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Diving Medical Acupuncture

Diving Medical Acupuncture

Janneke Vermeulen | Will Maclean


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Book Details


Written for acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners, this book describes the medical conditions that can prevent, complicate or result from diving and other water sports, and provides effective clinical treatments. The most common problems experienced by divers - ear, nose and throat (ENT) disorders - can be effectively treated with acupuncture. Through in-depth knowledge of Western diving medicine, diving techniques and Chinese medicine, the author prescribes acupuncture diagnostics and treatment for these ENT disorders.
Complete with anatomical diagrams and acupuncture point charts, this is a practical resource for acupuncture clinicians who deal with the issues associated with diving. Advice for patients is given at the end of each chapter, and is available as a handout in downloadable form.

Janneke Vermeulen is a physiotherapist, acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist and specialist in Western Diving Medicine. She owns an acupuncture and physiotherapy practice in The Hague, The Netherlands.
This book will fill the gap between Western diving medicine and the acupuncture point of view. And it is easy to access for non-acupuncture medicals.
Menno TW Gaastra, MD, medical director DAN Europe for the Netherlands
Divers around the world should rejoice in seeing this book published. It gives numerous practical and effective treatments, acupuncture point combinations and lifestyle recommendations that will help practitioners treat divers better so that they can keep on diving.
Lillian Pearl Bridges, author of Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, 2nd Edition
This book embodies both art and science - with her exquisite colour diving photographs, medical illustrations, and Western and Chinese medicine treatments, for ear, nose and throat (ENT) imbalances and other syndromes.
Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, L. Ac., M. S., M. M., Dipl. Ac., NCCAOM, author, international teacher of facial acupuncture, and opera singer

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Diving Medical Acupuncture: Treatment and Prevention of Diving Medical Problems with a Focus on ENT Disorders by Janneke Vermeulen 3
Foreword by William Maclean 9
Preface 11
Acknowledgements 17
1. EAR, Nose and Throat DISORDERS 耳鼻喉疾患 21
1.1 Introduction 21
1.2 Anatomy of the Ear 局部解剖 34
1.3 Anatomy of the Nose and Sinuses 鼻和鼻窦的解剖 36
1.4 Techniques for Clearing the Ears 清洁中耳道的操作 38
1.5 Disorders That May Cause Equalizing Problems 可能导致平衡障碍的疾患 44
1.6 Common Cold 感冒 53
1.7 Rhinosinusitis 鼻窦炎 68
1.8 Allergic Rhinitis and Non-Allergic Rhinitis 过敏性鼻炎 95
1.9 Otitis 耳炎 108
1.10 Surfer’s Ear 冲浪耳 119
1.11 Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane 鼓膜穿孔 121
1.12 Tinnitus 耳鸣 124
2. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders 颞下颌关节疾患 143
2.1 Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and the Regulator 颞下颌关节疾患和调节器 143
2.2 Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and Tinnitus 颞下颌关节疾患和耳鸣 144
2.3 Muscles and Ligaments of the TMJ and Middle Ear 和中耳的肌肉和肌腱 152
2.4 TMJ Disorders 颞下颌关节疾患 157
3. Seasickness 晕动病 171
3.1 Introduction 171
4. Decompression Illness 减压病 177
4.1 The Onset of Decompression Illness 减压病的发生 177
5. Diving, Medication and Natural Stimulants 潜水 药物和天然兴奋剂 186
5.1 Medication, Side-Effects and Contraindications for Diving 潜水用药 副作用和禁忌症 186
5.2 Diving and Migraine 潜水和偏头痛 188
5.3 Diving and Hypertension 潜水和高血压 194
5.3 Natural Stimulants 天然兴奋剂 199
6. Additional Information and Advice Regarding Diving-Related Disorders 与潜水有关的附加资料和建议 202
6.1 Introduction 202
6.2 Neck and Back Disorders 颈和腰部疾患 202
6.3 Muscle Disorders 肌肉的疾患 213
6.4 Lung Disorders 肺的疾患 215
6.5 Heart Disorders 心的疾患 218
6.6 Digestive Disorders 消化疾患 221
6.7 Stress and Panic 压力和惊慌 222
Diving and Meditation 228
7. Diving and Meditation 潜水与冥想 228
7.1 Introduction 228
7.2 Meditation and Flotation 冥想与漂浮 228
7.3 Flotation Tank 漂浮罐 229
7.4 Brain Waves 脑电波 230
Conclusion 232
Appendix I: Glossary of Terminology 233
Appendix II: Acupuncture Points with Specific ENT and TMJ Actions 235
Appendix III: Acupuncture Points with Specific ENT- and TMJ-Related Indications 240
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