computer programs 314
Restricted acts 315
Exceptions to the restricted acts 326
Special measures 335
Summary 337
Discussion questions 337
Selected further reading 338
13 Databases 339
Introduction 339
Meaning of database for copyright and for the sui generis right 340
Copyright protection of databases prior to the Directive 342
Copyright protection of databases 343
The sui generis right (database right) 347
Summary 359
Discussion questions 359
Selected further reading 360
14 Satellite broadcasting 361
Introduction 361
Summary 366
Discussion questions 366
Selected further reading 366
15 Circumvention of effective technological measures 367
Introduction 367
The Directive on copyright and related rights in the information society 368
The UK implementation 370
Summary 374
Discussion questions 375
Selected further reading 375
16 Electronic rights management information 376
Introduction 376
Electronic rights management information under the Directive 377
The UK implementation 377
Summary 379
Discussion question 379
Selected further reading 379
17 Rights in performances 380
Introduction 380
Rights granted by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as enacted 381
Rights in performances – present position 382
Common ground 384
Performers’ non-property rights 387
Performers’ property rights 388
Performers’ moral rights 392
Recording rights 395
Transitional provisions and savings 398
Offences 398
Overview 399
Summary 400
Discussion questions 401
Selected further reading 401
18 Introduction to design law 405
Origins of design law and its development in the UK 406
Present forms of legal protection for designs 406
Overlap of design law with other intellectual property rights 408
Brexit and design protection 413
Layout of the chapters on design law 414
Summary 414
Discussion questions 414
Selected further reading 415
19 Community design 416
Introduction 416
Requirements for protection (RCD and UCD) 417
Duration of Community design 421
Exclusions from the Community design 422
Entitlement to a Community design 423
Nature of a Community design 425
Dealing with a Community design 426
Rights and infringement 427
Limitations and defences 430
Remedies 433
Offences 435
Registration of Community design 436
Invalidity 439
Surrender 442
Appeals from decisions at the EUIPO 442
Jurisdiction 443
Summary 445
Discussion questions 446
Selected further reading 446
20 The UK registered design 447
Introduction 447
Background to and development of the UK registered design legislation 448
Implementation of the Directive 449
Requirements for registrability 452
Registration 461
Cancellation and invalidity 462
Duration 464
Proprietorship of UK registered design 465
Dealing with a registered design or application for a registered design 465
Rights of proprietor 467
Infringement 467
Exceptions to infringement 468
Defences 469
Remedies 470
Groundless threats of infringement proceedings 470
Offences 471
Crown use and secrecy provisions 473
Recent innovations in registered design law 474
Summary 474
Discussion questions 475
Selected further reading 475
21 The UK unregistered design right 476
Background 477
What is a design? 478
Exclusions from design right 482
The designer 488
Subsistence of design right 489
Duration of design right 498
Ownership 499
Assignment and licensing 502
Rights of owner and infringement 504
Exceptions to infringement 508
Defences to infringement actions 509
Remedies 510
Semiconductor topography design right 513
Summary 518
Discussion questions 519
Selected further reading 519
22 Introduction to trade marks and passing off 523
Introduction 523
Trade marks 524
The Act, the Directive and the Regulation 528
Hierarchy of courts and trade mark offices 529
Scheme and structure of the chapters on trade marks 531
Layout of the following chapters 533
Trade marks in the UK and Brexit 533
Passing off 534
Malicious falsehood 535
Summary 535
Discussion questions 536
Selected further reading 536
23 The UK trade mark – registrability and registration 537
Introduction 537
The Trade Marks Act and the Directive 537
Registrable trade marks 538
Registration 547
Certification marks 554
Collective marks 555
The Madrid System for the international registration of trade marks 556
Summary 557
Discussion questions 558
Selected further reading 558
24 The UK trade mark – grounds for refusal of registration and invalidity 559
Introduction 559
Unregistrable signs and invalid trade marks 559
Absolute grounds for refusal or invalidity 561
Relative grounds for refusal or invalidity 583
Invalidity 600
Summary 602
Discussion questions 603
Selected further reading 603
25 The UK trade mark – property rights, surrender and revocation 604
Trade marks as property 604
Surrender of registered trade mark 607
Revocation 607
Summary 615
Discussion questions 615
Selected further reading 615
26 The UK trade mark – rights, infringement and remedies 616
Introduction 616
Rights conferred by registration and infringement 617
