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Brenner and Stevens’ Pharmacology E-Book

Brenner and Stevens’ Pharmacology E-Book

George M. Brenner | Craig Stevens


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Book Details


Designed to help you learn and retain key information in pharmacology, this foundational text takes you from course exams and the USMLE Step 1 right through to clinical practice. Brenner and Stevens’ Pharmacology, 5th Edition, focuses on the essential principles you need to know, in a concise yet comprehensive manner that’s easy to understand. Highly illustrated and formatted for quick reference, it’s your go-to text for the must-know aspects of pharmacology you’ll need for clinical problem solving and decision making.

  • Teaches the fundamental aspects of pharmacology using full-color illustrations, detailed explanations, and a consistent format to present classification of drugs for each system/disease.
  • Features useful tables, drug classifications boxes, case studies, and self-assessments in each chapter to help you review and prepare for course exams and Step 1.
  • Includes the latest pharmacologic mechanisms and applications with new and updated drug information throughout

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover cover
Inside Front Cover ifc1
Brenner and Stevens Pharmacology i
Copyright Page iv
Preface v
Table Of Contents vii
I Principles of Pharmacology 1
Section 1_text 1
1 Introduction to Pharmacology 3
Pharmacology and Related Sciences 3
History and Definition of Pharmacology 3
Pharmacology and Its Subdivisions 3
Toxicology 4
Pharmacotherapeutics 4
Pharmacy and Related Sciences 4
Drug Sources and Preparations 5
II Autonomic and Neuromuscular Pharmacology 57
Section 2_text 57
6 Peripheral Neuropharmacology and Acetylcholine Agonists 59
Overview 59
Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Nervous System 59
Autonomic Nervous System 59
Enteric Nervous System 60
Somatic Nervous System 60
Neurotransmission and Sites of Drug Action 60
Neurotransmitters 60
Cholinergic Neurotransmission 62
Drugs Affecting Cholinergic Neurotransmission 63
Acetylcholine Receptors 63
Muscarinic Receptors 63
Nicotinic Receptors 64
Acetylcholine Agonists 64
Direct-Acting Acetylcholine Receptor Agonists 64
Choline Esters 64
Ocular Effects. 64
Respiratory Tract Effects. 64
Cardiac Effects. 64
Vascular Effects. 65
Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract Effects. 65
Acetylcholine 65
Bethanechol and Carbachol 66
Plant Alkaloids 66
Other Drugs 66
Indirect-Acting Acetylcholine Agonists 66
Cholinesterase Inhibitors 66
Reversible Cholinesterase Inhibitors 66
Edrophonium. 66
Neostigmine, Physostigmine, and Pyridostigmine. 68
Quasireversible Cholinesterase Inhibitors 68
Management of Organophosphate Poisoning. 68
Centrally Acting, Reversible Cholinesterase Inhibitors 70
Type 5 Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors 70
Pharmacokinetics 70
Adverse Effects and Interactions 70
Indications 71
Summary of Important Points 72
Review Questions 72
7 Acetylcholine Receptor Antagonists 73
Overview 73
Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists 73
Belladonna Alkaloids 73
Atropine and Scopolamine 73
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 73
Pharmacologic Effects. 73
Ocular Effects. 74
Cardiac Effects. 74
Respiratory Tract Effects. 74
Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract Effects. 74
Central Nervous System Effects. 75
Other Effects. 75
Ocular Indications. 75
Cardiac Indications. 75
Respiratory Tract Indications. 75
Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract Indications. 75
Central Nervous System Indications. 75
Other Indications. 75
Hyoscyamine 75
Semisynthetic and Synthetic Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists 75
