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The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance

The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance

Peter Howells | Keith Bain


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Provides a unique comparative survey of financial systems in Europe and the US, unified under a rigorous theoretical framework.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Guided tour xii
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xvii
Symbols, abbreviations and other conventions xx
Part 1 Introduction 1
1 The role of a financial system 3
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Lenders and borrowers 5
1.3 Financial institutions 10
1.4 Financial markets 19
1.5 The financial system and the real economy 20
1.6 Summary 25
Key concepts in this chapter 25
Questions and problems 25
Further reading 26
Part 2 Financial Institutions and Systems 27
2 An introduction to financial systems 29
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 Classification of financial systems 30
2.3 Banks and other deposit-taking institutions 32
2.4 Non-deposit-taking institutions – insurance companies and pension funds 43
2.5 Non-deposit-taking institutions – mutual funds 65
2.6 Summary 71
Key concepts in this chapter 72
Questions and problems 72
Further reading 73
3 The UK financial system 75
3.1 Introduction 76
3.2 Banks in the UK 76
3.3 Building societies in the UK 84
3.4 Insurance companies 86
3.5 Pension funds 89
3.6 Unit trusts 96
3.7 Investment trusts 100
3.8 Summary 101
Key concepts in this chapter 102
Questions and problems 102
Further reading 102
4 The US financial system 104
4.1 Introduction 105
4.2 Deposit-taking institutions in the USA 105
4.3 The Federal Reserve System 113
4.4 Non-depository institutions in the USA 116
4.5 The home mortgage market and subprime lending 119
4.6 Summary 122
Key concepts in this chapter 123
Questions and problems 123
Further reading 123
5 The German financial system 124
5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Banks and other deposit-taking institutions 126
5.3 Non-deposit institutions 130
5.4 The use of bond and equity markets in Germany 131
5.5 Summary 133
Key concepts in this chapter 134
Questions and problems 134
Further reading 134
6 The French and Italian financial systems 135
6.1 Introduction 136
6.2 The French banking system 138
6.3 Specialist and non-deposit institutions 144
6.4 Financial markets in France 148
6.5 The development of the Italian financial system 150
6.6 The current position of the Italian financial system 152
6.7 Summary 163
Key concepts in this chapter 164
Questions and problems 164
Further reading 164
7 Financial systems in Northern Europe 166
7.1 Introduction 167
7.2 Banking systems in the Nordic countries 168
7.3 Other financial intermediaries in the Nordic countries 171
7.4 The evolution and integration of financial systems in Scandinavia 174
7.5 Monetary policy strategies in the Nordic countries 177
7.6 Summary 180
Key concepts in this chapter 180
Questions and problems 181
Further reading 181
Part 3 Theory 183
8 Portfolio theory 185
8.1 Introduction 186
8.2 Risk and return 186
8.3 Diversification 187
8.4 ‘Market’ and ‘specific’ risk 191
8.5 The capital asset pricing model 192
8.6 Summary 194
Key concepts in this chapter 195
Questions and problems 195
Further reading 195
9 The determination of short-term interest rates 196
9.1 Introduction 197
9.2 Interest rates defined and classified 197
9.3 ‘Market’ theories of interest rate determination 198
9.4 The role of central banks – ‘administered’ interest rates 206
9.5 A synthesis 210
9.6 Summary 211
Key concepts in this chapter 211
Questions and problems 212
Further reading 212
10 The structure of interest rates 213
10.1 Introduction 214
10.2 The effect of term 214
10.3 The effect of risk 217
10.4 Expectations and government borrowing 218
10.5 Summary 222
Key concepts in this chapter 223
Questions and problems 223
Further reading 223
11 The valuation of assets 224
11.1 Introduction 225
11.2 Supply and demand in asset markets 225
11.3 Asset valuation 227
11.4 The ‘fundamentals’ of asset valuation 232
11.5 An alternative interpretation 233
11.6 Summary 235
Key concepts in this chapter 236
Questions and problems 236
Further reading 237
Appendix to Chapter 11 237
Part 4 Money and Banking 239
12 Banks and the supply of money 241
12.1 Introduction 242
12.2 The definition of money 242
12.3 Banks’ balance sheets 249
12.4 Models of money supply determination 255
12.5 Controlling the money supply 259
12.6 Summary 263
Key concepts in this chapter 263
Questions and problems 264
Further reading 264
13 The demand for money 265
13.1 Introduction 266
13.2 The standard approach to the transmission mechanism 266
13.3 Testing the demand for money – the outcome 270
13.4 A more realistic approach to the transmission mechanism of monetary policy 272
13.5 Summary 277
Key concepts in this chapter 277
Questions and problems 278
Further reading 278
14 Monetary policy 279
14.1 Introduction 280
14.2 The simple Phillips curve 281
14.3 The ‘expectations-augmented’ Phillips curve 283
14.4 The policy irrelevance theorem 285
14.5 The Phillips curve and monetary policy today 287
14.6 Rules and discretion in monetary policy 290
14.7 Governments, inflationary incentives and independent central banks 293
