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Person-Centred Counselling Psychology

Person-Centred Counselling Psychology

Ewan Gillon


Additional Information

Book Details


'Not only is this the first key text on person-centred counselling psychology, but one of the best introductions to the approach. Gillon combines an in-depth understanding of the person-centred field with a highly accessible writing style to produce a book that will be of enormous value to anyone wanting to practice person-centred therapy. Essential reading for trainee and practising counselling psychologists with an interest in the person-centred approach and highly recommended for counsellors and psychotherapists of all orientations' - Mick Cooper, Professor of Counselling, Counselling Unit, University of Strathclyde

Person-Centred Counselling Psychology: An Introduction is an introduction to the philosophy, theory and practice of the person-centred approach. Focusing on the psychological underpinnings of the approach, Ewan Gillon describes the theory of personality on which it is based and the nature of the therapeutic which is characterised by

o unconditional positive regard

o empathy

o congruence.

The book shows how the person-centred approach relates to others within counselling psychology and to contemporary practices in mental health generally. It also gives guidance to readers on the approach's research tradition as well as considering key issues for those wishing to train and work as a person-centred practitioner. As such, it is designed to be an applied, accessible text, providing a dialogue between the psychological basis of person-centred therapy and its application within the real world.

As well as psychology students, it will be of interest to those from other disciplines, counselling trainees, those within the caring professions, and person-centred therapists from a non-psychological background.

Ewan Gillon is Director of The Edinburgh Psychology Centre and Lecturer in Counselling Psychology at Glasgow Caledonian University.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Introduction 1
Try-square 4
Mortise gauge 11
Bow-saw 22
Sash clamp 35
Bench clamp 47
Workshop lesson: Making planes 58
Rebate plane 62
Smoothing plane 75
One-piece jack plane 88
Two-piece jack plane 106
Plough plane 125
Workbench and vice 144
Introduction to blacksmithing 165
Workshop lesson: Safety 167
Workshop lessons: Heat treatment 178
Workshop lesson: Cutting edge tools 181
Plane blade 182
25mm chisel 190
10mm mortise chisel 200
Carpenters' brace 209
20mm centre bit 219