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Workers' Movements and Strikes in the Twenty-First Century

Workers' Movements and Strikes in the Twenty-First Century

Jörg Nowak | Madhumita Dutta | Peter Birke


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While workers movements have been largely phased out and considered out-dated in most parts of the world during the 1990s, the 21st century has seen a surge in new and unprecedented forms of strikes and workers organisations.

The collection of essays in this book, spanning countries across global South and North, provides an account of strikes and working class resistance in the 21st century. Through original case studies, the book looks at the various shades of workers’ movements, analysing different forms of popular organisation as responses to new social and economic conditions, such as restructuring of work and new areas of investment.
How to analyse the wave of strikes occurring around the world in the early 21st century? What are their causes, forms, and results – and what do they reveal about specific socioeconomic constellations? Is there potential for solidarity among workers in different world regions, based, for instance, on similar policies of informalisation? This volume is a perfect starting point for discussion.
Nicole Mayer-Ahuja, Professor of Sociology, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
This book is a powerful reminder of the continuing widespread resistance to capitalism despite the global economic crisis. Bringing together a large amount of studies from Asia, the Americas, Africa and Europe, including less well-researched countries such as Indonesia and Burkina Faso, the authors emphasise the new dynamics of class struggle across the globe. A must-read for everyone interested in resisting exploitation and transforming capitalism!
Andreas Bieler, Professor of Political Economy, University of Nottingham
Madhumita Dutta is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the Ohio State University, USA.

Jörg Nowak is a Marie Curie Researcher at the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Peter Birke is Researcher at the Sociological Research Institute Göttingen (SOFI), at the University of Göttingen, Germany. He has published more specifically on the global social movements after the 2009 financial and debt crisis. Birke is editor of the journal Social History Online.

Encouraging, honest and meticulously researched, this book is a good starting point for anyone wanting to understand the motivations, strategies, objectives and potential of working class struggle around the planet.

This edited volume on labour strikes covering working class struggles in Asia, Africa and Latin America is a pioneering attempt in the area of labour studies. Re-politicizing labour strikes on a global scale is a timely project that this volume strives to achieve. Readers of labour studies, social movements and social change should definitely pay attention to it.
Pun Ngai, Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
This book will certainly be a global reference in the studies on the new trends of workers' resistance struggles in the face of current forms of capitalist accumulation. It offers a fantastic panorama of strikes and other forms of workers fighting in a wide range of countries in all regions of the world. It has the merit of highlighting the recent phenomenon of world wide resurgence of workers' strikes.
Roberto Véras de Oliveira, Associate Professor, Federal University of Paraíba

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Workers’ Movements and Strikes in the Twenty-First Century Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction: The New Upsurge of Strikes—Tendencies, Challenges and Limits 1
1 Labour Strikes in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia, 1998–2013 21
2 Space and Strike Diffusion in a Decentralized Authoritarian Country: A Study of the Auto Parts Industry in South China 45
3 Strikes in Vietnam 63
4 Making Sense of Legality: Everyday Resistance and Survival Tactics by Undocumented Indian Female Domestic Workers in the United Arab Emirates 81
5 Against All Odds: Tracing the Struggles of Workers to Form a Union Inside a Special Economic Zone in Tamil Nadu, India 97
6 Mass Strikes in the Brazilian Construction Sector, 2011–2014 115
7 Conflicts around Subcontracted Workers in Chile’s Copper Mining Sector 133
8 The United States: Worker Agency and Innovation in the Midst of Crisis 151
9 Strike Movements and Popular Class Struggles in Burkina Faso 169
10 Mass Strikes in Nigeria, 2000–2015: Struggling against Neo-Liberal Hegemony 185
11 Strikes, Bread Riots and Blockades: Mozambican Workers and Communities in Resistance 203
12 The Strike Wave of 2015 in Germany 221
13 The Politics of Striking: On the Shifting Dynamics of Workers’ Struggles in Britain 237
14 Austerity and Labour Resistance: The Shifting Shape of Strikes in Spain 255
15 Gender and Precarity in Crisis-Ridden Greece 273
16 The Strike Movement and Labour Protests in Russia 289
Index 307
About the Editors and Contributors 311