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Critique as Social Practice

Critique as Social Practice

Robin Celikates | Naomi van Steenbergen


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Can critical theory diagnose ideological delusion and false consciousness from above, or does it have to follow the practices of critique ordinary agents engage in? This book argues that we have to move beyond this dichotomy, which has led to a theoretical impasse. Whilst ordinary agents engage in complex forms of everyday critique, it must remain the task of critical theory to provide analysis and critique of social conditions that obstruct the development of reflexive capacities and of their realization in corresponding practices of critique. Only an approach that is at the same time non-paternalistic, pragmatist, and dialogical as well as critical will be able to realize the emancipatory potential of the Frankfurt School tradition of critical theory in radically changing social circumstances.

The translation of this work was funded by Geisteswissenschaften International – Translation Funding for Humanities and Social Sciences from Germany, a joint initiative of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the German Federal Foreign Office, the collecting society VG WORT and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publisher & Booksellers Association)
Robin Celikates is Associate Professor of Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Celikates presents an insightful critical reconstruction of three influential models of the relation between the European, male critical theorist and the people about whom he theorises in the works of Bourdieu, Boltanski and psychoanalysis, and of the French-German debates around them. The fine translation makes this important contribution to the history of European critical theory available to English-language students and scholars.
James Tully, Professor Emeritus, University of Victoria
How to articulate the theoretical critique of the social order and the criticisms made by ordinary people in everyday life? The solution Celikates proposes, based on the Frankfurt School’s interpretation of psychoanalysis, is highly original and very promising. This is a fundamental work for all those wishing to take advantage of both the empirical study of society and the contributions of philosophy, from the perspective of social change.
Luc Boltanski, Professor at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris
Celikates subjects the familiar refrain that critique is a form of practice to a systematic, rigorous, and illuminating analysis. His conception of reconstructive critique as a form of social practice shows as much respect for the critical capacities of agents as it does awareness of the dangers of ideological distortions. The result is a highly original and compelling articulation of the distinctive methodology of critical theory.
Amy Allen, Liberal Arts Professor of Philosophy and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Penn State University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Critique as Social Practice Cover
Contents v
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xiii
Introduction 1
1. Judgemental Dopes, Reflexive Agents and Social Scientists 1
2. Critical Theory and the Pragmatic Turn 8
3. The Philosophy of Social Science – Philosophy and Social Science 12
4. Three Models of Critique 13
Part I: ‘I See Something You Don’t See’: The Model of the Break 19
1. Sociology as a Science: Durkheim and His Legacy 20
1.1 Science versus Common Sense 22
1.2 The Epistemological Break 25
2. Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘Sociological Critique of Judgement’ 28
2.1 The Gift Exchange and Its Consequences 28
2.2 The Economy of Practices 33
3. ‘For They Don’t Know What They’re Doing’: Habitus, Reflexivity and Critical Social Science 34
3.1 Structure + Habitus = Practice? 34
3.2 Social Science as Critique 40
4. Four Objections to the Model of the Break 45
4.1 The Normative Objection 46
4.2 The Political-Strategical Objection 47
4.3 The Methodological Objection 49
4.3.1 Excursus: Participant Observation and Representation in Ethnology 53
4.4 The Empirical Objection 55
5. Summary and Preview 59
Part II: ‘Follow the Agents’: The Model of Symmetry 68
1. What Is Ethnomethodology? 72
2. Reflexivity in Everyday Practice 79
2.1 Forms of Reflexivity 79
2.2 Pros and Laypeople 84
2.3 The Tension between Everyday Practice and Reflection 88
2.4 So What? 92
3. ‘What People Are Capable Of’: Practices of Justification and Critique 94
3.1 From Critical Sociology to a Sociology of Critique 94
3.2 Elements of a Sociology of Critique and Justification 98
3.3 Two Forms of Critique 103
4. Summary and Preview 106
Part III: Critical Theory as Reconstructive Critique 117
1. Internal or External Critique? 118
2. Second-Order ‘Pathologies’ as Structural Reflexivity Deficits 122
3. Social Conditions of Critique: Critical Theory as Meta-Critique 127
3.1 On the Psychogenesis and Sociogenesis of Reflexive Capacities 127
3.2 Second-Order ‘Pathologies’: Three Cases 128
3.2.1 Double-Consciousness: W. E. B. Du Bois on Life ‘behind the Veil’ 128
3.2.2 Invisibility: Ralph Waldo Ellison on the Struggle against Not Being Recognised 130
3.2.3 The Psychopathology of Labour: Christophe Dejours on the Banalisation of Social Suffering 131
3.3 Critical Theory as Meta-Critique 135
4. Critical Theory as Reconstructive Critique and Self-Reflection (I) 136
4.1 Critical Theory as Reconstructive Critique 136
4.2 Three Conceptions of Reconstruction 138
5. Psychoanalysis as a Model? 142
5.1 Habermas: Knowledge and Human Interests Revisited 142
5.2 Psychoanalysis, Self-Reflection and Critique 144
5.2.1 Aims 145
5.2.2 Procedure and Method 148
5.2.3 Is the Analogy between Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory Misleading? 154
6. Critical Theory as Reconstructive Critique and Self-Reflection (II) 157
6.1 Reflective Unacceptability and Cognitive Dissonance 157
6.2 Between Symmetry and Asymmetry 163
6.3 Critical Theory and the Tension between the Logics of Competence and Obstruction 167
6.4 Critical Theory as Social Practice 172
7. ‘System Justification’ and Reconstructive Critique 175
Conclusion 191
Bibliography 195
Index 217
About the Author 223