Ipratropium and Tiotropium 75
Dicyclomine, Oxybutynin, Solifenacin, and Related Drugs 75
Glycopyrrolate 76
Tropicamide 76
Pirenzepine 76
Nicotinic Receptor Antagonists 76
Ganglionic Blocking Agents 76
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents 76
Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular Blocking Agents 76
General Properties. 76
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 76
Mechanisms and Effects. 76
Interactions. 77
Indications. 77
Drug Selection. 78
Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocking Agents 78
Summary of Important Points 79
Review Questions 79
8 Sympathetic Neurotransmission and Adrenoceptor Agonists 81
Overview 81
Sympathetic Neurotransmission 81
Drugs Affecting Adrenergic Neurotransmission 81
Drugs Modulating the Baroreceptor Reflex 81
Adrenoceptor Agonists 82
Adrenoceptors 83
α-Adrenoceptors 83
β-Adrenoceptors 84
Dopamine Receptors 84
Imidazoline Receptors 84
Signal Transduction 84
Classification of Adrenoceptor Agonists 84
Direct-Acting Adrenoceptor Agonists 84
Catecholamines 85
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 85
Mechanisms and Effects 86
Cardiovascular Effects 86
Respiratory Tract Effects 87
Adverse Effects. 87
Specific Drugs 88
Noncatecholamines 88
Phenylephrine 89
Pharmacokinetics. 89
Mechanisms and Effects. 89
Indications. 89
Midodrine 89
Albuterol, Salmeterol, Terbutaline, and Related Drugs 89
III Cardiovascular, Renal, and Hematologic Pharmacology 101
Section 3_text 101
10 Antihypertensive Drugs 103
Overview 103
Hypertension 103
Classification of Blood Pressure 104
Regulation of Blood Pressure 104
Sites and Effects of Antihypertensive Drug Action 104
Diuretics 105
Thiazide and Related Diuretics 105
Loop Diuretics 107
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics 107
Sympatholytic Drugs 108
Adrenoceptor Antagonists 109
α-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 109
β-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 109
Centrally Acting Drugs 109
Angiotensin Inhibitors 110
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors 110
Mechanism of Action 110
Pharmacokinetics 111
Adverse Effects 111
Interactions 111
Indications 111
Specific Drugs 112
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers 112
Direct Renin Inhibitor 113
Vasodilators 113
Calcium Channel Blockers 113
Other Vasodilators 113
Hydralazine and Minoxidil 113
Nitroprusside 113
Fenoldopam 113
The Management of Hypertension 114
Lifestyle Modifications 114
Selection of Drug Therapy 114
Patients With Specific Traits or Diseases 114
Hypertensive Emergencies and Urgencies 114
Summary of Important Points 115
Review Questions 115
11 Antianginal Drugs 117
Overview 117
Coronary Heart Disease 117
Mechanisms and Effects of Antianginal Drugs 117
Vasodilators 119
Organic Nitrites and Nitrates 119
Amyl Nitrite 119
Nitroglycerin, Isosorbide Dinitrate, and Isosorbide Mononitrate 120
Pharmacokinetics. 120
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects. 120
Tolerance. 120
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 120
Calcium Channel Blockers 120
Pharmacokinetics 121
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects 121
Adverse Effects 122
Specific Drugs 122
Î’eta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 122
Other Antianginal Agents 122
Ivabradine 122
Agents That Alter Metabolism 123
Management of Angina Pectoris 123
Summary of Important Points 124
Review Questions 124
12 Drugs for Heart Failure 125
Overview 125
Pathophysiology of Heart Failure 125
Mechanisms and Effects of Drugs for Heart Failure 127
Positively Inotropic Drugs 127
Digoxin 127
Drug Properties 128
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 128
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects. 128
Positive Inotropic Effect. 128
