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Principles of Marketing, An Asian Perspective

Principles of Marketing, An Asian Perspective

Philip Kotler | Gary Armstrong | Ang Swee-Hoon | Leong Siew-Meng | Tan Chin-Tiong | Prof Author


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For Principles of Marketing courses that require a comprehensive text.


Help students learn how to create value through customer connections and engagement

In a fast-changing, increasingly digital and social marketplace, it’s more vital than ever for marketers to develop meaningful connections with their customers. The Principles of Marketing, An Asian Perspective provides an authoritative, comprehensive, innovative, managerial, and practical introduction to the fascinating world of marketing in and from Asia. It helps students master today’s key marketing challenge: to create vibrant, interactive communities of consumers in Asia who make products and brands an integral part of their daily lives.


To help students in Asia understand how to create value and build customer relationships, the Asian Perspective presents fundamental marketing information within an innovative customer-value framework.


This textbook makes learning about and teaching Asian marketing easier and more exciting for both students and instructors by providing a variety of vignettes, up-to-date corporate examples, and relevant case studies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Copyright ii
Brief Contents vii
Contents viii
About the Authors iii
About the Book xv
Preface xix
Acknowledgements xxiv
Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships 3
What is Marketing? 4
Marketing Defined 5
The Marketing Process 5
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs 6
Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands 6
Market Offerings—Products, Services, and Experiences 7
Customer Value and Satisfaction 7
Exchanges and Relationships 8
Markets 8
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy 9
Selecting Customers to Serve 9
Choosing a Value Proposition 10
Marketing Management Orientations 11
Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program 14
Building Customer Relationships 15
Customer Relationship Management 15
The Changing Nature of Customer Relationships 18
Partner Relationship Management 20
Capturing Value from Customers 22
Creating Customer Loyalty and Retention 22
Growing Share of Customer 22
Building Customer Equity 23
The Changing Marketing Landscape 24
The Digital Age 24
Rapid Globalization 25
Sustainable Marketing—The Call for More Ethics and Social Responsibility 28
The Growth of Not-for-Profit Marketing 28
So, What is Marketing? Pulling It All Together 28
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 31
Key Terms 32
Discussing the Concepts 33
Applying the Concepts 33
Focus on Technology 33
Focus on Ethics 34
Marketing & the Economy 34
Marketing by the Numbers 34
Video Case: Stew Leonard’s 35
Company Case: McDonald’s in the Philippines: Stung by the Bee 35
Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships 39
Company-Wide Strategic Planning: Defining Marketing’s Role 41
Defining a Market-Oriented Mission 42
Setting Company Objectives and Goals 43
Designing the business portfolio 46
Analyzing the Current Business Portfolio 46
Planning Marketing: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships 50
Partnering with Other Company Departments 50
Partnering with Others in the Marketing System 51
Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix 52
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy 53
Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix 55
Managing the Marketing Effort 57
Marketing Analysis 57
Marketing Planning 57
Marketing Implementation 59
Marketing Department Organization 60
Marketing Control 61
Measuring and Managing Return on Marketing Investment 61
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 63
Key Terms 64
Discussing the Concepts 65
Applying the Concepts 65
Focus on Technology 65
Focus on Ethics 66
Marketing & the Economy 66
Marketing by the Numbers 67
Video Case: Live Nation 67
Company Case: Dyson: Solving Customer Problems in Ways They Never Imagined 67
The Marketing Environment 71
