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Institutionalisation (and De-Institutionalisation) of Right-Wing Protest Parties

Institutionalisation (and De-Institutionalisation) of Right-Wing Protest Parties

Robert Harmel | Lars G. Svåsand | Hilmar Mjelde


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When it comes to party institutionalisation – at least for entrepreneurial right-wing protest parties -- leadership matters! That is the primary takeaway from this book.

Of the hundreds of new parties that have formed since the 1970s, many have fallen by the wayside, but others have gone on to reach institution-hood. And some of the latter have then met with decay and de-institutionalisation.

The experiences of the Progress Parties of Denmark and Norway – both of which institutionalised and one of which then de-institutionalised – shed important light on both topics.

While focusing particularly on those two cases, the authors develop conceptual and theoretical frameworks that are broadly applicable, as demonstrated in the final chapter and in an elaborate appendix.
In a period when traditional political parties face their worst crisis ever and entrepreneurial protest parties, both on the right (e.g. UKIP, ANEL) and on the left (e.g. Podemos, M5S), spring up like mushrooms across Europe, this excellent study on the causes of party de-institutionalization could have not been more timely. Conceptually sophisticated and methodologically sound, this book has everything to become a classic.
Fernando Casal Bertoa, Assistant Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Nottingham
Party institutionalization continues to capture the research curiosity of party scholars but this excellent book pushes the boundaries further by also examining the much less-studied twin concept of deinstitutionalization. This book is a careful and methodical study of these twin concepts and appropriately applied to shed light on the development of the Progress Parties of Norway and Denmark.
Alex Tan, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
This is a fascinating study of how parties form, institutionalise and potentially de-institutionalise, which focuses on two key examples of new protest parties that (forming in the 1970s) were (rather unfortunately) trailblazers for others to follow.
David Farrell, Head of the School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin
Robert Harmel is Professor of Political Science at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.

Lars Svåsand has been Professor at the Department of Politics, University of Bergen, Norway, and is currently Professor Emeritus at that institution.

Hilmar Mjelde is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen.
An impressive example of conceptual advancement applied to interesting cases. The authors use a detailed study of the Danish and Norwegian Progress Parties to shed new light on party institutionalization and party failure. They show that leadership matters when we want to understand why some parties succeed while others vanish.
Thomas Poguntke, Chair of Comparative Politics and Director of the Düsseldorf Party Research Institute (PRuF), Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Institutionalisation (and De-Institutionalisation) of Right-Wing Protest Parties i
Institutionalisation (and De-Institutionalisation) of Right-Wing Protest Parties: The Progress Parties in Denmark and Norway iii
Copyright iv
Dedication v
Contents vii
List of Abbreviations ix
List of Illustrations xi
List of Tables xiii
Preface xv
Part I: Introduction 1
Chapter 1 3
Introduction 3
Introduction to Terms and Concepts 4
Organisation of the Book 6
Time Periods for Analyses 7
Research Design(s) 8
Notes 8
Chapter 2 11
The Cases and their Contexts 11
The Cases: The Progress Parties of Denmark and Norway 11
The Contexts: The Danish and Norwegian Political Systems 21
Conclusion 28
Notes 28
Part II: Institutionalisation 31
Chapter 3 33
Party Institutionalisation 33
Approaches to Institutionalisation in the Existing Literature 33
Our Approach 37
Internal Institutionalisation 39
External Institutionalisation 41
Objective Durability 42
The Argument for a Multidimensional Approach 44
Theoretical Implications 44
Notes 46
Chapter 4 49
Levels of Party Institutionalisation 49
Objective Durability 49
Internal Institutionalisation 54
External Institutionalisation 61
Conclusion 66
Notes 66
Chapter 5 69
Institutionalisation 69
Movement Origins 70
The Message 73
Charismatic Leadership 77
Notes 78
Chapter 6 81
Leadership and Institutionalisation of Entrepreneurial Protest Parties 81
Relevant Literature on Leadership 81
Three Stages of Party Development 87
Leadership Needs and Phases of Party Development 89
Theory 92
Notes 94
Chapter 7 95
The Leadership Theory and the Progress Parties 95
The Norwegian Progress Party 95
The Danish Case 101
Conclusion 107
Notes 108
Part III: De-Institutionalisation 109
Chapter 8 111
After Institutionhood 111
The Concept of De-Institutionalisation 112
Theoretical Implications: Factors in De-Institutionalisation 115
Institutionalisation and De-institutionalisation 115
The Progress Parties as Institutions 116
De-institutionalisation and Leadership Needs 122
Conclusion 125
Notes 126
Part IV: Conclusions 129
Chapter 9 131
Conclusions 131
Notes 135
Appendix 137
Memberless Parties 139
Parties that Failed to Institutionalise 141
Partially Institutionalised Cases 149
Appendix Table 154
Notes 156
References 159
Internet Sources 167
Index 169
About the Contributors 173