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Sex and the Single Aspie

Sex and the Single Aspie



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This ground-breaking book about sexuality speaks to women on the autism spectrum in fresh new ways, opening doors to discussion, and blowing the lid off taboo subjects.

One of the many problems women on the spectrum face is not always understanding how relationships and boundaries work for other people. This book provides answers, plus more that they may not even have thought to ask. Covering one night stands, the importance of safe sex, self-respect, and double standards, there is a wealth of information about the ethics and self-understanding involved in relationships. Written with humour and honesty, this is the go-to guide for sex on the spectrum.

A memoir full of delightful and important information regarding life on the spectrum. Sometimes hilarious and twisted, other times dark and suspenseful, always sensual and inevitably controversial, the book is a must read.
Ioannis Voskopoulos (Psychologist) and Lamprini Ioannou (Psychologist, Family Therapist, Marte Meo Therapist)
If you are living the single life and sex on the spectrum always has baffled you this is the book to grab. I couldn't put it down once I started. Artemisia is such a wise woman and I love her honesty and perseverance not to mention the 105 important rules. Read this book and learn from one of the best. This is truly a brilliant piece of work.
Anne Skov Jensen, Founder/Coach A-Team Denmark, Speaker
Artemisia states she is a modern-day feminist and she lives up to that throughout the book. Outspoken, straightforward, clever, witty and most importantly HONEST. Artemisia says it as it is and addresses topics that have been neglected or ignored in the past. The book is imaginative and engaging. I just love the 'Rules' section that she has added to each chapter, so much wisdom that could easily be applied to all single women, regardless of whether or not they are on the Spectrum.
Maxine Aston, Couple Counsellor, Trainer and Author. Specialising in Asperger Syndrome
Artemisia is an Aspergirl, writer, speaker and AS consultant. She is author of 4 other books about relationships for people with Asperger's, all published by JKP. Visit her website at
Who cares about Carrie Bradshaw! Have an insight into Artemisia's Life! Her intense perception, frank description and critical reflection of her own experiences take you on a profound and yet entertaining road trip through the jungle of dating.
Annette Beger, MA in Management of Art
What a rare treat this book is. Artemisia takes us on a wonderful, descriptive ride through her romantic and sexual adventures as an autistic woman trying to work it all out and never losing hope of finding love.
Sarah Hendrickx, Autistic adult, author and consultant

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Sex and the Single Aspie – Artemisia 2
Introduction 7
1. A Tale of Two Cities 12
2. Her Big Fat Greek Weekend 14
3. Asclepius 18
4. La Dolce Vita (The Sex Date) 24
5. One Night Stands 29
6. Leonardo 32
7. Knock First 35
8. The Price of Fame…or at Least of Google 39
9. Double Standards 43
10. Arrivederci Roma 47
11. It’s all Greek to Her 49
12. Scandal and Wisdom 53
13. Getting Stood Up 56
14. Romeos and Vampires 60
15. Bridges and Hope 63
16. Creepers 65
17. The Quickie 69
18. Happiness 73
19. Being Lonely 76
20. Penises 79
21. Good Girls, Bad Boys, Jealousy and Loyalty 82
22. The Friend Zone 85
23. Everything IS Bigger in Texas 90
24. Aspie Anxiety and That Damn Glow 93
25. Travel, Traditions and Transitions 97
26. Contradictions and Choice 102
27. The Married Muslim 105
28. The Virtual Life 110
29. The American Boy 113
30. Bron 117
31. Writer’s Block 121
32. Night of the Living Dead 125
33. Lonely, Old, Aspie and Ugly 128
34. Aspergirls 130
35. Ego 133
36. A Cherub in Firenze 138
37. Due Uomini 141
38. Condoms 147
39. Michelangelo and Mona Lisa 151
40. Pressing Charges 156
41. June, not April, in Paris 159
42. Bitter Blood Moon 163
43. The Marquis de Socks 170
44. Persephone in Trastevere 174
45. Me Too/The Male Brain 178
46. Helmets 183
47. The Big Bang 187
48. The Beginning of the End 193
49. The Scoundrel 198
50. Blind Date Booty Call 205
51. The Convenient Arrangement 207
52. Daddy Issues 211
53. Innocence Betrayed, then Lost 215
54. Drowning, or Intimacy 218
55. Towers 223
56. “Grab ’em by the Penis” 227
57. The Sexual Savant 230
58. Falling Apart 234
59. E for Elusion 238
60. Believe Nothing 244
61. (Almost) Final Thoughts 251
62. Safe Sex is the Best Sex 255
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