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Atlas of Retinal OCT E-Book

Atlas of Retinal OCT E-Book

Darin Goldman | Nadia K Waheed | Jay S. Duker


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Book Details


  • Features more than 1,000 superb illustrations depicting the full spectrum of retinal diseases using OCT scans, supported by clinical photos and ancillary imaging technologies.
  • Presents images as large as possible on the page with an abundance of arrows, pointers, and labels to guide you in pattern recognition and eliminate any uncertainty.
  • Includes the latest high-resolution spectral domain OCT technology and new insights into OCT angiography technology to ensure you have the most up-to-date and highest quality examples available.
  • Provides key feature points for each disorder giving you the need-to-know OCT essentials for quick comprehension and rapid reference.
  • An excellent diagnostic companion to Handbook of Retinal OCT: Optical Coherence Tomography, by the same expert author team of Drs. Jay S. Duker, Nadia K. Waheed, and Darin R. Goldman.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Atlas of Retinal OCT i
Copyright Page iv
Table Of Contents v
Preface vii
Contributors ix
Acknowledgments xi
Dedications xi
1 Normal Optical Coherence Tomography 1
1 Normal Optic Nerve 1
1.1 Normal Optic Nerve 1
Volume Scans 1
Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness (RNFL) 1
Ganglion Cell Complex 1
Optic Nerve Morphology 1
Line Scans 1
References 1
2 Normal Retina 4
2.1 Time-Domain OCT 4
References 4
2.2 Spectral Domain OCT 5
Summary 5
Reference 5
2.3 Swept-Source OCT 6
Summary 6
3 Normal Choroid 7
3.1 Normal Choroid 7
Summary 7
References 7
4 Normal Vitreous 9
4.1 Normal Vitreous 9
Summary 9
Key OCT Features 9
Reference 9
5 OCT: Artifacts and Errors 10
5.1 OCT 10
Mirror Artifact 10
Vignetting 10
Misalignment 10
Software Breakdown 10
Blink Artifact 10
Motion Artifact 10
Out of Range Error 12
Reference 12
5.2 OCT Angiography Artifacts 13
Blockage Artifacts (Fig. 1) 13
White Line Artifacts (Fig. 2) 13
False Positive Flow 13
Quilting Defects (Fig. 3) 13
False Negative Flow 13
Projection Artifacts (Fig. 4) 13
Vessel Duplication (Fig. 5) 13
Segmentation Errors (Fig. 6) 13
Shadowing Artifacts (Fig. 7) 13
References 13
2 Isolated Macular Disorders 16
6 Age-Related Macular Degeneration 16
6.1.1 Drusen 16
Summary 16
Key Points 16
References 16
6.1.2 Geographic Atrophy 24
Summary 24
Key Points 24
References 24
6.1.3 Isolated Pigment Epithelial Detachment 28
Summary 28
Key Points 28
Bibliography 28
6.2.1 Type 1 Choroidal Neovascular Membrane 30
Summary 30
Key Points 30
References 30
Bibliography 30
6.2.2 Type 2 Choroidal Neovascular Membrane 32
Summary 32
Key Points 32
References 32
6.2.3 Type 3 Choroidal Neovascular Membrane 34
Summary 34
Key Points 34
Bibliography 34
6.2.4 Subretinal Hemorrhage 35
Summary 35
Key Points 35
Bibliography 35
6.2.5 Disciform Scar 36
Summary 36
Key Points 36
Bibliography 36
6.2.6 Retinal Pigment Epithelial Tear 37
Summary 37
Key Points 37
Bibliography 37
6.2.7 Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy 38
Summary 38
Key Points 38
Bibliography 38
7 Vitreomacular Interface Disorders 40
7.1 Vitreomacular Adhesion 40
Summary 40
Key OCT Features 40
7.2 Vitreomacular Traction 42
Summary 42
Key OCT Features 42
7.3 Full-Thickness Macular Hole 47
Summary 47
Key Points 47
Reference 47
7.4 Lamellar Macular Hole 50
Summary 50
Key OCT Features 50
Reference 50
7.5 Epiretinal Membrane 52
Summary 52
Key OCT Features 52
Reference 52
8 Central Serous Chorioretinopathy 55
8.1 Central Serous Chorioretinopathy 55
Summary 55
OCT Key Features 55
References 55
9 Myopic Degenerative Maculopathies 59
9.1 Myopic Choroidal Neovascular Membrane 59
Summary 59
Key OCT Features 59
Reference 59
9.2 Myopic Macular Schisis 62
Summary 62
Key OCT Features 62
Reference 62
Bibliography 62
9.3 Dome-Shaped Macula 64
Summary 64
Key OCT Features 64
References 64
Bibliography 64
9.4 Posterior Staphyloma 66
Summary 66
Key OCT Features 66
References 66
Bibliography 66
10 Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity 68
10.1 Hydroxychloroquine Toxicity 68
Summary 68
Key OCT Features 68
References 68
11 Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy 72
11.1 Vitelliform Dystrophy 72
Summary 72
Key Features 72
References 72
12 Macular Telangiectasia 73
12.1 Macular Telangiectasia 73
Summary 73
Key Points 73
Type 1 73
Type 2 73
13 Isolated Cystoid Macular Edema 76
13.1 Isolated Cystoid Macular Edema 76
Summary 76
Key Points 76
Bibliography 76
14 Other Disorders Affecting the Macula 78
14.1 Angioid Streaks 78
Summary 78
Key Points 78
Bibliography 78
14.2 X-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis 79
Summary 79
Key OCT Features 79
14.3 Oculocutaneous Albinism 80
Summary 80
Key OCT Finding 80