14.8 Summary 297
Key concepts in this chapter 298
Questions and problems 298
Further reading 299
Part 5 Markets 301
15 Money markets 303
15.1 Introduction 304
15.2 Money market instruments: characteristics and yields 305
15.3 Characteristics and use of the money markets 310
15.4 Official intervention in the money markets 311
15.5 The Eurocurrency markets 317
15.6 Summary 319
Key concepts in this chapter 319
Questions and problems 320
Further reading 320
16 Bond markets 321
16.1 Introduction 322
16.2 Bonds: types and characteristics 322
16.3 Bond prices and yields 324
16.4 Risk and fixed interest bonds 332
16.5 The term structure of interest rates 336
16.6 Characteristics of the bond markets 344
16.7 International bonds 348
16.8 Summary 352
Key concepts in this chapter 352
Questions and problems 353
Further reading 354
17 Equity markets 355
17.1 Introduction 356
17.2 Company shares: types, characteristics and returns 357
17.3 Equity pricing 358
17.4 Share price movements 368
17.5 Equity market characteristics 371
17.6 Summary 377
Key concepts in this chapter 377
Questions and problems 378
Further reading 378
18 Foreign exchange markets 380
18.1 Introduction 381
18.2 Foreign exchange rates in the Financial Times 384
18.3 Interest rate parity 396
18.4 Exchange rate arbitrage 398
18.5 Foreign exchange risk and speculation 399
18.6 Reasons for exchange rate changes – theory and practice 401
18.7 Summary 408
Key concepts in this chapter 408
Questions and problems 409
Further reading 410
19 Derivatives – the financial futures markets 411
19.1 Introduction 412
19.2 The nature of financial futures 413
19.3 Reading the Financial Times 416
19.4 The pricing of futures 420
19.5 Summary 429
Key concepts in this chapter 429
Questions and problems 429
Further reading 430
20 Options, swaps and other derivatives 432
20.1 Introduction 433
20.2 Options 433
20.3 Principal types of options on financial assets 436
20.4 The pricing of options 441
20.5 Exotic options 446
20.6 Swaps 449
20.7 Other investment products and derivative contracts 451
20.8 Comparing different types of derivatives 452
20.9 The use and abuse of derivatives 453
20.10 Summary 458
Key concepts in this chapter 458
Questions and problems 459
Further reading 460
Part 6 Current Issues 461
21 The internal European market 463
21.1 Introduction 464
21.2 The objectives and achievements of the Single European Act 464
21.3 The single financial market (European Financial Common Market – the EFCM) 467
21.4 Progress towards the EFCM 472
21.5 The Financial Services Action Plan 478
21.6 Enlargement to 27 480
21.7 Summary 483
Key concepts in this chapter 484
Questions and problems 484
Further reading 484
22 The European Monetary System and monetary union 485
22.1 Introduction 486
22.2 The Treaty on European Union and the plans for monetary union 488
22.3 The problems of the 1990s 489
22.4 The movement to monetary union 491
22.5 Monetary union developments 492
22.6 The euro area – future membership prospects 496
22.7 Summary 504
Key concepts in this chapter 505
Questions and problems 505
Further reading 505
23 The European Central Bank and euro area monetary policy 506
23.1 Introduction 507
23.2 Inflation, exchange rate and default risk in monetary union 509
23.3 Monetary institutions and policy in the single currency area 510
23.4 The form of monetary policy in the euro area 514
23.5 ECB monetary policy and the euro 518
23.6 Possible reforms at the ECB 524
23.7 Summary 525
Key concepts in this chapter 526
Questions and problems 526
Further reading 526
24 Financial innovation 527
24.1 Introduction 528
24.2 Theories of innovation 528
24.3 Three case studies 532
24.4 The demand for money and monetary policy 539
24.5 Summary 544
Key concepts in this chapter 544
Questions and problems 545
Further reading 545
25 The regulation of financial markets 547
25.1 Introduction 548
25.2 The difficulties of regulation 550
25.3 The Financial Services Authority (FSA) 554
25.4 Banking regulation 560
25.5 The impact of globalization and financial innovation – the Basel Committee 562
25.6 The regulation of universal banking in the EU 568
25.7 Summary 569
Key concepts in this chapter 569
Questions and problems 570
Further reading 570
26 Financial market efficiency 571
26.1 Introduction 572
26.2 The efficient market hypothesis 573
26.3 Implications of the EMH 575
26.4 Testing the EMH 579
26.5 Market rationality 582
26.6 Behavioural finance 585
26.7 Summary 587
Key concepts in this chapter 588
Questions and problems 588
Further reading 588
Case studies 590
Case study 1 The structure of banking and conflicts of interest 590
Case study 2 The dotcom phenomenon 593
Case study 3 Efficient markets: contrasting evidence 598
Case study 4 The Northern Rock affair 603
Case study 5 Exchange rate explanations – interpreting the news 606
Case study 6 Judging the regulator – the FSA, praise and blame 608
Case study 7 The ‘who’ and ‘why’ of financial exclusion 612
Case study 8 Financial scandals and the impact on markets: Parmalat 613
Glossary of terms 617
A 617
B 617
C 617
D 618
E 618
F 619
H 619
I 619
L 620
M 620
N 621
O 621
P 621
R 621
S 622
T 622
V 622
Answers to exercises 623
Index 627
A 627
B 627
C 628
D 628
E 629
F 629
G 630
H 630
I 630
J 631
K 631
L 631
M 631
N 632
O 632
P 632
R 633
S 633
T 634
U 634
V 634
W 634
Y 634
Z 634