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Shattered by Grief

Shattered by Grief

Claudia Coenen


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This is a practical guide to help readers work through their grief via expressive therapies and activities, based on the techniques Claudia Coenen honed as a professional counselor after the unexpected loss of her husband.

This book provides clear methods to process grief, experience its pain and learn how to live fully again. Readers are encouraged to completely engage with their grief through storytelling, self-care and ritual, and honest reflection. The book navigates the reader through the healing process while allowing them the freedom to explore their pain in a way that best fits their unique situation. Eschewing the idea of a 'quick-fix' to grief, it suggests ways in which tragedy and loss can be a springboard for rejuvenation and transformation.

In Shattered by Grief, Coenen journeys through the unknown "why's" and "how's" of her husband's untimely death. She navigates these trails with profound authenticity and practical empowerment. She finds ways to be in grief's gaping holes, and to gather its shattered pieces of life and living. Daring to face grief head on, Coenen transforms her holes of loss into moments of healing and wholeness. Coenen reshapes grief's sharp, shattered pieces into a more fluid, life-giving peace - first for herself and family, and now for others as a professional counselor and guide.
Dr. Joy Berger, author of Music of the Soul: Composing Life Out of Loss.
This heart-opening book blends personal story, awareness, insight, and practices that will help soften and transform grief over time in a most intimate way. Claudia Coenen inspires us to respect our own grieving process and gives us hope that we can move through these difficult times. I felt her caring presence through her writing, as though she were sitting next to me holding my hand and supporting my journey. I recommend this book to anyone who is grieving and the people who support them.
Nancy Mangano Rowe, Ph.D, Professor of Psychology, Sofia University
They say if you're going through hell, keep going. Claudia Coenen is a wise and compassionate guide through the hell of deep loss, a place she knows well. Shattered by Grief offers a compelling personal story, helpful advice, and kind companionship for navigating the grief journey. Highly recommended.
Cait Johnson MFA, Counselor and Creativity Coach, author of works of spiritual non-fiction
Claudia Coenen is a certified Grief Counselor in private practice at The Karuna Project and consultant and grief specialist at The REACH Center for crime victims. Claudia also presents workshops on grief processing and vicarious trauma in the workplace. She holds a certificate in Thanatology through the Association of Death Education and Counseling.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Shattered by Grief: Picking up the pieces to become WHOLE again by Claudia Coenen 3
Preface and Acknowledgements 9
Introduction 17
Chapter 1. From Shattering to Wholeness 23
Chapter 2. W: What Happened? Who Am I? 54
Chapter 3. H: HELP! How Can I Get Through This? 82
Chapter 4. O: Opening to Emotion 145
Chapter 5. L: Learning to Live Fully Again 189
Chapter 6. E: Exploring the Past to Experience the Future 208
Chapter 7. Grief and Transformation: Final words of encouragement 232
References 238
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