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Engineering Computation with MATLAB: International Edition

Engineering Computation with MATLAB: International Edition

David M. Smith


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Book Details


This textbook is ideal for MATLAB/Introduction to Programming courses in both Engineering and Computer Science departments.

Engineering Computation with MATLAB introduces the power of computing to engineering students who have no programming experience. The book places the fundamental tenets of computer programming into the context of MATLAB, employing hands-on exercises, examples from the engineering industry, and a variety of core tools to increase programming proficiency and capability. With this knowledge, students are prepared to adapt learned concepts to other programming languages.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents 5
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and Programming 19
1.1 Background 20
1.2 History of Computer Architectures 21
1.2.1 Babbage’s Difference Engine 21
1.2.2 Colossus 21
1.2.3 The von Neumann Architecture 22
1.3 Computing Systems Today 23
1.3.1 Computer Hardware 23
1.3.2 Computer Memory 24
1.3.3 Computer Software 26
1.3.4 Running a Computer Program 29
1.4 Running an Interpreted Program 31
1.5 Anticipated Outcomes 31
1.5.1 Introduction to MATLAB 31
1.5.2 Learning Programming Concepts 32
1.5.3 Problem-Solving Skills 32
Chapter 2 Getting Started 35
2.1 Programming Language Background 36
2.1.1 Abstraction 36
2.1.2 Algorithms 37
2.1.3 Programming Paradigms 38
2.2 Basic Data Manipulation 38
2.2.1 Starting and Stopping MATLAB 38
2.2.2 Assigning Values to Variables 39
2.2.3 Data Typing 40
2.2.4 Classes and Objects 42
2.3 MATLAB User Interface 42
2.3.1 Command Window 43
2.3.2 Command History 44
2.3.3 Workspace Window 45
2.3.4 Current Directory Window 48
2.3.5 Variable Editor 49
2.3.6 Figure Window 49
2.3.7 Editor Window 50
2.4 Scripts 51
2.4.1 Text Files 51
2.4.2 Creating Scripts 51
2.4.3 The Current Directory 52
2.4.4 Running Scripts 53
2.4.5 Punctuating Scripts 53
2.4.6 Debugging Scripts 54
2.5 Engineering Example—Spacecraft Launch 54
Chapter 3 Vectors and Arrays 63
3.1 Concept: Using Built-in Functions 64
3.2 Concept: Data Collections 64
3.2.1 Data Abstraction 64
3.2.2 Homogeneous Collection 64
3.3 Vectors 64
3.3.1 Creating a Vector 65
3.3.2 Size of a Vector 66
3.3.3 Indexing a Vector 66
3.3.4 Shortening a Vector 68
3.3.5 Operating on Vectors 69
3.4 Engineering Example—Forces and Moments 76
3.5 Arrays 78
3.5.1 Properties of an Array 79
3.5.2 Creating an Array 80
3.5.3 Accessing Elements of an Array 80
3.5.4 Removing Elements of an Array 81
3.5.5 Operating on Arrays 82
3.6 Engineering Example—Computing Soil Volume 89
Chapter 4 Execution Control 99
4.1 Concept: Code Blocks 100
4.2 Conditional Execution in General 100
4.3 if Statements 101
4.3.1 General Template 102
4.3.2 MATLAB Implementation 102
4.3.3 Important Ideas 104
4.4 switch Statements 106
4.4.1 General Template 106
4.4.2 MATLAB Implementation 107
4.5 Iteration in General 108
4.6 for Loops 108
4.6.1 General for Loop Template 109
4.6.2 MATLAB Implementation 109
4.6.3 Indexing Implementation 111
4.6.4 Breaking out of a for Loop 112
4.7 while Loops 112
4.7.1 General while Template 112
4.7.2 MATLAB while Loop Implementation 113
4.7.3 Loop-and-a-Half Implementation 114
4.7.4 Breaking a while Loop 115
4.8 Engineering Example—Computing Liquid Levels 115
Chapter 5 Functions 123
5.1 Concepts: Abstraction and Encapsulation 124
5.2 Black Box View of a Function 124
5.3 MATLAB Implementation 125
5.3.1 General Template 125
5.3.2 Function Definition 125
5.3.3 Storing and Using Functions 127
5.3.4 Calling Functions 127