Electrophysiologic and Electrocardiographic Effects. 128
Adverse Effects. 129
Interactions. 129
Indications. 129
Digoxin Immune Fab 130
Dobutamine 130
Milrinone 131
Vasodilators 131
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors 131
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers 131
Natriuretic Peptide 132
Neprilysin Inhibitor 132
Hydralazine and Nitrates 132
Î’eta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 132
Aldosterone Antagonists 133
Diuretics 133
Management of Heart Failure 133
Summary of Important Points 134
Review Questions 134
13 Diuretics 135
Overview 135
Nephron Function and Sites of Drug Action 135
Glomerular Filtration 135
Proximal Tubule 135
Loop of Henle 135
Distal Tubule 136
Collecting Duct 136
Diuretic Agents 138
Thiazide and Related Diuretics 138
Drug Properties 138
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 138
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects. 138
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 139
Indications. 139
Hydrochlorothiazide 140
Thiazide-Like Diuretics 140
Loop Diuretics 140
Drug Properties 140
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 140
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects. 141
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 141
Indications. 141
Bumetanide, Furosemide, and Torsemide 141
Ethacrynic Acid 141
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics 141
Amiloride and Triamterene 141
Spironolactone 142
Osmotic Diuretics 142
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors 142
Drug Properties 142
Pharmacokinetics. 142
Mechanisms, Pharmacologic Effects, and Indications. 142
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 143
Antidiuretic Hormone Antagonists 143
Management of Edema 143
Summary of Important Points 144
Review Questions 144
14 Drugs for Cardiac Dysrhythmia 145
Overveiw 145
Cardiac Action Potentials and Electrocardiographic Findings 145
Pathophysiology of Dysrhythmias 146
Abnormal Impulse Formation 146
Increased Automaticity 148
Afterdepolarizations 148
Reentry 148
Drug-Induced Dysrhythmias 148
Mechanisms and Classification of Antidysrhythmic Drugs 149
Sodium Channel Blockers 149
Class IA Drugs 149
Drug Properties 149
Quinidine 150
Procainamide 150
Disopyramide 150
Class IB Drugs 151
Drug Properties 151
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 151
Mechanisms and Effects. 151
Adverse Effects. 151
Indications. 151
Class IC Drugs 151
Flecainide 151
Propafenone 152
Class II Drugs 153
Esmolol 153
Metoprolol and Propranolol 153
Class III Drugs 153
Amiodarone 153
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 153
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects. 154
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 154
Indications. 154
Dronedarone 154
Ibutilide and Dofetilide 154
Sotalol 155
Class IV Drugs 155
Miscellaneous Drugs 155
Adenosine 155
Digoxin 155
Magnesium Sulfate 155
Ivabradine and Ranolazine 156
Management of Dysrhythmias 156
Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter 156
Supraventricular Tachycardia 157
Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation 157
Torsades de Pointes 157
Summary of Important Points 157
Review Questions 158
15 Drugs for Hyperlipidemia 159
Overview 159
Lipoproteins and Lipid Transport 159
Chylomicrons 159
Very-Low-Density and Low-Density Lipoproteins 160
High-Density Lipoproteins 160
Lipoprotein (a) 162
Causes and Types of Hyperlipoproteinemia 162
Guidelines for Management of Hypercholesterolemia 162
Lifestyle Changes 163
Drugs for Hypercholesterolemia 164
Statins (HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors) 164
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 164
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects 165
Indications 165
Adverse Effects 166
Interactions 166
Bile Acid–Binding Resins 166
