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A First Course in Statistics, Global Edition

A First Course in Statistics, Global Edition

James T. McClave | Terry T Sincich


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Book Details


For courses in introductory statistics.


A Contemporary Classic

Classic, yet contemporary; theoretical, yet applied--McClave & Sincich’s A First Course in Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasizes inference and integrates real data throughout. The authors stress the development of statistical thinking, the assessment of credibility, and value of the inferences made from data. This new edition is extensively revised with an eye on clearer, more concise language throughout the text and in the exercises.


Ideal for one- or two-semester courses in introductory statistics, this text assumes a mathematical background of basic algebra. Flexibility is built in for instructors who teach a more advanced course, with optional footnotes about calculus and the underlying theory.


MyStatLabTM not included. Students, if MyStatLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyStatLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

MyStatLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Applet Correlation IFC-1
Title Page 5
Copyright Page 6
Contents 7
Preface 11
Applications Index 19
Chapter 1 Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking 25
1.1 The Science of Statistics 26
1.2 Types of Statistical Applications 27
1.3 Fundamental Elements of Statistics 29
1.4 Types of Data 33
1.5 Collecting Data: Sampling and Related Issues 35
1.6 The Role of Statistics in Critical Thinking and Ethics 40
Statistics in Action: Social Media Network Usage—Are You Linked In? 26
Using Technology: MINITAB: Accessing and Listing Data 49
Chapter 2 Methods for Describing Sets of Data 53
2.1 Describing Qualitative Data 55
2.2 Graphical Methods for Describing Quantitative Data 66
2.3 Numerical Measures of Central Tendency 78
2.4 Numerical Measures of Variability 89
2.5 Using The Mean and Standard Deviation to Describe Data 95
2.6 Numerical Measures of Relative Standing 103
2.7 Methods for Detecting Outliers: Box Plots and z-Scores 107
2.8 Graphing Bivariate Relationships (Optional) 117
2.9 Distorting the Truth with Descriptive Statistics 122
Statistics in Action: Body Image Dissatisfaction: Real or Imagined? 54
Using Technology: MINITAB: Describing Data 136
TI-83/TI–84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Describing Data 136
Chapter 3 Probability 139
3.1 Events, Sample Spaces, and Probability 141
3.2 Unions and Intersections 154
3.3 Complementary Events 157
3.4 The Additive Rule and Mutually Exclusive Events 159
3.5 Conditional Probability 166
3.6 The Multiplicative Rule and Independent Events 169
Statistics in Action: Lotto Buster! Can You Improve Your Chance of Winning? 140
Using Technology: TI-83/TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Combinations and Permutations 189
Chapter 4 Random Variables and Probability Distributions 190
4.1 Two Types of Random Variables 192
4.2 Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables 195
4.3 The Binomial Random Variable 207
4.4 Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables 218
4.5 The Normal Distribution 220
4.6 Descriptive Methods for Assessing Normality 233
4.7 Approximating a Binomial Distribution with a Normal Distribution (Optional) 242
4.8 Sampling Distributions 247
4.9 The Sampling Distribution of x and the Central Limit Theorem 254
Statistics in Action: Super Weapons Development—Is the Hit Ratio Optimized? 191
Using Technology: MINITAB: Binomial Probabilities, Normal Probability, and Simulated\rSampling Distribution 271
Chapter 5 Inferences Based on a SingleSample 276
5.1 Identifying and Estimating the Target Parameter 277
5.2 Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Normal (z) Statistic 279
5.3 Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Student’s t-Statistic 289
5.4 Large-Sample Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion 299
5.5 Determining the Sample Size 306
5.6 Confidence Interval for a Population Variance (Optional) 313
Statistics in Action: Medicare Fraud Investigations 277
Using Technology: MINITAB: Confidence Intervals 326
TI-83/TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Confidence Intervals 328
Chapter 6 Inferences Based on a Single Sample Sample 330
6.1 The Elements of a Test of Hypothesis 331
6.2 Formulating Hypotheses and Setting Up the Rejection Region 337
6.3 Observed Significance Levels:p-Values 342
6.4 Test Of Hypothesis about a Population Mean: Normal (z) Statistic 347
6.5 Test of Hypothesis about a Population Mean: Student’s t-Statistic 355
6.6 Large-Sample Test of Hypothesis about a Population Proportion 362
6.7 Test of Hypothesis about a Population Variance (Optional) 370
6.8 A Nonparametric Test about a Population Median (Optional) 376
Statistics in Action: Diary of a KLEENEX® User—How Many Tissues in a Box? 376
Using Technology: MINITAB: Tests of Hypotheses 388
TI-83/TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Tests of Hypotheses 390
Chapter 7 Comparing Population Means 391
7.1 Identifying the Target Parameter 392
7.2 Comparing Two Population Means: Independent Sampling 393
7.3 Comparing Two Population Means: Paired Difference Experiments 411
7.4 Determining the Sample Size 423
7.5 A Nonparametric Test for Comparing Two Populations: Independent Samples (Optional) 427
7.6 A Nonparametric Test for Comparing Two Populations: Paired Difference Experiment (Optional) 436
7.7 Comparing Three or More Population Means: Analysis of Variance (Optional) 445
Statistics in Action: ZixIt Corp. v. Visa USA Inc.—A Libel Case 392
Using Technology: MINITAB: Comparing Means 467
TI-83/TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Comparing Means 469
Chapter 8 Comparing Population Proportions 473
8.1 Comparing Two Population Proportions: Independent Sampling 475
8.2 Determining the Sample Size 482
8.3 Testing Category Probabilities: Multinomial Experiment 485
8.4 Testing Categorical Probabilities: Two-Way (Contingency) Table 494
Statistics in Action: The Case of the Ghoulish Transplant Tissue 474
Using Technology: MINITAB: Categorized Data Analysis 520
TI-83/TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator:Categorical Data Analyses 521
Chapter 9 Simple Linear Regression 523
9.1 Probabilistic Models 525
9.2 Fitting The Model: The Least Squares Approach 529
9.3 Model Assumptions 542
9.4 Assessing The Utility of the Model: Making Inferences About The Slope b1 547
9.5 The Coefficients of Correlation and Determination 556
9.6 Using the Model for Estimation and Prediction 566
9.7 A Complete Example 574
9.8 A Nonparametric Test for Correlation (Optional) 578
Statistics in Action: Can “Dowsers” Really Detect Water? 524
Using Technology: MINITAB: Simple Linear Regression 597
TI-83/TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Simple Linear Regression 599
Appendix A: Summation Notation 601
Appendix B: Tables 603
Table I Binomial Probabilities 604
Table II Normal Curve Areas 608
Table III Critical Values of t 609
Table IV Critical Values of x2 610
Table V Critical Values of TL and TU for the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test 612
Table VI Critical Values of T0 in the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test 613
Table VII Percentage Points of the F-Distribution, a = .10 614
Table VIII Percentage Points of the F-Distribution, a = .05 616
Table IX Percentage Points of the F-Distribution, a = .025 618
Table X Percentage Points of the F-Distribution, a = .01 620
Table XI Critical Values of Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient 622
Appendix C: Calculation Formulas for Analysis of Variance (independent Sampling) 623
Short Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Exercises 624
Index 631
Credits 636
Selected Formulas 638
Back Cover 648