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Fundamentals of Engineering Economics: International Edition

Fundamentals of Engineering Economics: International Edition

Chan S. Park


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Book Details


For Engineering Economics courses, found in departments of Industrial, Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering.


From the author of the best-selling Contemporary Engineering Economics text, Fundamentals of Engineering Economics offers a concise, but in-depth coverage of all fundamental topics of Engineering Economics.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents 11
Preface 5
Chapter 1 Engineering Economic Decisions 20
1.1 The Rational Decision-Making Process 22
1.1.1 How Do We Make Typical Personal Decisions? 22
1.1.2 How Do We Approach an Engineering Design Problem? 25
1.1.3 What Makes Economic Decisions Different from Other Design Decisions? 27
1.2 The Engineer’s Role in Business 28
1.2.1 Making Capital-Expenditure Decisions 28
1.2.2 Large-Scale Engineering Economic Decisions 28
1.2.3 Impact of Engineering Projects on Financial Statements 30
1.3 Types of Strategic Engineering Economic Decisions 31
1.3.1 New Products or Product Expansion 32
1.3.2 Equipment and Process Selection 32
1.3.3 Cost Reduction 33
1.3.4 Equipment Replacement 34
1.3.5 Service or Quality Improvement 34
1.4 Fundamental Principles in Engineering Economics 35
Summary 36
Self-Test Questions 37
Problems 37
Chapter 2 Time Value of Money 38
2.1 Interest: The Cost of Money 40
2.1.1 The Time Value of Money 40
2.1.2 Elements of Transactions Involving Interest 42
2.1.3 Methods of Calculating Interest 44
2.2 Economic Equivalence 46
2.2.1 Definition and Simple Calculations 47
2.2.2 Equivalence Calculations Require a Common Time Basis for Comparison 50
2.3 Interest Formulas for Single Cash Flows 51
2.3.1 Compound-Amount Factor 51
2.3.2 Present-Worth Factor 53
2.3.3 Solving for Time and Interest Rates 56
2.4 Uneven-Payment Series 58
2.5 Equal-Payment Series 60
2.5.1 Compound-Amount Factor: Find F, Given A, i, and N 60
2.5.2 Sinking-Fund Factor: Find A, Given F, i, and N 64
2.5.3 Capital-Recovery Factor (Annuity Factor): Find A, Given P, i, and N 66
2.5.4 Present-Worth Factor: Find P, Given A, i, and N 69
2.5.5 Present Value of Perpetuities 74
2.6 Dealing with Gradient Series 76
2.6.1 Handling Linear Gradient Series 76
2.6.2 Handling Geometric Gradient Series 82
2.7 More on Equivalence Calculations 86
Summary 92
Self-Test Questions 93
Problems 97
Chapter 3 Understanding Money Management 112
3.1 Market Interest Rates 114
3.1.1 Nominal Interest Rates 114
3.1.2 Annual Effective Yields 115
3.2 Calculating Effective Interest Rates Based on Payment Periods 118
3.2.1 Discrete Compounding 118
3.2.2 Continuous Compounding 119
3.3 Equivalence Calculations with Effective Interest Rates 121
3.3.1 Compounding Period Equal to Payment Period 121
3.3.2 Compounding Occurs at a Different Rate than That at Which Payments Are Made 124
3.4 Debt Management 128
3.4.1 Borrowing with Credit Cards 128
3.4.2 Commercial Loans—Calculating Principal and Interest Payments 131
3.4.3 Comparing Different Financing Options 134
Summary 139
Self-Test Questions 141
Problems 144
Chapter 4 Equivalence Calculations under Inflation 158
4.1 Measure of Inflation 159
4.1.1 Consumer Price Index 160
4.1.2 Producer Price Index 161
4.1.3 Average Inflation Rate 163
4.1.4 General Inflation Rate (f) versus Specific Inflation Rate (f[sub(j)]) 164
4.2 Actual Versus Constant Dollars 166
4.2.1 Conversion from Constant to Actual Dollars 167