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 166
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects 166
Adverse Effects and Interactions 166
Indications 167
Preparations 167
Ezetimibe 167
Niacin (Nicotinic Acid) 167
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 167
IV Central Nervous System Pharmacology 191
Section 4_text 191
18 Introduction to Central Nervous System Pharmacology 193
Overview 193
Neurotransmission in the Central Nervous System 193
Principles of Neurotransmission 193
Neurotransmitter Synthesis and Metabolism 193
Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurotransmission 193
Fast Versus Slow Signals 194
Neurotransmitters and Receptors 195
Acetylcholine 195
Amino Acids 195
GABA. 195
Glycine. 195
Glutamate and Aspartate. 196
Biogenic Amines 197
Dopamine. 197
Norepinephrine. 199
Serotonin. 199
Histamine. 199
Neuropeptides 199
Other Neurotransmitters 199
Mechanisms of Drug Action 200
Neurotransmitter Synthesis, Storage, and Release 200
Neurotransmitter Reuptake and Degradation 200
Receptor Activation or Blockade 200
Receptor Alterations Caused by Central Nervous System Drug Treatment 200
Neuronal Systems in the Central Nervous System 200
Cognitive Processing 200
Memory 200
Emotional Processing 201
Sensory Processing 202
Motor Processing 202
Autonomic Processing 202
Summary of Important Points 202
Review Questions 202
19 Sedative-Hypnotic and Anxiolytic Drugs 205
Overview 205
Anxiety Disorders 205
Neurologic Basis of Anxiety 205
Classification and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders 206
Acute Anxiety 206
Panic Disorder 206
Phobic Disorders 206
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 206
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 206
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 206
Sleep Disorders 206
Neurologic Basis of Sleep 206
Classification and Treatment of Sleep Disorders 206
Insomnia 206
Other Sleep Disorders 207
Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs 207
Benzodiazepines 207
Drug Properties 207
Pharmacokinetics. 207
Mechanism of Action. 209
Pharmacologic Effects. 210
Adverse Effects. 211
Interactions and Treatment of Adverse Effects. 213
Indications. 213
Specific Agents 213
Other Benzodiazepines 214
Barbiturates 214
Drug Properties 214
Pharmacokinetics. 214
Mechanism of Action. 214
Pharmacologic Effects. 214
Interactions. 214
Indications. 214
Specific Agents 214
Antihistamines 215
Other Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs 215
Zolpidem, Zaleplon, and Eszopiclone 215
Melatonin and Related Drugs 215
Chloral Hydrate 215
Nonsedating Anxiolytic Drugs 215
Buspirone 215
Propranolol 216
Summary of Important Points 216
Review Questions 216
20 Antiepileptic Drugs 217
Overview 217
Classification of Seizures 217
Neurobiology of Seizures 218
Mechanisms of Antiepileptic Drugs 218
Effects on Ion Channels 218
Effects on GABAergic Systems 218
Effects on Glutaminergic Systems 218
Treatment of Seizure Disorders 218
Drugs for Partial and Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures 221
Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazepine 221
Pharmacokinetics. 221
Mechanisms and Effects. 221
Interactions. 222
Indications. 222
Eslicarbazepine 222
Phenytoin and Fosphenytoin 224
Pharmacokinetics. 224
Mechanisms and Effects. 224
Interactions. 224
V Pharmacology of Respiratory and Other Systems 299
Section 5_text 299
26 Autacoid Drugs 301
Overview 301
Histamine and Related Drugs 301
Histamine Biosynthesis and Release 301
Histamine Receptors and Effects 302
Antihistamine Drugs 302
Histamine H1 Receptor Antagonists 302
Classification 302
Mechanisms and Pharmacokinetics 302
Pharmacologic Effects and Indications 303
First-Generation Antihistamines 303
Second-Generation Antihistamines 304
Intranasal Antihistamines 304
