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How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations

How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations

Gerard Tellis | Stav Rosenzweig



Over the last 2,000 years, critical innovations have transformed small regions into global powers. But these powers have faded when they did not embrace the next big innovation. Gerard J. Tellis and Stav Rosenzweig argue that openness to new ideas and people, empowerment of individuals and competition are key drivers in the development and adoption of transformative innovations. These innovations, in turn, fuel economic growth, national dominance and global leadership. In How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations, Tellis and Rosenzweig examine the transformative qualities of concrete in Rome; swift equine warfare in Mongolia; critical navigational innovations in the golden ages of Chinese, Venetian, Portuguese and Dutch empires; the patent system and steam engine in Britain; and mass production in the United States of America.

The first thesis of ‘How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations’ is that economic growth, national dominance and global leadership are fueled primarily by embracing innovations, in particular transformative innovations.

A transformative innovation is one that changes the lives of people, reshapes the structure of society, disrupts the balance of power within and among nations, and creates enormous wealth for its sponsors. The adoption of a transformative innovation spawns numerous other related or consequent innovations. It provides a competitive advantage to a nation and may propel a small, backward region to world leadership in as short a time as a century. Further, the transformative innovation can sometimes itself promote the positive environment that leads to further innovations. Thus, embracing innovation can start a positive cycle of wealth creation, economic dominance and a positive environment for further innovation. This positive cycle continues as long as the environment that spawned the innovation remains supportive or until another transformative innovation arises elsewhere.

The second thesis of ‘How Transformative Innovations Shaped the Rise of Nations’ is that innovation is not adopted randomly across time and nations. Rather, it is sustained by an environment characterized by key institutional drivers within a country or region, three of the most important of which are openness to new ideas, technologies and people, especially immigrants; empowerment of individuals to innovate, start businesses, trade and keep rewards for these activities; and competition among nations, patrons, entrepreneurs or firms. Geography, resources, climate, religion and colonization probably played a role as well. However, past treatments of the rise of nations have overemphasized the role of these other factors; they have downplayed or ignored the role of innovations and the institutional drivers that led to their development and adoption.

“The intellectual and empirical sweep of this book is truly impressive. […] Gerard Tellis and Stav Rosenzweig have produced a tour de force that combines history and geography with economics, politics, business and innovation studies.”
—Jaideep Prabhu, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business & Professor of Marketing, University of Cambridge, UK

“A brilliant and captivating journey of the rise of nations from ancient Rome to modern America due to transformative innovations nurtured by openness, empowerment and competition. The authors provide a compelling conclusion that no nation can sustain world dominance unless it extends the breakthrough innovation further.”
—Jagdish N. Sheth, Charles Kellstadt Professor of Business, Emory University, USA; Author of Chindia Rising

“This book is a timely reminder that the story of the world is one of eventual progress, powered by human ingenuity. […] Tellis and Rosenzweig offer powerful lessons from history for those who seek to drive progress and avoid the fate of those left behind. This is a path-breaking, gripping, energizing––and necessary––book.”
—Rajesh Chandy, Tony and Maureen Wheeler Chair in Entrepreneurship; Academic Director, Wheeler Institute for Business and Development; Professor and Chair, Marketing Subject Area, London Business School, UK

“A refreshing perspective on the importance of innovation throughout history that provides deep insight that is relevant for technology strategy today.”
—John R. Hauser, Kirin Professor of Marketing, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA

Gerard J. Tellis is professor, Neely Chair of American Enterprise and director of the Center for Global Innovation at the Marshall School of Business, University of South California, USA. He is an expert in innovation, advertising, social media, new product growth and global market entry. Associate editor of the Journal of Marketing Research, Tellis is the author of 6 books and over 100 articles ( and has won more than 20,000 citations and 20 awards for his publications.

