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Marketing Planning

Marketing Planning

Jim Blythe | Phil Megicks


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Book Details


Marketing Planning provides an overview of the essential elements of marketing planning with a particular emphasis on the components of the marketing planning process, whilst highlighting the three core themes of environment, strategy and context. The book features an innovative running case study which follows a company through the entire process of marketing planning, stage by stage and chapter by chapter, finishing with a completed marketing plan.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Marketing Planning i
Brief contents v
Contents vii
Preface xiii
Guided tour xiv
Acknowledgements xvii
Introducing the running case study: The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd xix
Part 1 Introduction to Marketing Planning 1
Marketing and marketing planning 3
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 3
Objectives 4
Introduction 4
Marketing as a business philosophy 4
Marketing and other business functions 7
Relationships in marketing-oriented firms 10
Competitive advantage and the management of exchange 11
The purpose of marketing planning 13
The role of the marketer in planning 16
Stages of the marketing planning process 16
Content and structure of a marketing plan 19
Summary 20
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 21
Review questions 21
Case study: JJB Sports 21
References 22
Marketing plans and objectives 25
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 25
Objectives 26
Introduction 26
Corporate objectives 26
Other objectives 30
Marketing plans and corporate plans 31
Aims and objectives 33
Summary 37
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 38
Review questions 39
Case study: Richer Sounds 39
References 40
Drivers of marketing planning 43
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 43
Objectives 44
Introduction 44
Planning and the marketing environment 44
The resource-based view 47
The market-driving approach to strategy 53
Summary 54
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 55
Review questions 55
Case study: Toyota 55
References 57
Part 2 Environmental Analysis 59
The marketing audit 61
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 61
Objectives 62
Introduction 62
Elements of the audit 62
Practicalities of undertaking a marketing audit 74
Summary 74
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 75
Review questions 76
Case study: Thomson Holidays 76
References 78
Analysing the external environment 79
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 79
Objectives 80
Introduction 80
Modelling the external environment 80
Macro-environmental influences on planning 83
Competitor analysis 91
Researching the marketing environment 92
Summary 94
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 94
Review questions 95
Case study: BAE Systems 95
References 96
Analysing the internal environment 97
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 97
Objectives 98
Introduction 98
Undertaking internal analysis 98
Organisational structures and systems 100
Assessing marketing productivity 106
Resources, competencies and capabilities 107
Audit analysis 112
Summary 113
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 113
Review questions 114
Case study: Iveco 114
References 116
Identifying marketing strategies 117
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 117
Objectives 118
Introduction 118
The planning gap 118
Collaborating with competitors 126
Marketing strategy in a recession 127
International market entry strategies 129
Evaluating strategies through SWOT analysis 130
Summary 131
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 132
Review questions 132
Case study: AeroMexico 133
References 134
Part 3 Marketing Strategy through Segmentation 135
Segmentation strategy 137
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 137
Objectives 138
Introduction 138
Defining marketing boundaries 138
Strategic issues in segmentation 140
Strategic evaluation of segments 142
Marketing strategies for marketing objectives 145
Summary 151
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 151
Review questions 152
Case study: Boutique Caravans 152
References 153
Segmenting markets 155
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 155
Objectives 156
Introduction 156
Segmenting the market 156
Segmenting business markets 166
The nested approach to segmentation 167
Summary 170
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 170
Review questions 171
Case study: BMI 172
References 173
Targeting 175
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 175
Objectives 176
Introduction 176
Assessing segments 176
Targeting multiple segments 179
Targeting decisions 181
Targeting marginal segments 182
Generic targeting strategies 183
Summary 184
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 184
Review questions 185
Case study: Balfour Beatty 185
References 186
Positioning 187
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 187
Objectives 188
Introduction 188
Perception and positioning 188
Positioning and the marketing mix 192
Positioning multiple brands 193
Repositioning 194
Summary 195
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 196
Review questions 196
Case study: Bulmer’s Cider 197
References 198
Part 4 Marketing Planning in Context 199
Implementing marketing plans 201
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 201
Objectives 202
Introduction 202
Implementing the plan 203
Translating strategy into tactics 203
Strategy and organisational structure 204
Implementation and change 205
Budgeting 209
Monitoring and evaluating marketing performance 211
Summary 216
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 217
Review questions 218
Case study: Organising Honda 218
References 219
Adapting marketing planning to context 221
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 221
Objectives 222
Introduction 222
Planning in business-to-business markets 222
Globalisation strategy 223
Non-profit marketing 226
Internal marketing 229
Services marketing 230
Planning in SMEs 231
Summary 234
The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd 234
Review questions 235
Case study: The Real Seed Catalogue 235
References 236
Marketing plan for The Eden Garden Tools Company Ltd: 2010–2014 239
Glossary 256
Index 259