Ophthalmic Antihistamines 304
Adverse Effects and Interactions 304
First-Generation Antihistamines. 304
Second-Generation Antihistamines. 304
Intranasal Antihistamines. 304
Ophthalmic Antihistamines. 305
Serotonin and Related Drugs 305
Serotonin Biosynthesis and Release 305
Serotonin Receptors and Effects 305
Serotonin Agonists 305
Serotonin Antagonists 306
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors 306
Eicosanoids and Related Drugs 306
Eicosanoid Biosynthesis and Release 306
Eicosanoid Receptors and Effects 306
Eicosanoid Drugs 308
Eicosanoid Synthesis Inhibitors 308
Prostaglandin Drugs 308
Prostaglandin E1 and Prostaglandin E1 Derivatives 308
Prostaglandin E2 and Prostaglandin F2α Derivatives 309
Prostaglandin I2 and Prostaglandin I2 Derivatives 309
Endothelin-1 Antagonists 309
Summary of Important Points 309
Review Questions 310
27 Respiratory Pharmacology 311
Overview 311
Respiratory Tract Disorders 311
Asthma 311
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 312
Rhinitis 312
Antiinflammatory Drugs 312
Corticosteroids 312
Mast Cell Stabilizers 314
Cromolyn Sodium 314
Chemistry and Mechanisms. 314
Pharmacokinetics. 314
Indications. 314
Adverse Effects. 314
Lodoxamide and Nedocromil 314
Leukotriene Inhibitors 315
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists 315
Mechanisms. 315
Pharmacokinetics. 315
Effects and Indications. 315
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 315
Zileuton 316
Effects and Indications. 316
VI Endocrine Pharmacology 357
Section 6_text 357
31 Hypothalamic and Pituitary Drugs 359
Overview 359
Neuropeptides and Dopamine Released From the Hypothalamus 359
Hormones Released From the Anterior Lobe of the Pituitary 359
Hormones Released From the Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary 360
Clinical Uses of Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones 360
Anterior Pituitary Hormones 361
Corticotropin and Related Drugs 361
Corticotropin Preparations 361
Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone 361
Growth Hormone and Related Drugs 361
Growth Hormone Preparations 361
Growth Hormone–Inhibiting Hormone Preparations 361
Growth Hormone Receptor Antagonist 362
Gonadotropins and Related Drugs 362
Gonadotropin Preparations 362
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Agonists 363
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Antagonists 363
Prolactin and Related Drugs 363
Posterior Pituitary Hormones 363
Oxytocin and Related Drugs 363
Vasopressin and Related Drugs 364
Summary of Important Points 364
Review Questions 365
32 Thyroid Drugs 367
Overview 367
Thyroid Hormone Secretion 367
Thyroid Disorders 367
Hypothyroidism 368
Hyperthyroidism 368
Thyroid Hormone Preparations 369
Levothyroxine 369
Pharmacokinetics 369
Indications 370
Adverse Effects 370
Interactions 370
Liothyronine 370
Antithyroid Agents 371
Thioamide Drugs 371
Mechanisms 371
Pharmacokinetics 371
Indications 371
Adverse Effects 371
Specific Drugs 371
Beta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists 371
Other Antithyroid Agents 371
Iodide Salts 371
Radioactive Iodine (RAI) 372
Thyrotropin 372
Drugs for Thyroid Treatment After Nuclear Reactor Accident or Nuclear Bomb Explosion 372
Summary of Important Points 372
Review Questions 373
33 Adrenal Steroids and Related Drugs 375
Overview 375
Synthesis and Secretion of Adrenal Steroids 375
Physiologic Effects of Adrenal Steroids 375
Corticosteroid Drugs 377
Mineralocorticoids 377
Glucocorticoids 377
Classification 378
Low-Potency, Short-Acting Glucocorticoids 378
Medium-Potency, Intermediate-Acting Glucocorticoids 378
High-Potency, Long-Acting Glucocorticoids 378
Antiinflammatory Effects 378
Indications 379
Inflammation, Allergy, and Autoimmune Disorders 379
Cancer 379
Respiratory Distress Syndrome 379
Adrenal Insufficiency 379