The Company’s Microenvironment 73
The Company 73
Suppliers 73
Marketing Intermediaries 74
Customers 74
Competitors 75
Publics 75
The Company’s Macroenvironment 75
Demographic Environment 76
Economic Environment 79
Natural Environment 83
Technological Environment 85
Political Environment 86
Cultural Environment 88
Responding to the Marketing Environment 91
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 93
Key Terms 94
Discussing the Concepts 94
Applying the Concepts 94
Focus on Technology 95
Focus on Ethics 95
Marketing & the Economy 95
Marketing by the Numbers 96
Video Case: TOMS Shoes 96
Company Case: Toyota Prius: Hero to Zer 97
Managing Marketing Information 101
Marketing Information and Customer Insights 103
Marketing Information and Today’s ‘Big Data’ 104
Assessing Marketing Information Needs 105
Developing Marketing Information 106
Internal Data 106
Competitive Marketing Intelligence 107
Marketing Research 109
Defining the Problem and Research Objectives 109
Developing the Research Plan 109
Gathering Secondary Data 110
Primary Data Collection 112
Implementing the Research Plan 122
Interpreting and Reporting the Findings 122
Analyzing Marketing Information 123
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 123
Distributing and Using Marketing Information 124
Other Marketing Information Considerations 127
Marketing Research in Small Businesses and Non-Profit Organizations 127
International Marketing Research 128
Public Policy and Ethics in Marketing Research 130
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 131
Key Terms 132
Discussing the Concepts 132
Applying the Concepts 133
Focus on Technology 133
Focus on Ethics 133
Marketing & the Economy 134
Marketing by the Numbers 134
Video Case: Radian6 134
Company Case: HSBC: Banking on Understanding Customers 135
Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 137
Model of Consumer Behavior 139
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior 140
Cultural Factors 140
Social Factors 142
Personal Factors 145
Psychological Factors 150
Types of Buying Decision Behavior 155
Complex Buying Behavior 155
Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior 156
Habitual Buying Behavior 156
Variety-Seeking Buying Behavior 157
The Buyer Decision Process 158
Need Recognition 158
Information Search 159
Evaluation of Alternatives 159
Purchase Decision 160
Post-Purchase Behavior 160
The Buyer Decision Process for New Products 161
Stages in the Adoption Process 164
Individual Differences in Innovativeness 164
Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of Adoption 165
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 167
Key Terms 168
Discussing the Concepts 169
Applying the Concepts 169
Focus on Technology 169
Focus on Ethics 170
Marketing & the Economy 170
Marketing by the Numbers 170
Video Case: Radian6 171
Company Case: Abercrombie & Fitch: The Asian Hurdle 171
Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior 175
Business Markets 177
Market Structure and Demand 178
Nature of the Buying Unit 179
Types of Decisions and the Decision Process 179
Business Buyer Behavior 181
Major Types of Buying Situations 182
Participants in the Business Buying Process 183
Major Influences on Business Buyers 184
The Business Buying Process 188
Problem Recognition 188
E-Procurement: Buying on the Internet 190
Problem Recognition 190
Institutional and Government Markets 194
Institutional Markets 194
Government Markets 194
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 196
Key Terms 197
Discussing the Concepts 197
Applying the Concepts 197
Focus on Technology 198
Focus on Ethics 198
Marketing & the Economy 198
Marketing by the Numbers 199
Video Case: Eaton 199
Company Case: Cisco Systems: Solving Business Problems Through Collaboration 199
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers 205
Market Segmentation 207
Segmenting Consumer Markets 207
Segmenting Business Markets 216
Segmenting International Markets 217
Requirements for Effective Segmentation 218
Market Targeting 219
Evaluating Market Segments 219
Selecting Target Market Segments 220
Socially Responsible Target Marketing 225
Differentiation and Positioning 225
Positioning Maps 229