Comparative advertising 631
Applying mark to material, etc. 634
Well-known marks – Paris Convention countries 634
Evidential aspects 635
Remedies 637
Summary 639
Discussion questions 640
Selected further reading 640
27 The UK trade mark – limitations, groundless threats and criminal offences 641
Introduction 641
Limitation on the effects of a trade mark 641
Acquiesence 648
Exhaustion of rights 649
Groundless threats of infringement proceedings 652
Remedies 655
Criminal offences 659
Summary 669
Discussion questions 669
Selected further reading 670
28 The new EU trade mark Directive 671
Introduction 671
Chapter 2 Substantive law on trade marks 672
Chapter 3 Procedures 679
Chapter 4 Administrative cooperation and Chapter 5 Final provisions 681
Summary 681
Discussion questions 682
Selected further reading 682
29 The European Union trade mark 683
Introduction 683
EU trade mark 684
Nature of the EU trade mark 685
Requirements for registration of an EU trade mark 686
Rights conferred by an EU trade mark 696
Property rights in an EU trade mark 700
Surrender, revocation and invalidity 702
Decisions at the EUIPO and appeals 703
Jurisdiction 704
The UK Community Trade Mark Regulations 706
Summary 706
Discussion questions 707
Selected further reading 707
30 Passing off 708
Introduction 708
Classification of passing off 709
Basic requirements for passing off 710
Goodwill 711
Misrepresentation 722
Damage to goodwill 737
Defences 742
Remedies 743
Summary 745
Discussion questions 746
Selected further reading 746
31 Malicious falsehood 747
Nature of the tort 747
The false statement 748
Malicious statement 748
Comparative advertising 750
Malicious falsehood and parliamentary privilege 751
Defamation and malicious falsehood 752
Remedies 753
Summary 754
Discussion questions 755
Selected further reading 755
32 Introduction to trade secrets and patents for inventions 759
Introduction 759
Trade secrets and the law of confidence 761
Patents for inventions 762
Practical considerations of patents 763
Summary 774
Discussion questions 775
Selected further reading 775
33 Trade secrets and the law of confidence 776
Introduction 776
Trade secrets 777
Development of the law of confidence 779
Requirements for breach of confidence action 780
Quality of confidence 781
Obligation of confidence 785
Unauthorised use 800
Defences 802
Remedies 806
EU trade secrets Directive 812
Summary 816
Discussion questions 817
Selected further reading 818
34 Requirements for the grant of a patent 819
Introduction 819
Relationship of the UK patent with patent conventions and the Patent Cooperation Treaty 819
Layout of this chapter 821
Sufficiency 821
Basic requirements 826
New invention 828
Inventive step 841
Industrial application 857
Summary 861
Discussion questions 862
Selected further reading 862
35 Non-inventions excluded from the grant of a patent (as such) 863
Introduction 863
‘Non-inventions’ 863
A program for a computer 867
Summary 883
Discussion questions 884
Selected further reading 884
36 Other exclusions from the grant of a patent 885
Introduction 885
Exploitation contrary to ordre public or morality 886
Plant or animal varieties 886
Surgery, therapy and diagnosis of the human or animal body 887
Summary 889
Discussion questions 889
Selected further reading 889
37 Biotechnological patents 890
Introduction 890
Issues relating to biotechnological patents 890
The Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions 891
Derogations 894
Cross-licensing 895
Other provisions 895
Summary 896
Discussion questions 897
Selected further reading 897
38 Entitlement to and dealing with patents 898
Introduction 898
Ownership of patents 899
Dealing with patents 911
‘FRAND’ licences 913
Licences as of right 916
Compulsory licences 917
Safety and national security 921
Crown use 922
Summary 924
Discussion questions 925
Selected further reading 925
39 Patent infringement and remedies 926
Introduction 926
Choice of court 927
Infringement 929
Interpretation of claims 935
Evidence 950
Remedies 953
Criminal offences 964
Summary 965
Discussion questions 966
Selected further reading 966
40 Defences, groundless threats, revocation, invalidity and surrender 967
Introduction 967
Defences 967
Groundless threats of infringement proceedings 975
Revocation, invalidity and surrender 982
Summary 988
Discussion questions 989
Selected further reading 989
41 The European patent, unitary patent and the Unified Patents Court 990
Introduction 990
European patent 990
The unitary patent 992
Unified Patent Court 995
Brexit and the unitary patent 998
Summary 999
Discussion questions 1000
Selected further reading 1000
Appendix – Useful website addresses 1001
Bibliography and further reading 1004
Index 1006
A 1006
B 1007
C 1007
D 1010
E 1012
F 1013
G 1014
H 1014
I 1015
J 1016
K 1016
L 1016
M 1017
N 1018
O 1018
P 1019
Q 1021
R 1021
S 1022
T 1024
U 1025
V 1026
W 1026
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