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On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person

On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person

Ilse Sand


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Book Details


In a culture that ranks sociability and extroversion above the introverted traits of deep thinking and being alone, Ilse Sand shows how to find joy and meaning as an introvert or highly sensitive person. She debates whether these traits are caused by nature or nurture, and shows how someone like this can organise their life to keep them content. What she says is appropriate for people who are temporarily, or for some other reason, in a sensitive situation - for example, because of stress, trauma or burn-out.

It describes the introverted personality type and the highly sensitive trait, highlighting the strengths that come with it such as good listening skills and rich imagination, and suggests ways to overcome the negatives such as the need to avoid overstimulation and over-critical thinking.

Including advice from other introverts or highly sensitive people, and two self-tests for sensitive and introverted traits, this book provides a deeper understanding of introversion and high sensitivity and gives those with these personality types greater faith and courage in their own talents.

Ilse Sand draws sincerely on her own experiences of everyday life as an introvert to provide intelligent and useful advice and tips on how an introvert can set borders, protect themselves from overstimulation, and create more meaning and joy in a noisy, extrovert world. It is a book of great depth, wisdom and thoughtfulness.
Martin HÃ¥strup, MA in Communication,

Ilse Sand is professional, wise, and knowledgeable. She writes with great empathy and kindness with many references to experiences from everyday life - both her own and others. I myself enjoyed reading the book very much and recommend it happily to clients, colleagues, and others. You can also benefit from reading Ilse Sand's first book Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World: How to Create a Happy Life, but it is not a prerequisite for making sense of or getting pleasure from this book.
In short: The book is warmly recommended. Happy reading!

Professional Journal for Danish Psychotherapists
Ilse Sand is trained in several psychotherapeutic approaches and is registered with the Association for Psychotherapy in Denmark. She was for several years a parish priest in the Danish National Church and now works as a supervisor, trainer, speaker and therapist. See more at

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person: A guide to boundaries, joy, and meaning by Ilse Sand 3
Preface 7
Introduction 11
1. Personality Types 15
2. Screen Yourself from Too Many Impressions 37
3. Limit Your Catastrophic Thinking 53
4. Find Joy and Meaning 59
5. Deal with Conflicts and Boundaries in Your Own Way 73
6. Make Your Choices from Your Inner Conviction 87
7. Find a Refuge in Regarding Yourself as an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person 105
8. Use Precise, Neutral Language about Yourself 113
Afterword: Sensitive and Introverted People Are Starting to Insist on Being in the World in Their Own Way 121
Test Yourself 125
Thanks to... 137
Bibliography 139
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