14.4 Subretinal Perfluorocarbon 82
Summary 82
Key OCT Features 82
3 Vasoocclusive Disorders 84
15 Diabetic Retinopathy 84
15.1 Diabetic Macular Edema 84
Summary 84
Key OCT Features 84
15.2 Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 86
Summary 86
Key OCT Features 86
15.3 Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 88
Summary 88
Key Points 88
16 Retinal Venous Occlusive Disease 90
16.1 Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion 90
Summary 90
Key OCT Findings 90
Bibliography 90
16.2 Central Retinal Vein Occlusion 92
Summary 92
Key OCT Features 92
Bibliography 92
17 Retinal Arterial Occlusive Disease 96
17.1 Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion 96
Summary 96
Key OCT Findings 96
Bibliography 96
17.2 Central Retinal Arterial Occlusion 98
Summary 98
Key OCT Findings 98
Bibliography 98
4 Uveitis and Inflammatory Disorders 100
18 Noninfectious Uveitis 100
18.1.1 Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy 100
Summary 100
Key OCT Features 100
Bibliography 100
18.1.2 Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy 103
Summary 103
Key OCT Features 103
Bibliography 103
18.1.3 Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome 107
Summary 107
Key OCT Features 107
Bibliography 107
18.1.4 Serpiginous Choroiditis 109
Summary 109
Key OCT Features 109
Bibliography 109
18.1.5 Multifocal Choroiditis and Panuveitis and Punctate Inner Choroidopathy 111
Summary 111
Key OCT Features 111
Reference 111
Bibliography 111
18.2 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease 114
Summary 114
Key OCT Features 114
Reference 114
Bibliography 114
18.3 Sympathetic Ophthalmia 116
Summary 116
Key OCT Findings 116
Bibliography 116
19 Infectious Uveitis 119
19.1 Toxoplasmic Chorioretinitis 119
Summary 119
Key OCT Features 119
Bibliography 119
19.2 Acute Syphilitic Posterior Placoid Chorioretinitis 121
Summary 121
Key OCT Features 121
Bibliography 121
19.3 Tuberculosis 124
Summary 124
Key OCT Features 124
19.4 Posterior Scleritis 127
Summary 127
Key OCT Features 127
Bibliography 127
19.5 Candida Chorioretinitis 129
Summary 129
Key OCT Features 129
Bibliography 129
19.6 Acute Retinal Necrosis Syndrome 132
Summary 132
Key OCT Features 132
Bibliography 132
5 Retinal and Choroidal Tumors 134
20 Choroidal Tumors 134
20.1 Choroidal Nevus 134
Summary 134
Key OCT Features 134
20.2 Choroidal Melanoma 135
Summary 135
Key OCT Features 135
20.3 Solitary Choroidal Hemangioma 136
Summary 136
Key OCT Findings 136
21 Retinal Tumors 137
21.1 Retinal Capillary Hemangioma 137
Summary 137
Key OCT Features 137
22 Retinal Pigment Epithelium Tumors 138
22.1 Simple Hamartoma of the RPE 138
Summary 138
Key OCT Features 138
Bibliography 138
22.2 Combined Hamartoma of the Retina and RPE 139
Summary 139
Key OCT Features 139
Bibliography 139
23 Metastatic Choroidal Tumors 140
23.1 Choroidal Metastases 140
Summary 140
Key OCT Features 140
6 Trauma 142
24 Mechanical Trauma 142
24.1 Valsalva Retinopathy 142
Summary 142
Key OCT Features 142
Bibliography 142
25 Photic Maculopathy 145
25.1 Laser Maculopathy 145
Summary 145
Key OCT Features 145
Bibliography 145
25.2 Solar Maculopathy 146
Summary 146
Key OCT Features 146
Bibliography 146
7 Inherited Retinal Degenerations 148
26 Retinal Dystrophies 148
26.1 Retinitis Pigmentosa 148
Summary 148
Key Features 148
Bibliography 148
26.2 Stargardt Disease 149
Summary 149
Key OCT Features 149
26.3 Best Disease 152
Summary 152
Key OCT Features 152
26.4 Cone Dystrophy 154
Summary 154
Key Features 154
Reference 154
26.5 Malattia Leventinese (Doyne’s Honeycomb Retinal Dystrophy) 155
Summary 155
Key OCT Features 155
Bibliography 155
26.6 Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy 157
Summary 157
Key OCT Features 157
Bibliography 157
8 Vitreous Disorders 159
27 Posterior Vitreous Detachment 159
27.1 Stages of Posterior Vitreous Detachment 159
Summary 159
Key OCT Features 159
Reference 159
28 Asteroid Hyalosis 162
28.1 Asteroid Hyalosis 162
Summary 162
Key OCT Features 162
29 Vitreous Hemorrhage 164
29.1 Vitreous Hemorrhage 164
Summary 164
Key OCT Features 164
Reference 164
30 Vitreous Inflammation 166
30.1 Vitreous Inflammation 166
Summary 166
Key OCT Features 166
References 166
9 Miscellaneous Retinal Disorders 170
31 Peripheral Retinal Abnormalities 170
31.1 Tractional Retinal Detachment 170
Summary 170
Key OCT Features 170
31.2 Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment 174
Summary 174
Key OCT Features 174
References 174
31.3 Bullous Retinoschisis 180
Summary 180
Key OCT Features 180
Bibliography 180
31.4 Lattice Degeneration 183
Summary 183
Key OCT Features 183
Bibliography 183
31.5 Myelinated Nerve Fiber Layer 186
Summary 186
Key OCT Features 186
Index 189
A 189
B 189
C 189
D 190
E 190
F 190
G 190
H 190
I 190
L 191
M 191
N 191
O 191
P 191
Q 191
R 191
S 192
T 192
U 192
V 193
W 193
X 193
Inside Back Cover ibc1