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Self-Neglect and Hoarding

Self-Neglect and Hoarding

Deborah Barnett


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Book Details


Self-neglect and hoarding is present in 1 of 5 social work cases in mental health and older people's services. These cases can be the most alarming and challenging on a social worker's caseload.

A skilled, thorough risk assessment of the behaviours of self-neglect is needed in order to ensure effective care and support is available. This guide offers practical and applicable tools and solutions for all professionals involved in working with people who self-neglect. It includes tips for assessment and decision-making in the support process, and updates following the implementation of the Care Act 2014, which deemed self-neglect a safeguarding matter.

Self-Neglect and Hoarding contains much of the information practitioners will need in working with self-neglect. Barnett's emphasis throughout is on a person-centred approach to this important issue.
Dr. David Orr, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Sussex
This book is a further step towards building a successful long-term management strategy for self-neglect and hoarding, rather than just a guide focusing on resolving the obvious, outward manifestations. It provides a great example of a 'journey of support' for the affected individual whilst not forgetting the legal obligations and moral duties of professionals. I'm confident, with the toolkit for a patient centred approach outlined in this book, our management of this disorder, with its considerable societal risks, will improve dramatically.
Dr. Roberta Caiazza, HCPC registered Senior Clinical Psychologist

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Self-Neglect and Hoarding: A Guide to Safeguarding and Support, by Deborah Barnett 2
Preface – A Word from the Philosophical 9
Prevention versus protection 11
Therapeutic needs assessment versus needs assessment 13
Individual social work versus individual, family and community social work 13
Personalised safeguarding versus risk management 14
Assessment – how much is enough? 15
Ethics and values 16
Introduction – An Overview 19
1. What is Self-Neglect and Hoarding? 31
Defining self-neglect and hoarding 31
Hoarding disorder 35
Is it collecting or is it hoarding? 37
Attachment to objects 38
Sorting and organising 40
Links with other diagnoses 42
When to consider a referral for diagnosis 42
2. How Self-Neglect Affects People’s Lives 45
Fire 45
Falls 46
Housing 47
Physical and mental health 49
Families and carers 51
3. Themes from Adult Serious Case Reviews or Safeguarding Adult Reviews 53
Ethical decision-making considerations 54
Identifying self-neglect 61
Care Act compliant enquiries (S42) 64
Risk to others 66
Risk assessment 68
Carers’ assessment 70
Mental health and substance misuse 71
Capacity and consent 72
Advocacy and representation 76
Multi-agency response 77
Comprehensive and holistic assessment 79
Compliance and insight 81
Imposed sanctions, imposed compliance or penalties 82
Information sharing 83
Personalised safeguarding 84
Management support and response 85
Defensible decision making 86
Other 88
4. Safeguarding those who Self-Neglect under the Care Act 2014 90
The safeguarding referral 90
Eligibility criteria for safeguarding adults 91
Principles of safeguarding 94
Information recording and sharing 101
How the local authority responds 103
Defensible decision making 105
The Care Act and information sharing 110
The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 112
Case law judgments 112
Ten steps to information sharing 113
5. Therapeutic Interventions 116
Building a rapport 118
Trauma, abuse, neglect, loss and bereavement 120
Systemic approaches 125
The cycle of change 126
Solution-focused assessment 134
The beginning of assessment 137
6. Assessment and Engagement 139
What is a good assessment? 139
Risk assessment 140
Assessing capacity 152
Competency 154
Comprehensive assessment 157
Person-centred assessment 163
An example of a safeguarding adult referral and assessment 186
Self-assessment 201
7. Supporting the Practitioner 212
Creating social work strategies that are supportive 212
Social work intervention models 217
Case loads and austerity 227
8. Conclusion 229
Final checklist 238
Epilogue: A Final Thought from the Philosophical 245
References 255
Subject Index 259
Author Index 263