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Issues in Management Accounting

Issues in Management Accounting

Trevor Hopper | Robert Scapens | Deryl Northcott


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Pooling the expertise of leading researchers Issues in Management Accounting critically explores a broad range of issues in a concise, digestible style.

Both students and practitioners specialising in this area will find this book an essential guide to the many developments affecting management accounting theory and practice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Issues in Management Accounting i
Contents v
List of contributors xi
Introduction xvii
Acknowledgements xxiii
Part I The changing nature of management accounting 1
Management accounting and changing operations management 3
Introduction 3
Operations management: central issues 4
Management accounting – a problem for operations management 10
Conclusion 21
References 23
Further reading 24
Management accounting for consumerism 27
Introduction 27
Consumerism as a research agenda 28
Management accounting in an icon of consumer culture: the department store 30
Management accounting and ‘fast fashion’: the twenty-first century fashion chain 35
Conclusion 41
References 43
Further reading 44
Interactions between modern information technology and management control 45
Introduction 45
The development of IT for management accounting purposes 45
Ledger systems and ERP systems 46
The content of this chapter 47
Integration and elimination 49
Calculation and configuration 52
Organising and realising management control systems 58
Management of technology 59
Conclusion 60
References 60
Further reading 62
Appendix: Glossary 63
Globalisation and the international convergence of management accounting 65
Introduction 65
Governing global organisations: changing strategies and emerging needs 67
Growing global by acquisition: when the GE Way met a local culture 72
Vertical and lateral relations within Nestlé Waters 76
IT and ‘a-centred’ corporations: evidence from two globally operating organisations 81
Beyond compliance: the role of the finance organisation within integrated governance 83
Conclusion 88
References 90
Further reading 92
National culture and management control 93
Introduction 93
National culture 94
Cautions and criticisms of Hofstede’s culture 98
Management control systems 100
National culture and management control systems 102
Comparing the five national culture dimensions 112
Placing culture and cultural research in perspective 113
Conclusion 114
References 115
Further reading 116
The changing role of management accountants 117
Introduction 117
The traditional management accountant’s role 117
Background to the changing roles of management accountants 119
New and emerging roles 121
New skills requirements 126
Discussion 127
Conclusion 131
References 131
Further reading 132
Part 2 ‘New’ management accounting techniques 133
Strategic management accounting 135
Introduction 135
Strategy and information needs 135
Traditional management accounting and strategy 137
Components of strategic management accounting 138
Criticisms of strategic management accounting 147
Conclusion 151
References 151
Further reading 153
Activity-based costing and management: a critical review 155
Introduction 155
The emergence of ABC/M 156
Origins of ABC/M systems 158
Features of ABC/M 160
From ABC to ABC/M 165
ABC/M implementation 166
An evaluation of ABC/M 170
Conclusion 172
References 172
Further reading 173
The balanced scorecard 175
Introduction 175
The nature of the BSC 176
Research on the BSC 178
The nature of linkages 179
Promoting the BSC 188
Conclusion 193
References 193
Further reading 195
Appendix: Examples of the balanced scorecard 196
Strategic investment appraisal 199
Introduction 199
What are strategic investment decisions? 199
Models of strategic decision-making 200
Developing strategic appraisal approaches 203
Evidence from practice 208
Strategic appraisal and the investment decision-making process 215
Conclusion 218
References 219
Part 3 ‘New’ applications of management accounting 243
Does EVA add value? 245
Introduction 245
Performance measurement and decentralisation 246
The properties of EVA 252
Performance consequences of EVA: empirical evidence 261
Conclusions 266
References 267
Further reading 241
Management control in inter-organisational relationships 269
Introduction 269
Inter-organisational relationships – drivers and trends 270
Inter-organisational relationships – dyads and networks 273
Inter-organisational control in dyadic settings 276
Management control issues and theories in dyadic settings 282
Inter-organisational control in network settings 285
Management control issues and applied theories in network settings 289
Future prospects 291
Conclusion 293
References 295
Further reading 296
Management accounting and accountants in the public sector: the challenges presented by public–private partnerships 297
Introduction 297
New public management and the development of PPPs 298
PPP investment appraisal 302
Key issues for public sector management accountants in the procurement, management and evaluation of PPPs 304
Conclusion 312
References 313
Further reading 315
Knowledge resources and management accounting 317
Introduction 317
What is knowledge? 317
Knowledge typologies 318
Knowledge as a practice 323
Accounting for knowledge as a practice 324
Additional considerations: the economic characteristics of knowledge 326
The major cost drivers of knowledge 328
Management accounting and knowledge clues 330
Conclusion 330
References 332
Further reading 332
Part 4 Understanding management accounting change 333
Managing accounting change 335
Introduction 335
Studying management accounting change: a prelude 336
Factor studies 337
Process-orientated approaches 344
Towards a synthesis of perspectives 352
Conclusion 353
References 354
Further reading 355
Management accounting innovations: origins and diffusion 357
Introduction 357
Management accounting innovations and their origins 358
Why do innovations diffuse? A demand-side perspective 360
Why do innovations diffuse? A supply-side perspective 362
A dynamic perspective on the diffusion of management accounting innovations 371
Conclusion 374
Index 445