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Mitochondria in Health and Disease

Mitochondria in Health and Disease

Ray Griffiths | Lorraine Nicolle


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Book Details


What are the functions of mitochondria in the human body? Why might they stop working properly and what can happen as a result? How can personalized nutrition help to optimize mitochondrial function and prevent or address chronic conditions?

This innovative book explores the incredibly complex biochemical roles of mitochondria in health and disease. When healthy, mitochondria provide us with ninety percent of our body's energy. When unhealthy, this can lead to many chronic and degenerative conditions including cancer and Alzheimer's disease. This guide helps practitioners to identify the mitochondrial dysfunction underlying a wide range of health complaints, and provides inspiration about relevant and emerging mitochondria-supportive dietary regimes and nutrients to explore within the model of personalized nutrition.

The scope and detail of conditions covered within this book, combined with functional testing and appropriate interventions, offers a really useful handbook and tool to complement the practitioner in clinic.
Nina Bailey BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD (Cantab), RNutr Head of Nutrition at Igennus Healthcare Nutrition
Ray Griffiths is a nutritional therapist and lecturer with an MSc in Personalized Nutrition. Ray lectures on a diverse range of subjects such as Parkinson's disease, cancer, ageing and mitochondria.
A thoughtful and thorough explanation of mitochondrial function and the role it plays in generating disease. This book is a combination of the latest scientific research with the practicalities of clinical application, making this book useful guide for practitioners and will certainly assist them in day to day practice.
Leyla El Moudden, DipHerb DipNat mANP, General Secretary Association of Naturopathic Practitioners

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Mitochondria in Health and Disease 3
Contents 5
Foreword [Lorraine Nicolle, TBD] 7
Disclaimer 10
Abbreviations 11
Psrt 1: Mitochondrial Functions - The Doorway to Understanding the Body as a Whole 13
What Are Mitochondria? 16
Enabling Evolution 22
Energy Production 30
Mitochondrial Dynamics 44
Maintaining Allostasis 62
Acetyl-CoA 67
A Vital Energy Source and Controller of a Cell 67
Synthesizing Cellular Components 73
Ketone Metabolism 80
Altering Immune Function 86
Creating Short Bursts of Rapid Energy 98
Calcium Storage and Regulation 100
Apoptosis 111
Programmed Cell Death 111
Haeme Production 114
Supporting Kidney Detoxification and Hormone Synthesis 118
Health, Toxicity and Hormesis 121
Part 2: The Influence of Mitochondria in Disease 129
Diets to Support Mitochondrial Function 131
Laboratory Tests and Biomarkers Related to Mitochondrial Function 148
Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes 159
Hypertension 169
Heart Disease 177
Cholesterol Metabolism 185
Autoimmune Disease 194
The Emerging Field of Immunometabolism 194
Fatigue 202
Neurodegeneration 211
Cancer 222
Osteoarthritis 237
Osteoporosis 241
Chronic Pain 246
Depression 251
Autism Spectrum Disorders 259
Final Word 265
Glossary 274
References 279
Subject Index 312
Author Index 328