5.3.5 Variable Numbers of Parameters 127
5.3.6 Returning Multiple Results 128
5.3.7 Auxiliary Local Functions 129
5.3.8 Encapsulation in MATLAB Functions 129
5.3.9 Global Variables 130
5.4 Engineering Example—Measuring a Solid Object 131
Chapter 6 Character Strings 139
6.1 Character String Concepts: Mapping Casting, Tokens, and Delimiting 140
6.2 MATLAB Implementation 141
6.2.1 Slicing and Concatenating Strings 142
6.2.2 Arithmetic and Logical Operations 143
6.2.3 Useful Functions 143
6.3 Format Conversion Functions 143
6.3.1 Conversion from Numbers to Strings 143
6.3.2 Conversion from Strings to Numbers 145
6.4 Character String Operations 147
6.4.1 Simple Data Output: The disp(...) Function 147
6.4.2 Complex Output 147
6.4.3 Comparing Strings 147
6.5 Arrays of Strings 149
6.6 Engineering Example—Encryption 150
Chapter 7 Cell Arrays and Structures 159
7.1 Concept: Collecting Dissimilar Objects 160
7.2 Cell Arrays 160
7.2.1 Creating Cell Arrays 160
7.2.2 Accessing Cell Arrays 161
7.2.3 Using Cell Arrays 163
7.2.4 Processing Cell Arrays 163
7.3 Structures 164
7.3.1 Constructing and Accessing One Structure 165
7.3.2 Constructor Functions 166
7.4 Structure Arrays 168
7.4.1 Constructing Structure Arrays 168
7.4.2 Accessing Structure Elements 170
7.4.3 Manipulating Structures 172
7.5 Engineering Example—Assembling a Physical Structure 174
Chapter 8 File Input and Output 185
8.1 Concept: Serial Input and Output (I/O) 186
8.2 Workspace I/O 186
8.3 High-Level I/O Functions 187
8.3.1 Exploration 187
8.3.2 Spreadsheets 188
8.3.3 Delimited Text Files 190
8.4 Lower-Level File I/O 192
8.4.1 Opening and Closing Files 192
8.4.2 Reading Text Files 192
8.4.3 Examples of Reading Text Files 193
8.4.4 Writing Text Files 194
8.5 Engineering Example—Spreadsheet Data 195
Chapter 9 Recursion 203
9.1 Concept: The Activation Stack 204
9.1.1 A Stack 204
9.1.2 Activation Stack 204
9.1.3 Function Instances 205
9.2 Recursion Defined 205
9.3 Implementing a Recursive Function 206
9.4 Exceptions 208
9.4.1 Historical Approaches 209
9.4.2 Generic Exception Implementation 209
9.4.3 MATLAB Implementation 211
9.5 Wrapper Functions 213
9.6 Examples of Recursion 215
9.6.1 Detecting Palindromes 215
9.6.2 Fibonacci Series 216
9.6.3 Zeros of a Function 217
9.7 Engineering Example—Robot Arm Motion 220
Chapter 10 Principles of Problem Solving 229
10.1 Solving Simple Problems 230
10.2 Assembling Solution Steps 230
10.3 Summary of Operations 230
10.3.1 Basic Arithmetic Operations 231
10.3.2 Inserting into a Collection 231
10.3.3 Traversing a Collection 233
10.3.4 Building a Collection 234
10.3.5 Mapping a Collection 234
10.3.6 Filtering a Collection 235
10.3.7 Summarizing a Collection 236
10.3.8 Searching a Collection 237
10.3.9 Sorting a Collection 238
10.4 Solving Larger Problems 238
10.5 Engineering Example—Processing Geopolitical Data 239
Chapter 11 Plotting 249
11.1 Plotting in General 250
11.1.1 A Figure—The Plot Container 250
11.1.2 Simple Functions for Enhancing Plots 250
11.1.3 Multiple Plots on One Figure—Subplots 251
11.1.4 Manually Editing Plots 252
11.2 2-D Plotting 253
11.2.1 Simple Plots 253
11.2.2 Plot Options 255
11.2.3 Parametric Plots 255
11.2.4 Other 2-D Plot Capabilities 257
11.3 3-D Plotting 257
11.3.1 Linear 3-D Plots 257
11.3.2 Linear Parametric 3-D Plots 259
11.3.3 Other 3-D Plot Capabilities 260
11.4 Surface Plots 261
11.4.1 Basic Capabilities 261
11.4.2 Simple Exercises 261
11.4.3 3-D Parametric Surfaces 266
11.4.4 Bodies of Rotation 268
11.4.5 Other 3-D Surface Plot Capabilities 273
11.4.6 Assembling Compound Surfaces 274
11.5 Manipulating Plotted Data 274
11.6 Engineering Example—Visualizing Geographic Data 274
11.6.1 Analyzing the Data 275
11.6.2 Displaying the Data 276