Choosing a Differentiation and Positioning Strategy 229
Communicating and Delivering the Chosen Position 234
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 236
Key Terms 237
Discussing the Concepts 237
Applying the Concepts 238
Focus on Technology 238
Focus on Ethics 238
Marketing & the Economy 239
Marketing by the Numbers 239
Video Case: Meredith 239
Company Case: Best Buy: Not the Best Buy in China 240
Product, Services, and Branding Strategy 243
What is a Product? 245
Products, Services, and Experiences 245
Levels of Products and Services 246
Product and Service Classifications 246
Product Decisions 250
Individual Product Decisions 250
Product Line Decisions 255
Product Mix Decisions 257
Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands 258
Brand Equity 259
Building Strong Brands 259
Managing Brands 270
Services Marketing 271
The Nature and Characteristics of a Service 271
Marketing Strategies for Service Firms 272
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 275
Key Terms 276
Discussing the Concepts 277
Applying the Concepts 277
Focus on Technology 277
Focus on Ethics 278
Marketing & the Economy 278
Marketing by the Numbers 278
Video Case: General Mills—GoGurt 279
Company Case: Garnier and Revlon: In Need of a Makeover 279
New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies 283
New-Product Development Strategy 286
The New-Product Development Process 286
Idea Generation 287
Crowdsourcing 289
Idea Screening 289
Concept Development and Testing 289
Marketing Strategy Development 293
Business Analysis 294
Product Development 294
Test Marketing 295
Commercialization 296
Managing New-Product Development 296
Customer-Centered New-Product Development 296
Team-Based New-Product Development 297
Systematic New-Product Development 298
Product Life-Cycle Strategies 299
Introduction Stage 302
Growth Stage 302
Maturity Stage 303
Decline Stage 306
Additional Product and Service Considerations 307
Product Decisions and Social Responsibility 307
International Product and Services Marketing 307
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 310
Key Terms 311
Discussing the Concepts 311
Applying the Concepts 311
Focus on Technology 312
Focus on Ethics 312
Marketing & the Economy 313
Marketing by the Numbers 313
Video Case: General Mills–FiberOne 313
Company Case: Disneyland: Not the Happiest Place in Hong Kong 314
Pricing Products: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value 317
What is a Price? 319
Major Pricing Strategies 320
Customer Value-Based Pricing 320
Cost-Based Pricing 323
Competition-Based Pricing 327
Other Internal and External Considerations Affecting Price Decisions 328
Overall Marketing Strategy, Objectives, and Mix 328
Organizational Considerations 332
The Market and Demand 332
Other External Factors 334
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 335
Key Terms 336
Discussing the Concepts 336
Applying the Concepts 337
Focus on Technology 337
Focus on Ethics 337
Marketing & the Economy 338
Marketing by the Numbers 338
Video Case: IKEA 338
Company Case: Tata Nano: The People’s Car or World’s Cheapest Car? 339
Pricing Products: Pricing Strategies 343
New-Product Pricing Strategies 344
Market-Skimming Pricing 345
Market-Penetration Pricing 345
Product Mix Pricing Strategies 346
Product Line Pricing 346
Optional-Product Pricing 347
Captive-Product Pricing 348
By-Product Pricing 348
Product Bundle Pricing 348
Price-Adjustment Strategies 349
Discount and Allowance Pricing 349
Segmented Pricing 349
Psychological Pricing 350
Promotional Pricing 351
Geographical Pricing 352
Dynamic and Internet Pricing 353
International Pricing 354
Price Changes 355
Initiating Price Changes 355
Responding to Price Changes 360
Public Policy and Pricing 361
Pricing Within Channel Levels 362
Pricing Across Channel Levels 362
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 364
Key Terms 365
Discussing the Concepts 366
Applying the Concepts 366
Focus on Technology 366
Focus on Ethics 366
Marketing & the Economy 367
Marketing by the Numbers 367
Video Case: Smashburger 367
Company Case: Coach: Riding the Wave of Premium Pricing 368
Marketing Channels : Delivering Customer Value 373
Supply Chains and the Value Delivery Network 375
