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A Certain Amount of Madness

A Certain Amount of Madness

Amber Murrey


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Book Details


Thomas Sankara was one of Africa's most important anti-imperialist leaders of the late 20th Century. His declaration that fundamental socio-political change would require a 'certain amount of madness' drove the Burkinabe Revolution and resurfaced in the country's popular uprising in 2014.

This book looks at Sankara's political philosophies and legacies and their relevance today. Analyses of his synthesis of Pan-Africanism and humanist Marxist politics, as well as his approach to gender, development, ecology and decolonisation offer new insights to Sankarist political philosophies. Critical evaluations of the limitations of the revolution examine his relationship with labour unions and other aspects of his leadership style. His legacy is revealed by looking at contemporary activists, artists and politicians who draw inspiration from Sankarist thought in social movement struggles today, from South Africa to Burkina Faso.

In the 30th anniversary of his assassination, this book illustrates how Sankara's political praxis continues to provide lessons and hope for decolonisation struggles today.
'This book by a wide range of committed scholars, including, crucially, a significant number of African scholars, is a necessary and illuminating intervention. The Sankara that emerges here is more than 'Africa's Che Guevara', a man whose ideas and politics are 'rich with a thousand nuances' that distinguish them from other forms of Marxism and Pan-Africanism. Sankara comes alive in all his complexity'
Sean Jacobs, Associate Professor of International Affairs at The New School and Founder and Editor, Africa is a Country
'Students of African Studies in particular and anyone else interested in a detailed account of unsung African heroes would appreciate this beautiful compilation'
African Studies Review
'The legendary Thomas Sankara - hero, revolutionary leader, anti-imperialist - receives deserving analytical treatment from the most prominent radical voices here assembled for one the greatest sons of Africa. The book enhances our understanding of the pragmatism of politics, the rhetoric of revolutionary actions, and the resurgence of reactionary forces. A must read'
Toyin Falola, Honorary Professor, University of Cape Town, University Distinguished Professor and Jacob and Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities, The University of Texas at Austin

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Foreword: The Life and Legacy of Thomas Sankara - Horace G. Campbell xi
Acknowledgements xvii
Introduction - Amber Murrey 1
Part I: Life and Revolution 19
1. Military Coup, Popular Revolution or Militarised Revolution? Contextualising the Revolutionary Ideological Courses of Thomas Sankara and the National Council of the Revolution - De-Valera N.Y.M. Botchway and Moussa Traore 21
2. The Perils of Non-Alignment: Thomas Sankara and the Cold War - Brian Peterson 36
3. Thomas Sankara and the Elusive Revolution - Leo Zeilig 51
4. When Visions Collide - Thomas Sankara, Trade Unions and the Revolution in Burkina Faso, 1983-1987 - Craig Phelan 62
5. Africa's Sankara: On Pan-African Leadership - Amber Murrey 75
6. Who Killed Thomas Sankara? - Bruno Jaffré 96
7. 'Incentivised' Self-Adjustment: Reclaiming Sankara's Revolutionary Austerity from Corporate Geographies of Neoliberal Erasure - Nicholas A. Jackson 113
Part II: Political Philosophies 125
8. Madmen, Thomas Sankara and Decoloniality in Africa - Ama Biney 127
9. With the People: Sankara's Humanist Marxism - Ernest Harsch 147
10. Thomas Sankara and Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem: The Untimely Deaths of Two New Generation African Visionaries - Patricia Daley 159
11. Women's Freedoms are the Heartbeat of Africa's Future: A Sankarian Imperative - Patricia McFadden 170
12. Re-reading Sankara's Philosophy for a Praxeology of Debt in Contemporary Times - Sakue-C. Yimovie 180
13. Sankara's Political Ideas and Pan-African Solidarity: A Perspective for Africa's Development? Felix Kumah-Abiwu and Olusoji Alani Odeyemi 194
14. 'Revolution and Women's Liberation Go Together': Thomas Sankara, Gender and the Burkina Faso Revolution - Namakula E. Mayanja 209
Part III: Legacies 223
15. Balai Citoyen: A New Praxis of Citizen Fight with Sankarist Inspirations - Zakaria Soré 225
16. La Santé Avant Tout: Health Before Everything - T. D. Harper-Shipman 241
17. Social Movement Struggles and Political Transition in Burkina Faso - Bettina Engels 255
18. To Decolonise the World: Thomas Sankara and the 'Last Colony' in Africa - Patrick Delices 269
19. 'Daring to Invent the Future': Sankara's Legacy and Contemporary Activism in South Africa - Levi Kabwato and Sarah Chiumbu 286
Part IV: Contestations and Homages 305
20. The Academy as Contested Space: Disappearing Sankara from the 'Acceptable Avant-Garde' - Nicholas A. Jackson 307
21. Art and the Construction of a 'Sankara Myth': A Hero Trend in Contemporary Burkinabe Urban and Revolutionary Propaganda Art - Sophie Bodenes Cohen 313
22. Slanted Photography: Reflections on Sankara and My Peace Corps Experience in Burkina Faso - Celestina Agyekum 328
23. 'We Are the Children of Sankara': Memories as Weapons during the Burkinabe Uprisings of 2014 and 2015 - Fiona Dragstra 335
Afterword - Aziz Salmone Fall 349
Notes on Contributors 361
Index 367