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21st Century Guide To Writing Articles In The Biomedical Sciences, The

21st Century Guide To Writing Articles In The Biomedical Sciences, The

Diskin Shiri


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents ix
Foreword v
Acknowledgements vii
Chapter 1 Before you Write 1
1.1 Keeping Up-to-Date With the Literature 2
1.2 As You Read, Understand the Levels of Scientific Evidence 6
1.3 Understanding Your Own Research 8
1.4 Some Notes on Ethical Conduct 8
1.4.1 Conduct Your Research Ethically 9
1.4.2 Write Your Paper Ethically 9
1.4.3 Disclose All Possible Conflicts of Interest, Mostly Financial Ones 10
1.5 Some Notes on Choosing Your Co-authors 10
Chapter 2 Choosing your Target Journal 13
2.1 What Can We Learn from the Journal’s “Aims and Scope”? 14
2.1.1 Topics, Article Types and Readership 14
2.1.2 Mode of Access 15
2.1.3 Editorial Board and Journal Metrics 16
2.2 A Note on “Predatory Journals” 16
2.3 Define Your Publication Goals and Prepare a Ranked List of Publication Targets 18
2.3.1 Study Topic and Field of Research 18
2.3.2 Online Journal-Selecting Search Engines 19
2.3.3 Time to Publication 19
2.4 Informed Reading of the Journal’s Guidelines for Authors 21
Chapter 3 The Methods Section 25
3.1 How Much to Elaborate 26
3.2 Writing Style for the Methods Section 26
3.2.1 Sub-sections 26
3.2.2 Tense and Voice 26
3.2.3 Units 27
3.2.4 Nomenclature 27
3.3 Research Involving Animals 28
3.4 Prospective Clinical Research 30
3.4.1 Study Protocol 30
3.4.2 Study Design and Population 30
3.4.3 Procedures and Research Tools 31
3.5 Retrospective Medical Record Studies 32
3.5.1 Data Source 32
3.5.2 Ethical Approval and Data Collection Procedure 33
3.6 Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta Analyses 33
3.7 Studies Involving Questionnaires 34
3.8 Case Reports and Case Series 36
Chapter 4 The Results Section 39
4.1 Reviewing Your Results, Are You There Yet? 40
4.2 How Many Potential Papers Do You Have? 41
4.3 Structure of the Results Section 42
4.4 Visual Aids 44
4.4.1 Cross-Referencing 44
4.4.2 Visual Aid Structure 44
4.4.3 Captions and Legends 45
4.5 Instructions for Authors 46
4.6 Writing Style 47
4.7 Some Notes on Ethical Result Presentation 49
Chapter 5 The Introduction 53
5.1 Search Engines for Biomedical Literature 54
5.1.1 Availability 54
5.1.2 Types of Literature 54
5.1.3 Full Text of Articles 56
5.2 Tips for Effective PubMed Searching 57
5.2.1 Filtering Results 57
5.2.2 Related Searches 57
5.2.3 Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) 57
5.2.4 Related Articles 58
5.2.5 Cited By 58
5.3 The Structure of the Introduction Section 59
5.3.1 Context 59
5.3.2 Need 59
5.3.3 Task 60
5.3.4 Preparation for the Text Body 60
5.4 Style 61
5.5 References 61
Chapter 6 The Discussion 65
6.1 Give an Overview of your Main Results 66
6.2 Interpret your Results 66
6.3 Compare your Findings to Those of Others 67
6.4 Limitations 67
6.5 The Conclusion 68
6.6 Future Directions 68
Chapter 7 The Abstract and Title 71
7.1 Writing Your Abstract 72
7.2 The Content of the Abstract 73
7.2.1 The Results Sub-Section 73
7.2.2 The Methods Sub-Section 74
7.2.3 The Background Sub-Section 75
7.2.4 The Conclusion 76
7.3 Writing Style for the Abstract 76
7.4 The Title of the Article 77
Chapter 8 When you have a Full Draft 79
8.1 The Two Types of Pre-submission Review: Scientific Review and Editorial Review 80
8.2 Notes on Writing a Scientific Paper With Multiple Co-authors\r 82
8.2.1 The Owner of the Article 82
8.2.2 Areas of Responsibility 83
8.2.3 Work Process Including Timelines 83
8.3 Finalizing your Paper and Preparing it for Submission 84
8.3.1 Proofreading 84
8.3.2 Ensuring Adherence to Instructions for Authors 87
8.4 The Title Page 89
8.5 The Letter to the Editor 91
8.6 Suggesting Potential Reviewers 91
8.7 The Online-submission Process 92
8.7.1 An Important Note on Author Identification 94
Chapter 9 Following Submission 97
9.1 The Decision-Making Process in a Scientific Journal\r 98
9.2 Peer Review\r 99
9.3 The Different Types of Reviewer Responses 102
9.3.1 Accept as Submitted 102
9.3.2 Reject 102
9.3.3 Minor or Major Corrections Needed 103
9.4 Revising Your Paper 104
9.4.1 Comment: Missing Information in the Article 104
9.4.2 Comment: The Sample Size is Too Small 105
9.4.3 Comments: Missing Important References, Stylistic or Grammatical Errors in the Article, Graphs / Images are not Clear 106
9.4.4 Comment: Results are not In-line with the Reviewer’s Own Knowledge and Background Information\r 106
9.4.5 Comment: There are Flaws in the Design or Performance of the Study 107
9.5 Revising Your Paper in Case of Submission to an Alternative Target Journal 107
9.6 After Acceptance 108
9.6.1 Fees 108
9.6.2 Publishing Agreement 108
9.6.3 Approving Proofs 109
9.6.4 Online Publication and Increasing Your Paper’s Visibility 110
Chapter 10 Abbreviations and Terms 113
10.1 Glossary of Abbreviations 113
10.2 Index of Terms 115
References 117