4.2.2 Conversion from Actual to Constant Dollars 168
4.3 Equivalence Calculations under Inflation 172
4.3.1 Market and Inflation-Free Interest Rates 173
4.3.2 Constant-Dollar Analysis 173
4.3.3 Actual-Dollar Analysis 174
4.3.4 Mixed-Dollar Analysis 178
Summary 181
Self-Test Questions 182
Problems 184
Chapter 5 Present-Worth Analysis 192
5.1 Loan versus Project Cash Flows 194
5.2 Initial Project Screening Methods 195
5.2.1 Benefits and Flaws of Payback Screening 197
5.2.2 Discounted-Payback Period 198
5.3 Present-Worth Analysis 200
5.3.1 Net-Present-Worth Criterion 200
5.3.2 Guidelines for Selecting a MARR 205
5.3.3 Meaning of Net Present Worth 206
5.3.4 Net Future Worth and Project Balance Diagram 210
5.3.5 Capitalized-Equivalent Method 211
5.4 Methods to Compare Mutually Exclusive Alternatives 213
5.4.1 Doing Nothing Is a Decision Option 214
5.4.2 Service Projects versus Revenue Projects 214
5.4.3 Analysis Period Equals Project Lives 215
5.4.4 Analysis Period Differs from Project Lives 219
Summary 225
Self-Test Questions 225
Problems 228
Chapter 6 Annual Equivalence Analysis 248
6.1 Annual-Equivalent Worth Criterion 250
6.1.1 Benefits of AE Analysis 254
6.1.2 Capital (Ownership) Costs versus Operating Costs 254
6.2 Applying Annual-Worth Analysis 259
6.2.1 Unit-Profit or Unit-Cost Calculation 259
6.2.2 Make-or-Buy Decision 263
6.3 Comparing Mutually Exclusive Projects 266
6.3.1 Analysis Period Equals Project Lives 266
6.3.2 Analysis Period Differs from Project Lives 271
Summary 274
Self-Test Questions 274
Problems 277
Chapter 7 Rate-of-Return Analysis 294
7.1 Rate of Return 296
7.1.1 Return on Investment 296
7.1.2 Return on Invested Capital 297
7.2 Methods for Finding Rate of Return 298
7.2.1 Simple versus Nonsimple Investments 298
7.2.2 Computational Methods 300
7.3 Internal-Rate-of-Return Criterion 307
7.3.1 Relationship to the PW Analysis 307
7.3.2 Decision Rule for Simple Investments 307
7.3.3 Decision Rule for Nonsimple Investments 311
7.4 Incremental Analysis for Comparing Mutually Exclusive Alternatives 313
7.4.1 Flaws in Project Ranking by IRR 313
7.4.2 Incremental-Investment Analysis 314
7.4.3 Handling Unequal Service Lives 320
Summary 322
Self-Test Questions 322
Problems 326
Chapter 7A: Resolution of Multiple Rates of Return 342
7A-1 Net-Investment Test 342
7A-2 The Need for an External Interest Rate 344
7A-3 Calculation of Return on Invested Capital for Mixed Investments 345
Chapter 8 Benefit–Cost Analysis 350
8.1 Evaluation of Public Projects 352
8.1.1 Valuation of Benefits and Costs 353
8.1.2 Users’ Benefits 353
8.1.3 Sponsor’s Costs 353
8.1.4 Social Discount Rate 354
8.2 Benefit–Cost Analysis 355
8.2.1 Definition of Benefit–Cost Ratio 355
8.2.2 Incremental B/C-Ratio Analysis 358
8.3 Profitability Index 362
8.3.1 Definition of Profitability Index 362
8.3.2 Incremental PI Ratio for Mutually Exclusive Alternatives 364
8.4 Highway Benefit–Cost Analysis 366
8.4.1 Define the Base Case and the Proposed Alternatives 366
8.4.2 Highway User Benefits 367
8.4.3 Sponsors’ Costs 367
8.4.4 Illustrating Case Example 368
Summary 372
Self-Test Questions 372
Problems 375
Chapter 9 Accounting for Depreciation and Income Taxes 384
9.1 Accounting Depreciation 386
9.1.1 Depreciable Property 386
9.1.2 Cost Basis 387
9.1.3 Useful Life and Salvage Value 388
9.1.4 Depreciation Methods: Book and Tax Depreciation 388
9.2 Book Depreciation Methods 390
9.2.1 Straight-Line Method 390
9.2.2 Declining-Balance Method 392
9.2.3 Units-of-Production Method 396
9.3 Tax Depreciation Methods 397
9.3.1 MACRS Recovery Periods 397
9.3.2 MACRS Depreciation: Personal Property 398
9.3.3 MACRS Depreciation: Real Property 401