The Nature and Importance of Marketing Channels 376
How Channel Members Add Value 377
Number of Channel Levels 378
Channel Behavior and Organization 379
Channel Behavior 379
Vertical Marketing Systems 380
Horizontal Marketing Systems 382
Multichannel Distribution Systems 382
hanging Channel Organization 384
Channel Design Decisions 385
Analyzing Consumer Needs 386
Setting Channel Objectives 386
Identifying Major Alternatives 387
Evaluating the Major Alternatives 389
Designing International Distribution Channels 389
Channel Management Decisions 391
Selecting Channel Members 391
Managing and Motivating Channel Members 391
Evaluating Channel Members 392
Public Policy and Distribution Decisions 393
Marketing Logistics and Supply Chain Management 394
Nature and Importance of Marketing Logistics 394
Goals of the Logistics System 395
Major Logistics Functions 395
Integrated Logistics Management 398
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 402
Key Terms 403
Discussing the Concepts 404
Applying the Concepts 404
Focus on Technology 404
Focus on Ethics 404
Marketing & the Economy 405
Marketing by the Numbers 405
Video Case: Progressive 405
Company Case: Sa Sa International: The Hinterland Barrier 406
Retailing and Wholesaling 409
Retailing 410
Types of Retailers 412
Retailer Marketing Decisions 418
Retailing Trends and Developments 426
Wholesaling 433
Types of Wholesalers 434
Wholesaler Marketing Decisions 434
Trends in Wholesaling 437
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 439
Key Terms 440
Discussing the Concepts 440
Applying the Concepts 441
Focus on Technology 441
Focus on Ethics 441
Marketing & the Economy 442
Marketing by the Numbers 442
Video Case: 442
Company Case: Uber: Delivering People and Goods 443
Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy 447
The Promotion Mix 449
Integrated Marketing Communications 450
The New Marketing Communications Landscape Model 450
The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications 450
A View of the Communication Process 455
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing Communication 457
Identifying the Target Audience 457
Determining the Communication Objectives 457
Designing a Message 459
Choosing Communication Channels and Media 461
Selecting the Message Source 462
Collecting Feedback 463
Setting the Total Promotion Budget and Mix 466
Setting the Total Promotion Budget 466
Shaping the Overall Promotion Mix 467
Integrating the Promotion Mix 470
Socially Responsible Marketing Communication 471
Advertising and Sales Promotion 471
Personal Selling 472
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 473
Key Terms 474
Discussing the Concepts 474
Applying the Concepts 474
Focus on Technology 475
Focus on Ethics 475
Marketing & the Economy 476
Marketing by the Numbers 476
Video Case: CP+B 476
Company Case: Barbie Doll: Not All Girls Just Want to Have Fun 477
Advertising and Public Relations 481
Advertising 483
Setting Advertising Objectives 484
Setting the Advertising Budget 485
Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness and Return on Advertising Investment 493
Other Advertising Considerations 496
Organizing for Advertising 496
International Advertising Decisions 498
Developing Advertising Strategy 486
Creating the Advertising Message 487
Selecting Advertising Media 490
Public Relations 499
The Role and Impact of Public Relations 500
Major Public Relations Tools 501
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 503
Key Terms 504
Discussing the Concepts 504
Applying the Concepts 505
Focus on Technology 505
Focus on Ethics 505
Marketing & The Economy 506
Marketing by the Numbers 506
Video Case: E*TRADE 507
Company Case: Scoot: Is Imitation the Sincerest Form of Flattery? 507
Personal Selling and Sales Promotion 511
Personal Selling 512
The Nature of Personal Selling 512
The Role of the Sales Force 513
Managing the Sales Force 514
Designing Sales Force Strategy and Structure 515
Recruiting and Selecting Salespeople 517
Training Salespeople 519
Compensating Salespeople 519
Supervising and Motivating Salespeople 520
Evaluating Salespeople and Sales-Force Performance 521
Social Selling: Online, Mobile, and Social Media Tools 524
The Personal Selling Process 525