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 379
Cushing Syndrome 379
Dermatologic Conditions 380
Other Disorders 380
Systemic Administration and Pharmacokinetics 380
Adverse Effects 381
Adrenal Androgens 381
Corticosteroid Synthesis Inhibitors 381
Metyrapone 381
Ketoconazole and Fluconazole 381
Corticosteroid Receptor Antagonists 381
Spironolactone 381
Mifepristone 381
DHEA Use in Older Men 381
Summary of Important Points 382
Review Questions 382
34 Drugs Affecting Fertility and Reproduction 383
Overview 383
Biosynthesis of Gonadal Steroids 383
Hormonal Actions of Estrogens and Progesterone 385
Hormonal Actions of Testosterone 385
Estrogens and Progestin Drugs 385
Estrogens 385
Mechanism of Action 385
Preparations and Disposition 386
Indications 387
Adverse Effects 387
Progestins 388
Synthetic Progestins 388
Hormone Replacement Therapy 388
Therapeutic Effects 388
Treatment Considerations 389
Contraceptives 389
Estrogen-Progestin Contraceptives 390
Classification 390
Mechanisms and Pharmacologic Effects 390
Administration 390
Adverse Effects 391
Interactions 391
Progestin-Only Contraceptives 392
Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) 392
Emergency Contraceptives 392
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (Serms) 393
Clomiphene 393
Pharmacokinetics 393
Mechanisms and Indications 393
VII Chemotherapy 423
Section 7_text 423
37 Principles of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 425
Overview 425
Antibiotics and Chemotherapy 425
Classification of Antimicrobial Drugs 425
Antimicrobial Activity 425
Bactericidal or Bacteriostatic Effect 425
Antimicrobial Spectrum 427
Concentration- and Time-Dependent Effects 427
Microbial Sensitivity and Resistance 427
Laboratory Tests for Microbial Sensitivity 427
Microbial Resistance to Drugs 429
Origin of Resistance 429
Mutation and Selection 429
Transferable Resistance 429
Mechanisms of Resistance 429
Selection of Antimicrobial Drugs 430
Host Factors 430
Antimicrobial Activity 431
Pharmacokinetic Properties 431
Adverse Effect Profile 432
Combination Drug Therapy 432
Prophylactic Therapy 434
Prevention of Infection Caused by Invasive Procedures 434
Prevention of Disease Transmission 435
Summary of Important Points 435
Review Questions 435
38 Inhibitors of Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis 437
Overview 437
Cell Envelope 437
Cytoplasmic and Outer Membranes 437
Cell Wall 438
Sites of Drug Action 438
β-Lactam Drugs 438
Other Drugs 438
β-Lactam Antibiotics 439
Penicillins 439
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 440
Spectrum and Indications 440
Bacterial Resistance 443
β-Lactamase Inhibitors 444
Adverse Effects 444
Cephalosporins 444
Chemistry 444
Pharmacokinetics 444
Clinical Use 444
Bacterial Resistance 445
Adverse Effects 445
Monobactam 445
Carbapenems 445
Other Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors 446
Vancomycin and Telavancin 446
Bacitracin 446
Fosfomycin 446
Summary of Important Points 446
Review Questions 447
39 Inhibitors of Bacterial Protein Synthesis 449
Overview 449
Bacterial Protein Synthesis 449
Sites of Drug Action 449
Drugs That Affect the 30S Ribosomal Subunit 449
Aminoglycosides 449
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 451
Spectrum and Indications 451
Bacterial Resistance 451
Adverse Effects 452
Tetracyclines 453
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 453
Spectrum and Indications 453
Bacterial Resistance 453
Adverse Effects 453
Drugs That Affect the 50S Ribosomal Subunit 454
Macrolide Antibiotics 454
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 454
Spectrum and Indications 454
Bacterial Resistance 455
Adverse Effects 455
Drug Interactions 455
Clindamycin 455
Chloramphenicol 455
Quinupristin-Dalfopristin 456
Other Protein Synthesis Inhibitors 456
Linezolid 456
