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The Violence of Austerity

The Violence of Austerity

Vickie Cooper | David Whyte


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Book Details


Austerity, a response to the aftermath of the financial crisis, continues to devastate contemporary Britain.

In The Violence of Austerity, Vickie Cooper and David Whyte bring together the voices of campaigners and academics including Danny Dorling, Mary O'Hara and Rizwaan Sabir to show that rather than stimulating economic growth, austerity policies have led to a dismantling of the social systems that operated as a buffer against economic hardship, exposing austerity to be a form of systematic violence.

Covering a range of famous cases of institutional violence in Britain, the book argues that police attacks on the homeless, violent evictions in the rented sector, the risks faced by people on workfare schemes, community violence in Northern Ireland and cuts to the regulation of social protection, are all being driven by reductions in public sector funding. The result is a shocking expose of the myriad ways in which austerity policies harm people in Britain.
'Essential reading for our times'
'This book leaves the reader in no doubt that government actions have the power to make or break lives and communities'
Lynsey Hanley, The Guardian, and Author of Estates
'A dazzling collection of short essays which detail how state violence is unfolding in Britain on multiple scales and in myriad forms'
Imogen Tyler, Professor of Sociology at Lancaster University, author of Revolting Subjects: Social Abjection and Resistance in Neoliberal Britain (Zed, 2013)
'An important book'
'In this brilliant book, Vickie Cooper and David Whyte bring together the arguments that break down the sick Tory Party political violence against the people of Britain. This book shows that there is only one response to the imposition of austerity as a crude and violent political strategy, and that is to turn our anger back against the Tories'
Chunky Mark, Artist Taxi Driver
'A vital reminder to tell the tragedy of modern Britain like it is'
Alice Nutter, screenwriter and former singer, Chumbawumba
'Eye opening ... enlightening and an education'
The Canary
'An analytical masterpiece, describing what has happened to our communities as a result of austerity'
John McDonnell MP, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer
'A well-written and shocking exposé of the institutional violence of the state'
Morning Star

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction: The Violence of Austerity - Vickie Cooper and David Whyte 1
Part I: Deadly Welfare 33
1. Mental Health and Suicide - Mary O'Hara 35
2. Austerity and Mortality - Danny Dorling 44
3. Welfare Reforms and the Attack on Disabled People - John Pring 51
4. The Violence of Workfare - Jon Burnett and David Whyte 59
5. The Multiple Forms of Violence in the Asylum System - Victoria Canning 67
6. The Degradation and Humiliation of Young People - Emma Bond and Simon Hallsworth 75
Part II: Poverty Amplification 83
7. Child Maltreatment and Child Mortality - Joanna Mack 85
8. Hunger and Food Poverty - Rebecca O'Connell and Laura Hamilton 94
9. The Deadly Impact of Fuel Poverty - Ruth London 101
10. The Violence of the Debtfare State - David Ellis 110
11. Women of Colour's Anti-Austerity Activism - Akwugo Emejulu and Leah Bassel 117
12. Dismantling the Irish Peace Process - Daniel Holder 123
Part III: State Regulation 131
13. Undoing Social Protection - Steve Tombs 133
14. Health and Safety at the Frontlist of Austerity - Hilda Palmer and David Whyte 141
15. Environmental Degradation - Charlotte Burns and Paul Tobin 149
16. Fracking and State Violence - Will Jackson, Helen Monk and Joanna Gilmore 156
17. Domicide, Eviction and Repossession - Kirsteen Paton and Vickie Cooper 164
18. Austerity's Impact on Rough Sleeping and Violence - Daniel McCulloch 171
Part IV: State Control 179
19. Legalising the Violence of Austerity - Robert Knox 181
20. The Failure to Protect Women in the Criminal Justice System - Maureen Mansfield and Vickie Cooper 188
21. Austerity, Violence and Prisons - Joe Sim 195
22. Evicting Manchester's Street Homeless - Steven Speed 203
23. Policing Anti-Austerity through the 'War on Terror' - Rizwaan Sabir 211
24. Austerity and the Production of Hate - Jon Burnett 217
Notes on Contributors 225
Index 230