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Aesthetics in Performance

Aesthetics in Performance

Angela Hobart | Bruce Kapferer


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Book Details


In various ways, the essays presented in this volume explore the structures and aesthetic possibilities of music, dance and dramatic representation in ritual and theatrical situations in a diversity of ethnographic contexts in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Each essay enters into a discussion of the “logic” of aesthetic processes exploring their social and political and symbolic import. The aim is above all to explore the way artistic and aesthetic practices in performance produce and structure experience.

Angela Hobart is the coordinating lecturer at Goldsmiths College on Intercultural Therapy and lectures at the British Museum on the Art and Culture of South East Asia.

Bruce Kapferer is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, Adjunct Professor at James Cook University and Honorary Professor at University College London.

“There is much to recommend in this volume…a fascinating array of cases …an excellent job [by the editors] of introducing the main issues…many of the essays are accompanied by illustrations and photographs that enhance and exemplify the arguments.”  ·  Eyal Ben-Ari in JRAI

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents v
List of Illustrations vii
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
Chapter 1. Making Grown Men Weep 23
Chapter 2. The Buzz of God and the Click of Delight 43
Chapter 3. Songs of Love, Images of Memory 64
Chapter 4. The Hindu Temple and the Aesthetics of the Imaginary 89
Chapter 5. Where Divine Horsemen Ride 109
Chapter 6. Sorcery and the Beautiful 129
Chapter 7. Transformation and Aesthetics in Balinese Masked Performances 161
Chapter 8. A Concise Reflection on the Brazilian Carnival 183
Chapter 9. Bureaucratic Logic, Bureaucratic Aesthetics 196
Chapter 10. Compassion for Animals, Indifference to Humans 216
Contributors 231
Index 234