Mupirocin 456
Summary of Important Points 456
Review Questions 457
40 Quinolones, Antifolate Drugs, and Other Agents 459
Overview 459
Antifolate Drugs 459
Mechanisms of Action 459
Sulfonamides 459
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 459
Spectrum, Indications, and Bacterial Resistance 459
Adverse Effects 461
Trimethoprim 461
Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole 461
Pharmacokinetics 461
Spectrum and Indications 461
Adverse Effects 462
Fluoroquinolones 462
Pharmacokinetics 462
Spectrum and Indications 462
Bacterial Resistance 463
Adverse Effects and Interactions 464
Other Antibacterial Drugs 464
Nitrofurantoin 464
Daptomycin 464
Polymyxin B 464
Rifaximin 464
Fidaxomicin 465
Summary of Important Points 465
Review Questions 465
41 Antimycobacterial Drugs 467
Overview 467
Mycobacterial Infections 467
Drug Regimens 467
Drugs for Mycobacterial Infections 468
Drugs for Tuberculosis 468
Isoniazid 468
Pharmacokinetics. 468
Mechanism of Action and Resistance. 468
Spectrum and Indications. 470
Adverse Effects. 470
Ethambutol 470
Pyrazinamide 471
Rifampin 471
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics. 471
Mechanisms, Spectrum, and Indications. 472
Bacterial Resistance. 472
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 472
Rifapentine and Rifabutin 472
Other Drugs 472
New Drugs for Tuberculosis 472
Drugs for M. avium-intracellulare Infections 473
Drugs for Leprosy 473
Sulfones 473
Rifampin 473
Clofazimine 473
Thalidomide 473
Summary of Important Points 473
Review Questions 474
42 Antifungal Drugs 475
Overview 475
Fungal Infections 475
Clinical Uses and Mechanisms of Antifungal Drugs 475
Antifungal Drugs 476
Polyene Antibiotics 476
Amphotericin B 476
Pharmacokinetics. 476
Spectrum and Indications. 477
Fungal Resistance. 479
Adverse Effects. 479
Nystatin and Natamycin 479
Azole Derivatives 479
Pharmacokinetics and Drug Interactions 480
Spectrum and Indications 480
Adverse Effects 480
Specific Drugs 480
Allylamine Drugs 481
Echinocandin Drugs 481
Other Antifungal Drugs 481
Flucytosine 481
Griseofulvin 481
Ciclopirox 482
Tolnaftate 482
Summary of Important Points 482
Review Questions 482
43 Antiviral Drugs 483
Overview 483
Drugs for Herpesvirus Infections 483
Nucleoside Analogs 484
Chemistry and Mechanisms 484
Pharmacokinetics and Indications 484
Viral Resistance 484
Acyclovir, Famciclovir, and Valacyclovir 484
Penciclovir 486
Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir, and Cidofovir 486
Trifluridine 487
Foscarnet 487
Drugs for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection 487
Sites of Drug Action 487
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 488
Mechanism of Action 488
Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics 488
Clinical Use 489
Viral Resistance. 489
Adverse Effects and Interactions. 489
Specific Drugs 489
Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 490
Answers and Explanations 525
Chapter 1 525
Chapter 2 525
Chapter 3 525
Chapter 4 526
Chapter 5 526
Chapter 6 526
Chapter 7 527
Chapter 8 527
Chapter 9 528
Chapter 10 528
Chapter 11 529
Chapter 12 529
Chapter 13 529
Chapter 14 530
Chapter 15 530
Chapter 16 531
Chapter 17 531
Chapter 18 531
Chapter 19 532
Chapter 20 533
Chapter 21 533
Chapter 22 533
Chapter 23 534
Chapter 24 534
Chapter 25 535
Chapter 26 535
Chapter 27 536
Chapter 28 536
Chapter 29 536
Chapter 30 537
Chapter 31 537
Chapter 32 538
Chapter 33 538
Chapter 34 538
Chapter 35 539
Chapter 36 539
Chapter 37 540
Chapter 38 540
Chapter 39 541
Chapter 40 541
Chapter 41 541
Chapter 42 542
Chapter 43 542
Chapter 44 542
Chapter 45 543
Index 545
A 545
B 548
C 549
D 551
E 553
F 554
G 554
H 555
I 556
J 557
K 557
L 557
M 558
N 560
O 561
P 561
Q 563
R 563
S 564
T 566
U 567
V 567
W 567
X 568
Y 568
Z 568
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