Steps in the Selling Process 526
Personal Selling and Customer Relationship Management 528
Sales Promotion 528
The Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion 529
Sales Promotion Objectives 530
Major Sales Promotion Tools 530
Developing the Sales Promotion Program 536
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 537
Key Terms 538
Discussing the Concepts 538
Applying the Concepts 539
Focus on Technology 539
Focus on Ethics 539
Marketing & the Economy 540
Marketing by the Numbers 540
Video Case: Nestlé Waters 540
Company Case: Coca Cola: Asians Want to Share It 541
Direct, Online, Social Media, and Mobile Marketing 545
Direct and Digital Marketing 547
The New Direct Marketing Model 547
Rapid Growth and Benefits of Direct and Digital Marketing 547
Forms of Direct and Digital Marketing 550
Digital and Social Media Marketing 550
Mobile Marketing 551
Online Marketing 554
Social Media Marketing 557
Traditional Direct Marketing Forms 560
Direct-Mail Marketing 561
Catalog Marketing Domains 561
Telemarketing 562
Direct-Response Television Marketing 562
Kiosk Marketing 562
Public Policy Issues in Direct and Digital Marketing 563
Irritation, Unfairness, Deception, and Fraud 563
Consumer Privacy 564
A Need for Action 564
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 566
Key Terms 567
Discussing the Concepts 568
Applying the Concepts 568
Focus on Technology 568
Focus on Ethics 568
Marketing & the Economy 569
Marketing by the Numbers 569
Video Case: 570
Company Case: Creating A Direct and Satisfying Online Customer Experience 570
Creating Competitive Advantage 575
Competitor Analysis 577
Identifying Competitors 578
Assessing Competitors 579
Selecting Competitors to Attack and Avoid 583
Designing a Competitive Intelligence System 585
Competitive Strategies 585
Approaches to Marketing Strategy 586
Basic Competitive Strategies 587
Competitive Positions 588
Market Leader Strategies 589
Market Challenger Strategies 592
Market Follower Strategies 594
Market Nicher Strategies 594
Balancing Customer and Competitor Orientations 596
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 597
Key Terms 598
Discussing the Concepts 598
Applying the Concepts 598
Focus on Technology 598
Focus on Ethics 599
Marketing & the Economy 599
Marketing by the Numbers 599
Video Case: Umpqua Bank 600
Company Case: LG: Competing in India 600
The Global Marketplace 605
Global Marketing Today 607
Looking at the Global Marketing Environment 608
The International Trade System 608
Economic Environment 609
Political-Legal Environment 611
Cultural Environment 612
Deciding Whether to Go Global 614
Deciding Which Markets to Enter 615
Deciding How to Enter the Market 618
Exporting 619
Joint Venturing 619
Direct Investment 621
Deciding on the Global Marketing Program 621
Product 622
Promotion 623
Price 626
Distribution Channels 627
Deciding on the Global Marketing Organization 628
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 630
Key Terms 631
Discussing the Concepts 631
Applying the Concepts 631
Focus on Technology 632
Focus on Ethics 632
Marketing & the Economy 632
Marketing by the Numbers 633
Video Case: Monster 633
Company Case: Snickers: Achieving Promotional Integration with a Universal Appeal—Hunger 633
Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics 639
Sustainable Marketing 641
Social Criticisms of Marketing 643
Marketing’s Impact on Individual Consumers 643
Marketing’s Impact on Society as a Whole 649
Marketing’s Impact on Other Businesses 651
Consumer Actions to Promote Sustainable Marketing 652
Consumerism 652
Environmentalism 653
Public Actions to Regulate Marketing 658
Business Actions toward Sustainable Responsible Marketing 659
Sustainable Marketing Principles 659
Societal Marketing 662
Marketing Ethics 663
Sustainable Company 665
Reviewing Objectives and Key Terms 666
Key Terms 667
Discussing the Concepts 667
Applying the Concepts 668
Focus on Technology 668
Focus on Ethics 668
Marketing & the Economy 669
Marketing by the Numbers 669
Video Case: Land Rover 669
Company Case: Wilmar International: Addressing a Burning Issue 670
Appendix 1: Marketing Plan 673
Appendix 2: Marketing by the Numbers 685
References 707
Glossary 721
Credits 733
Index 737