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English SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Targeted Skills and Test Practice for Year 5: York Notes for KS2

English SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Targeted Skills and Test Practice for Year 5: York Notes for KS2

Kate Woodford | Elizabeth Walter


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English SATs Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Targeted Skills and Test Practice for Year 5: York Notes for KS2

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents 3
How to use this book 5
Part One: Grammar Basics 6
Nouns 6
Adjectives 7
Pronouns 8
Relative pronouns 10
Determiners 11
Verbs 12
Adverbs 14
Adverbials 17
Prepositions 19
SATs practice 21
Part Two: Sentence Grammar 23
Types of sentences 23
Phrases and clauses 24
Relative clauses 26
Forming sentences 28
Co-ordinating conjunctions 30
Subordinating conjunctions 31
Connecting sentences and paragraphs 32
Standard and non-standard English 33
SATs practice 35
Part Three: Verb Forms and Tenses 38
Simple past and simple present 38
Verbs in the perfect form 40
Present and past progressive 42
Modal verbs 43
SATs practice 45
Part Four: Punctuation 47
Capitals and full stops 47
Question marks and exclamation marks 48
Commas 1 49
Commas 2 51
Commas 3 52
Commas 4 54
Brackets and dashes 56
Speech punctuation 58
Apostrophes 1 61
Apostrophes 2 63
SATs practice 65
Part Five: Spelling and Vocabulary 68
Word Families 68
Plurals 69
Prefixes 1 71
Prefixes 2 73
Prefixes 3 75
Hyphenating prefixes 76
Suffixes 78
Words ending in ‘tion’, ‘sion’, ‘ssion’ and ‘cian’ 80
Words ending in ‘cious’ and ‘tious’ 82
Words ending in ‘cial’ and ‘tial’ 83
Words ending in ‘ent’ and ‘ant’ 84
Words ending in ‘ance’, ‘ancy’, ‘ence’ and ‘ency’ 86
Words ending in ‘able’, ‘ible’, ‘ably’ and ‘ibly’ 88
‘ei’ and ‘ie’ 90
‘ough’ words 92
Silent letters and unstressed vowels 93
Homophones 95
SATs practice 97
Part Six: Answers and Glossary 99
Answers 99
Glossary 118
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