9.4 Corporate Taxes 403
9.4.1 How to Determine “Accounting Profit” 403
9.4.2 U.S. Corporate Income Tax Rates 405
9.4.3 Gain Taxes on Asset Disposals 407
Summary 411
Self-Test Questions 412
Problems 414
Chapter 10 Project Cash-Flow Analysis 426
10.1 Understanding Project Cost Elements 428
10.1.1 Classifying Costs for Manufacturing Environments 428
10.1.2 Classifying Costs for Financial Statements 430
10.1.3 Classifying Costs for Predicting Cost Behavior 431
10.2 Why Do We Need to Use Cash Flows in Economic Analysis? 435
10.3 Income-Tax Rate to Be Used in Project Evaluation 436
10.4 Incremental Cash Flows from Undertaking a Project 439
10.4.1 Operating Activities 439
10.4.2 Investing Activities 442
10.4.3 Financing Activities 443
10.5 Developing Project Cash Flow Statements 443
10.5.1 When Projects Require Only Operating and Investing Activities 443
10.5.2 When Projects Are Financed with Borrowed Funds 447
10.6 Effects of Inflation on Project Cash Flows 449
10.6.1 Depreciation Allowance under Inflation 449
10.6.2 Handling Multiple Inflation Rates 453
Summary 455
Self-Test Questions 456
Problems 459
Chapter 11 Handling Project Uncertainty 480
11.1 Origins of Project Risk 483
11.2 Methods of Describing Project Risk 483
11.2.1 Sensitivity Analysis 483
11.2.2 Sensitivity Analysis for Mutually Exclusive Alternatives 488
11.2.3 Break-Even Analysis 491
11.2.4 Scenario Analysis 492
11.3 Probabilistic Cash Flow Analysis 495
11.3.1 Including Risk in Investment Evaluation 496
11.3.2 Aggregating Risk over Time 497
11.3.3 Estimating Risky Cash Flows 500
11.4 Considering the Project Risk by Discount Rate 504
11.4.1 Determining the Company Cost of Capital 504
11.4.2 Project Cost of Capital: Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate Approach 509
Summary 511
Self-Test Questions 512
Problems 514
Chapter 12 Replacement Decisions 530
12.1 Replacement-Analysis Fundamentals 532
12.1.1 Basic Concepts and Terminology 533
12.1.2 Approaches for Comparing Defender and Challenger 535
12.2 Economic Service Life 539
12.3 Replacement Analysis When the Required Service Period Is Long 545
12.3.1 Required Assumptions and Decision Frameworks 545
12.3.2 Handling Unequal Service Life Problems in Replacement Analysis 546
12.3.3 Replacement Strategies under the Infinite Planning Horizon 546
12.4 Replacement Analysis with Tax Considerations 552
Summary 559
Self-Test Questions 560
Problems 561
Chapter 13 Understanding Financial Statements 574
13.1 Accounting: The Basis of Decision Making 576
13.2 Financial Status for Businesses 577
13.2.1 The Balance Sheet 579
13.2.2 The Income Statement 584
13.2.3 The Cash-Flow Statement 586
13.3 Using Ratios to Make Business Decisions 592
13.3.1 Debt Management Analysis 592
13.3.2 Liquidity Analysis 595
13.3.3 Asset Management Analysis 596
13.3.4 Profitability Analysis 597
13.3.5 Market-Value Analysis 599
13.3.6 Limitations of Financial Ratios in Business Decisions 601
13.3.7 Where We Get the Most Up-to-Date Financial Information 603
13.4 Principle of Investing in Financial Assets 603
13.4.1 Trade-Off between Risk and Reward 603
13.4.2 Broader Diversification Reduces Risk 603
13.4.3 Broader Diversification Increases Expected Return 605
Summary 607
Self-Test Questions 608
Problems 612
Appendix A: Answers to the Self-Test Questions 621
Appendix B: Interest Factors for Discrete Compounding 649
Appendix C: How to Read the Cumulative Standardized Normal Distribution Function 679
Index 683
A 683
B 683
C 684
D 685
E 685
F 687
G 687
H 687
I 687
K 688
L 688
M 688
N 689
O 689
P 689
Q 690
R 690
S 691
T 691
U 692
V 692
W 692
Y 692
Z 692