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May Made Me

May Made Me

Mitchell Abidor


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Book Details


The mass protests that shook France in May 1968 were exciting, dangerous, creative and influential, changing European politics to this day. Students demonstrated, workers went on general strike, factories and universities were occupied. At the height of its fervour, it brought the entire national economy to a halt. The protests reached such a point that political leaders feared civil war or revolution.

Fifty years later, here are the eye-opening oral testimonies of those young rebels. By listening to the voices of students and workers, as opposed to those of their leaders, May '68 appears not just as a mass event, but rather as an event driven by millions of individuals, achieving a mosaic human portrait of France at the time.

This book reveals the legacy of the uprising: how those explosive experiences changed both those who took part, and the course of history. May Made Me will record these moments before history moves on yet again.
'These powerful and moving testimonies create an eye-opening account of the inspiring events of May '68, which are more relevant for today's activists than ever before'
Paul Mason
'Strongly recommended'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Acknowledgements ix
Abbreviations xi
Timeline of Events in 1968 xii
1. Introduction: May '68 Revisited 1
2. Veterans in the Struggle 21
3. Students in Paris 75
4. May Outside Paris 117
5. May and Film 187
6. Some Anarchists 215
About the Author 253