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'Voyage to the Moon' and Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America

'Voyage to the Moon' and Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America

Paul C. Gutjahr


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Book Details


'Voyage to the Moon' And Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America gathers for the first time in a scholarly critical edition four moon voyage stories published by Americans prior to the Civil War. Included in this volume are the works by George Tucker, Edgar Allan Poe, Richard Adams Locke and John Leonard Riddell. Along with a general introduction to the collection as a whole, each story has its own introductory material along with explanatory footnotes and appendixes to help identify the key points of its textual and cultural history.

“Do you want to go to the moon? If so, there can be no more fabulous travel guides than those Paul Gutjahr has compiled in this collection of nineteenth-century lunacy.”
—George Hutchinson, Newton C. Farr Professor of American History and Culture, Cornell University, USA

Paul C. Gutjahr is Ruth Halls Professor of English at Indiana University, US.

“Thanks to the fine research and lucid introduction by Paul Gutjahr, this entertaining collection of early nineteenth-century American moon voyages is an invaluable aid in exploring the science fiction component of America’s cultural imagination.”
—H. Bruce Franklin, John Cotton Dana Professor of English and American Studies, Rutgers University, USA

“In his cogent introductory materials, Gutjahr demonstrates not only the period’s deep interest in the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe but also the state of scientific knowledge about what lay beyond the atmosphere.”
—Philip F. Gura, William S. Newman Distinguished Professor of American Literature and Culture University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

'Voyage to the Moon' And Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America gathers together four moon voyage stories published by Americans prior to the Civil War. Included in this scholarly critical edition are the works of University of Virginia professor George Tucker, literary magazine author and editor Edgar Allan Poe, newspaper editor Richard Adams Locke, and scientist and medical educator John Leonard Riddell. Along with a general introduction to the collection as a whole, each story has its own introductory material along with explanatory footnotes and appendixes to identify the key points of its textual and cultural history.

The four moon tales found in 'Voyage to the Moon' And Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America are remarkable for the ways in which they capture a wide diversity of both literary agendas and printed material. These stories originally appeared in genres ranging from the traditional novel and the literary periodical short story to a series of newspaper articles and a scientific pamphlet. The social critiques of Tucker and Poe, the manipulative power of startling scientific revelations demonstrated in Locke’s work and the more measured scientific discussions found in Riddell all bear witness to the power of print and science in the antebellum period.

“This collection of fascinating early American science fiction narratives shows how even antebellum authors were already dreaming beyond their earthly boundaries.”
—Charles Johanningsmeier, Wardle Chair of the College of Arts & Sciences, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Front Matter ii
Half title ii
Series information iii
Title page iv
Copyright information v
Dedication vi
Tables of Contents viii
List of Figures xii
Acknowledgments xiv
Introduction xvi
Notes xxvii
Chapters 1-17 xvi
Part I A Voyage to The Moon: With Some Account of the Manners and Customs, Science and Philosophy, of the People of Morosofia, and Other Lunarians 3
Chapter One Atterley’s birth and education—He makes a voyage—Founders off the Burman coast—Adventures... 7
Notes 12
Chapter Two The Brahmin’s illness—He reveals an important secret to Atterley—Curious information... 15
Notes 20
Chapter Three The Brahmin and Atterley prepare for their voyage—Description of their travelling... 21
Notes 26
Chapter Four Continuation of the voyage—View of Europe; Atlantic Ocean; America—Speculations on the... 27
Notes 33
Chapter Five The voyage continued—Second view of Asia—The Brahmin’s speculations concerning India—Increase... 35
Notes 40
Chapter Six Some account of Morosofia, and its chief city, Alamatua—Singular dresses of the Lunar ladies... 41
Notes 46
Chapter Seven Physical peculiarities of the Moon—Celestial phenomena—Further description of the Lunarians... 47
Notes 51
Chapter Eight A celebrated physician: his ingenious theories in physics: his mechanical inventions... 53
Notes 56
Chapter Nine The fortune-telling philosopher, who inspected the finger nails: his visitOrs—Another... 57
Chapter Ten The travellers visit a gentleman farmer, who is a great projector: his breed of cattle... 63
Notes 67
Chapter Eleven Lunarian physicians: their consultation—While they dispute the patient recovers... 69
Notes 74
Chapter Twelve Election of the Numnoonce, or town-constable—Violence of parties—Singular institution... 75
Notes 79
Chapter Thirteen Description of the Happy Valley—The laws, customs, and manners of the Okalbians... 81
Note 85
Chapter Fourteen Further account of Okalbia—The Field of Roses—Curious superstition concerning that flower 87
Notes 91
Chapter Fifteen Atterley goes to the great monthly fair—Its various exhibitions; difficulties... 93
Note 97
Chapter Sixteen The Brahmin gives Atterley a history of his life 99
Notes 105
Chapter Seventeen The Brahmin’s story continued—The voyage concluded—Atterley and the Brahmin separate... 107
Notes 115
Part II “Hans Phaall— A Tale” (June 1835) 119
Notes 148
Part III “Great Astronomical Discoveries Lately Made By Sir John Herschel” (August 25–30, 1835) 153
The Younger Herschel’s Telescope 155
New Lunar Discoveries 163
Notes 181
Part IV “Orrin Lindsay’s Plan of Aerial Navigation” (May 1847) 187
Correspondence 187
To Messrs. Bullard, Peters, Cohen, Frost, Blanc and others. 187
I. Preliminary Remarks and Progress of Discovery 190
II. Narrative of the First Aerial Voyage. 192
III. Preparation for the Second Voyage. 195
IV. Narrative of the Second Voyage. 196
Notes 201
End Matter 207
Appendix A Excerpt From washington Irving’s a History of New York, 1809 207
1 Book I, Chapter V1 207
Notes 211
Appendix B Excerpts from “Anonymous Review of A Voyage to the Moon,” reprinted from the American... 213
Notes 216
Appendix C “Note” added for inclusion in the “Hans Pfaall” version in Poe’s collection, Tales of the... 217
Notes 221
Appendix D “Richard Adams Locke” in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Literati of New York City, 1850 223
Richard Adams Locke 223
Notes 228
Appendix E Contemporary responses to Richard Adams Locke’s “Great Astronomical Discoveries” 231
Opinions of the American Press Respecting the Foregoing Discovery 231
Notes 233
Appendix F P. T. Barnum on Locke’s “Moon Hoax,” 1866 235
The Moon Hoax 235
Notes 241
Suggested Further Reading 243
American Newspapers 243
Antebellum Science 243
Antebellum Travel Literature 243
Nineteenth-Century American Print Culture 243
Science Fiction 244
George Tucker 244
Edgar Allan Poe 244
Richard Adams Locke 244
John Leonard Riddell 244