Stav Rosenzweig is assistant professor of marketing and business strategy at the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. An expert in innovation management and knowledge creation, Rosenzweig’s research focuses on the interrelations of innovation, knowledge and public policy in business strategy and consumer behavior.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover 1
Front Matter i
Half-title i
Title page iii
Copyright information iv
Table of contents vii
List of illustrations ix
Acknowledgments xi
Chapter 1-12 1
1 Global Influence of Transformative Innovation 1
Concrete: Rome versus Mediterranean Rivals 9
Swift Equine Warfare: Mongolia versus the East and West 11
Shipping: China, Venice, Portugal, Netherlands 13
Patenting: England versus Germany 17
Mass Production: United States versus Brazil and Mexico 19
What about Other Explanations? 23
Lessons 35
2 Roman Concrete: Foundations of an Empire 37
The Transformative Innovation of Roman Concrete 38
What Is Roman Concrete? 38
The Evolution of Roman Concrete 40
Fruits of Innovation 44
Building Explosion 44
Social and Economic Benefits 46
Political Benefits 47
Drivers of Innovation 48
External and Internal Competition in the Roman Empire 49
External Competition 49
Internal Competition 50
Roman Openness to Peoples and Ideas 51
Empowerment through Citizenship, Mobility and Incentives 53
Citizenship 53
Social Mobility 55
Incentives 57
The Decline of Roman Concrete 58
Appendix\rTable A2.1 Important Roman buildings 63
3 Swift Equine Warfare and the Rise of Mongol Power 67
Mongolian Innovations 69
Mongolian Horse: Basis for Innovation 69
Innovative Training of Horse and Rider 70
Continual Innovation in Strategy and Tactics 72
Speedy Battle Tactics 73
Mobility and Communication 75
Military Training and Discipline 75
Innovative Weaponry 77
Cavalry Weapons 77
Siege Weapons 78
Drivers of Innovation 79
Mongolian Openness to New Ideas, Trade, Peoples and Religions 80
Openness to Ideas 80
Openness to Religions and Talent 80
Encouraging Trade, Ideas and Cultural Exchange 82
Mongolian Empowerment through Integration and Meritocracy 84
Integrating the Conquered into Mongol Society 84
Creating a Mongol Identity 84
Meritocracy 85
Decline of the Mongol Empire 87
4 How Gunpowder Shaped the Fortunes of Nations 89
Innovations in Ancient China 91
Gunpowder Arrows 91
Animal-Driven Incendiaries 92
Bombs 93
Fire Lances 93
Innovations under the Mongols 94
Trebuchet 95
Gun and Handgun 96
Cannon 96
Innovations in the Ming Dynasty 97
Diffusion to Europe 98
Early European Developments 99
Developments in the Muslim World 101
Later European Developments (from 1450 to 1700) 102
Classic Cannon Gun 103
Breech-Loaded Guns 103
Corning of Gunpowder 104
Diffusion to Persia and South Asia 104
Safavids 104
Mughals 105
Drivers of Innovation 106
Competition among Nations 107
Empowering Engineers and Innovators 110
Orban the Hungarian 110
Openness to Disruption from Gunpowder 111
Japanese Samurai 112
Mamluks in Egypt 112
5 Golden Age of Chinese Water Navigation 115
Innovations of the Chinese Golden Age 115
Drivers of China’s Rise in Water Navigation 117
Openness to Internal and External Innovations 120
Competing with Enemies, Real and Imagined 121
Empowering Eunuchs 122
China’s Decline in Water Navigation 123
6 Venetian Shipbuilding: Mastering the Mediterranean 127
Venetian Innovations 130
Great Galleys and the Arsenal 130
Financial Innovations 132
Drivers of Innovation 134
Empowering Innovators and Merchants 134
Intense Competition with Trading Rivals 135
Openness to Diverse Peoples and Traders 138
Meritocracy and the Empowerment of Individuals in the Arsenal 140
Decline 141
7 Portuguese Caravel: Building an Oceanic Empire 143
Portuguese Innovations 144
The Caravel 145
Guns and Gunpowder 147
Other Major Innovations 148
Drivers of Innovation 149
Openness to Foreigners, Jews and Muslims 149
Empowering Innovators and Investors 152
Competition 153
Decline 154
8 The Fluyt and the Building of the Dutch Empire 157
Dutch Technological Innovations: The Fluyt and the Sawmill 158
Drivers of Innovation 162
Openness to Immigrants 162
Empowering Women, Entrepreneurs, Investors and Traders 164
Funding Opportunities and Empowering Individual Investors in the Netherlands versus England 167
Competition among Entrepreneurs, Cities and Regions 169
Entrepreneurial Competition 169
Intercity Competition 170
International Competition 171
Decline 173
9 Patenting: Institutionalizing Innovation 177
The Nature of Patents 178
Drivers of the Rise of Patenting in England 179
Fruits of Patenting 181
Absence of Patenting in Chinese and Ottoman Empires 182
Minimal Competition in the Contemporaneous Chinese and Ottoman Empires 183
Minimal Empowerment in the Contemporaneous Chinese and Ottoman Empires 184
Minimal Openness in the Contemporaneous Chinese and Ottoman Empires 185
Absence of Patenting in Florence and Venice 187
Decline of Britain versus Rise of the United States 189
10 The Steam Engine and the Rise of the British Empire 193
Birth of the Steam Engine 194
Fruits of Innovation: The Transformative Power of the Steam Engine 196
Drivers of Innovation 199
Empowerment through Education and Socioeconomic Climate 199
Openness to Scientific Inquiry, Religious Refugees and Social Mobility 202
Competition among Inventors and Entrepreneurs 205
Britain versus the Netherlands and Germany: Why Did the Dutch or Germans Not Develop the Steam Engine? 206
Britain versus China: Why Did the Chinese Not Develop the Steam Engine? 207
British Decline 210
11 American Mass Production and the Rise of the United States 213
US System of Mass Production 215
Sparse Population as the Initial Trigger for Transformation 216
Why the United States and Not Brazil or Mexico? 217
Empowerment in the United States versus Disenfranchisement in Brazil and Mexico 218
Empowerment and the American Agricultural Revolution 218
Mexico: Land for Elites 223
Brazil: Land for the Crown and Its Cronies 226
Competition and the US Textile Revolution 229
Inter-country Competition between the United States and Great Britain 229
Intra-country Competition within the United States 231
Mexico and Brazil: Pandering to Monopolies 236
Transformative Immigration: US Openness versus Brazil’s and Mexico’s Closed-Mindedness 239
The United States: Open for the World’s Workers and Entrepreneurs 240
Fruits of Open Immigration—Innovation All Around 243
Mexico: Selective Immigration Stymies Innovation and Growth 245
Brazil: Selective Immigration Despite Sparse Population 248
Decline of the United States? 249
12 Lessons 257
End Matter 267
Notes 267
1 Global Influence of Transformative Innovation 267
2 Roman Concrete: Foundations of an Empire 270
3 Swift Equine Warfare and the Rise of Mongol Power 273
4 How Gunpowder Shaped the Fortunes of Nations 276
5 Golden Age of Chinese Water Navigation 279
6 Venetian Shipbuilding: Mastering the Mediterranean 281
7 Portuguese Caravel: Building an Oceanic Empire 283
8 The Fluyt and the Building of the Dutch Empire 285
9 Patenting: Institutionalizing Innovation 287
10 The Steam Engine and the Rise of the British Empire 290
11 American Mass Production and the Rise of the United States 292
12 Lessons 299
Index 301