Chapter 12 Matrices 285
12.1 Concept: Behavioral Abstraction 286
12.2 Matrix Operations 286
12.2.1 Matrix Multiplication 286
12.2.2 Matrix Division 289
12.2.3 Matrix Exponentiation 289
12.3 Implementation 289
12.3.1 Matrix Multiplication 290
12.3.2 Matrix Division 291
12.4 Rotating Coordinates 292
12.4.1 2-D Rotation 293
12.4.2 3-D Rotation 296
12.5 Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations 299
12.5.1 Intersecting Lines 300
12.6 Engineering Examples 301
12.6.1 Ceramic Composition 301
12.6.2 Analyzing an Electrical Circuit 303
Chapter 13 Images 309
13.1 Nature of an Image 310
13.2 Image Types 311
13.2.1 True Color Images 311
13.2.2 Gray Scale Images 311
13.2.3 Color Mapped Images 312
13.2.4 Preferred Image Format 312
13.3 Reading, Displaying, and Writing Images 313
13.4 Operating on Images 313
13.4.1 Stretching or Shrinking Images 313
13.4.2 Color Masking 314
13.4.3 Creating a Kaleidoscope 319
13.4.4 Images on a Surface 321
13.5 Engineering Example—Detecting Edges 324
Chapter 14 Processing Sound 333
14.1 The Physics of Sound 334
14.2 Recording and Playback 334
14.3 Implementation 335
14.4 Time Domain Operations 336
14.4.1 Slicing and Concatenating Sound 336
14.4.2 Musical Background 339
14.4.3 Changing Sound Frequency 340
14.5 The Fast Fourier Transform 342
14.5.1 Background 343
14.5.2 Implementation 344
14.5.3 Simple Spectral Analysis 345
14.6 Frequency Domain Operations 346
14.7 Engineering Example—Music Synthesizer 350
Chapter 15 Numerical Methods 357
15.1 Interpolation 358
15.1.1 Linear Interpolation 358
15.1.2 Cubic Spline Interpolation 361
15.1.3 Extrapolation 362
15.2 Curve Fitting 363
15.2.1 Linear Regression 363
15.2.2 Polynomial Regression 365
15.2.3 Practical Application 367
15.3 Numerical Integration 369
15.3.1 Determination of the Complete Integral 369
15.3.2 Continuous Integration Problems 371
15.4 Numerical Differentiation 374
15.4.1 Difference Expressions 374
15.5 Analytical Operations 375
15.5.1 Analytical Integration 375
15.5.2 Analytical Differentiation 375
15.6 Implementation 375
15.7 Engineering Example—Shaping the Synthesizer Notes 377
Chapter 16 Sorting 385
16.1 Measuring Algorithm Cost 386
16.1.1 Specific Big O Examples 387
16.1.2 Analyzing Complex Algorithms 388
16.2 Algorithms for Sorting Data 389
16.2.1 Insertion Sort 389
16.2.2 Bubble Sort 391
16.2.3 Quick Sort 393
16.2.4 Merge Sort 395
16.2.5 Radix Sort 397
16.3 Performance Analysis 398
16.4 Applications of Sorting Algorithms 400
16.4.1 Using sort(…) 400
16.4.2 Insertion Sort 400
16.4.3 Bubble Sort 401
16.4.4 Quick Sort 401
16.4.5 Merge Sort 401
16.4.6 Radix Sort 401
16.5 Engineering Example—A Selection of Countries 402
Chapter 17 Processing Graphs 407
17.1 Queues 408
17.1.1 The Nature of a Queue 408
17.1.2 Implementing Queues 408
17.1.3 Priority Queues 409
17.1.4 Testing Queues 411
17.2 Graphs 414
17.2.1 Graph Examples 414
17.2.2 Processing Graphs 415
17.2.3 Building Graphs 416
17.2.4 Traversing Graphs 419
17.2.5 Searching Graphs 421
17.3 Minimum Spanning Trees 422
17.4 Finding Paths through a Graph 424
17.4.1 Exact Algorithms 425
17.4.2 Breadth-First Search (BFS) 425
17.4.3 Dijkstra’s Algorithm 426
17.4.4 Approximation Algorithm 429
17.4.5 Testing Graph Search Algorithms 431
17.5 Engineering Applications 433
17.5.1 Simple Applications 433
17.5.2 Complex Extensions 433
Appendices A-1
Appendix A: MATLAB Special Characters, Reserved Words, and Functions A-1
Appendix B: The ASCII Character Set B-1
Appendix C: Internal Number Representation C-1
Appendix D: Answers to True or False and Fill in the Blanks D-1
Index I-1
A I-1
B I-2
C I-2
D I-2
E I-3
F I-3
G I-5
H I-5
I I-5
J I-5
K I-5
L I-5
M I-6
N I-6
O I-6
P I-6
Q I-7
R I-7
S I-7
T I-8
U I-8
V I-8
W I-8
X I-8
Y I-8
Z I-8