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Geoffrey Wall | Alister Mathieson


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Book Details


Tourism: Change, Impacts and Opportunities provides a comprehensive and balanced discussion of the impacts of tourism. The authors address the nature of tourism and tourists and the economic, physical and social impact that can result from their activity. New approaches to impact assessment are also considered. A wide range of examples from developed and developing countries illustrate the points raised in the text.

This timely and perceptive book is essential reading for anyone involved in tourism planning or development and is also suitable for students of geography, planning, economics and sociology.


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Tourism: change, impacts and opportunities i
Contents v
List of figures viii
List of tables ix
Preface x
Acknowledgements xii
Publisher’s acknowledgements xiii
Introduction 1
Organization 3
Some research issues 4
Impact studies 5
Relationships between leisure, recreation and tourism 8
Definitions of tourism 11
Describing tourism: implications for impact assessment 15
Commentary 17
Frameworks 19
The dynamic element 22
The destination element 33
The consequential element 38
Tourist decision-making 39
Purchasing tourist products 42
The tourist profile 44
Spatial relationships 49
Summary and implications 50
Understanding change 52
Evolving perspectives 54
Spatial and temporal factors 57
Destination characteristics 61
Types of tourism 62
The state of knowledge 62
Factors contributing to and mediating impacts 65
Summary 67
Economic consequences 68
Economic characteristics of the tourism industry 73
Tourism and economic development 77
Advantages of tourism 83
Conditions for development 85
The realities of tourism and economic development 88
Economic benefits and costs 89
Tourism and the balance of payments 90
Currency flows 102
Tourism and national economic growth (gross domestic product or gdp) 106
Economic multipliers 109
Income generation and the distribution of tourist spending 120
Tourism and employment 125
Tourism and entrepreneurial activity 136
Tourism and economic structure 141
Economic impacts of special events and specific tourist industry activities 143
The economic costs of tourism 145
Economic indicators of the future of tourism 150
Summary 152
Environmental consequences 154
Tourism–environment relationships 157
Tourism and the environment: a symbiotic relationship 160
Tourism and environment in conflict 168
Impacts of tourism on ecosystems 187
Impacts of tourism on built environments 195
Tourism and competition for resources: tourism in rural areas 213
Conclusions 217
Social consequences 220
Tourist–host interrelationships 223
Social impacts of tourism 226
Framework for the measurement of social impacts 227
Tourism and social change: euphoria to xenophobia 232
Tourism and moral conduct 242
Tourism and religion 250
Tourism and language 253
Tourism and health 255
Summary 258
Cultural impacts 259
Tourism and cultural change 263
Intercultural communication 267
Culture as a commodity 271
Authenticity in the tourist experience 271
Tourism and material forms of culture 272
Tourism and non-material forms of culture 280
Conclusions 284
Sustainable developments 288
Sustainable development 289
The status of tourism planning and management 293
Points, lines and areas 296
Impact assessment and monitoring 298
Analysis versus involvement 306
Community-based tourism, stakeholders and partnerships 307
An evaluation triangle 308
Conclusions 311
Conclusions 313
Planning for tourist impacts 316
Impact research and planning 317
Summary 324
References and bibliography 328
Index 390