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Leadership and Nursing Care Management - E-Book

Leadership and Nursing Care Management - E-Book

Diane Huber


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Book Details


Develop your management and leadership skills. Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 6th Edition maintains its AONE competencies, and features the most up-to-date, evidence-based blend of practice and theory related to the issues that impact nursing management and leadership today. A fresh, conversational writing style provides you with an easy-to-understand, in-depth look at these prevalent issues. Key topics include the nursing professional's role in law and ethics, staffing and scheduling, delegation, cultural considerations, care management, human resources, outcomes management, safe work environments, preventing employee injury, and time and stress management.

  • UNIQUE! Chapters divided according to AONE competencies for nurse leaders, managers, and executives.
  • Research Notes in each chapter summarize relevant nursing leadership and management studies and highlight the practical applications of research findings.
  • Case Studies at the end of each chapter present real-world leadership and management situations and illustrate how key concepts can be applied to actual practice.
  • Critical Thinking Questions at the end of each chapter present clinical situations followed by critical thinking questions that allow you to reflect on chapter content, critically analyze the information, and apply it to the situation.
  • Full-color design and photos makes content more vivid.
  • Updated! Chapter on the Prevention of Workplace Violence emphasizes the AONE, Joint Commission’s, and OSHA’s leadership regarding ethical issues with disruptive behaviors of incivility, bullying, and other workplace violence.
  • Updated! Chapter on Workplace Diversity includes the latest information on how hospitals and other healthcare facilities address and enhance awareness of diversity.
  • Updated! Chapter on Data Management and Clinical Informatics covers how new technology helps patients be informed, connected, and activated through social networks; and how care providers access information through mobile devices, data dashboards, and virtual learning systems.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front matter i
Leadership & nursing care management iii
Copyright iv
Contributors v
Reviewers ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xv
Table of contents xvii
1 Leadership and management principles 1
Definitions 2
Leadership and care management differentiated 2
Leadership overview 3
The two roles of a nurse 4
The leadership role 5
Leadership skills 5
Emotional intelligence 5
Relationship management and relational coordination 6
Background related to leadership 6
Leadership: Five interwoven aspects 6
Process part 1: The leader 7
Process part 2: The follower 7
Process part 3: The situation 7
Process part 4: Communication 7
Process part 5: Goals 8
Leadership theories 8
Trait theories: Characteristics of leadership 8
Vision and trust 9
Leadership styles theories 9
Authoritarian 10
Democratic 10
Laissez-faire 10
Feminist leadership perspective 11
Situational leadership theories 11
The situational leadership® model 12
Transactional and transformational leadership 13
Contemporary leadership: Interactional and relationship-based 14
Complexity leadership 15
Servant leadership 15
Authentic leadership 16
Clinical leadership 16
Effective leadership 17
Followership 17
Types of followers 17
Leadership and management roles 18
Management overview 18
Definitions 18
Background: The management process 18
Management in organizations 22
The nature of managerial work 22
Contemporary management theories 23
Contingency theory 24
Systems theory 24
Complexity theory 25
Chaos theory 26
Leadership and management implications 28
Current issues and trends 28
Critical thinking exercise 31
2 Change and innovation 32
Definitions 33
Background 33
Organizational change 34
Change theories/models 34
Lewin’s change process 35
Kotter’s model of change 36
The process of change 36
Change management 37
Change management: Small scale 37
The human factor: Resistance 38
Resistance reframed 38
Emotional responses to change 39
Transtheoretical stages of change model (ttm) 39
Leadership and change 40
Leadership roles in change 40
Power and politics 40
Innovation theory 41
Rogers’ innovation theory 41
Innovation in health care 42
Disruptive innovation 43
Leadership and management implications 44
Learning organizations 45
Current issues and trends 45
Best practice suggestions for nurse leaders 46
Critical thinking exercise 48
3 Organizational climate and culture 49
Definitions 49
Culture 49
Climate 50
Culture–climate link 50
Nurse practice environment 51
Background 51
Research 51
Magnet recognition program® 52
Professional practice environment 52
Patient safety culture and climate 53
Healthy work environments 53
Just culture 54
Leadership and management implications 54
Current issues and trends 55
Patient-centered care and the patient-centered medical home 55
Culture change in long-term care 56
Generational diversity and the nursing shortage 56
Quality and safety education for nurses 56
Critical thinking exercise 58
4 Managerial decision making 60
Definitions 60
Background 61
Decision-making models 61
Decision-making process 64
Clinical decision making 64
Managerial and organizational decision making 65
Patient acuity and staffing: An example of decision making 66
Decision-making tools 67
Shared governance 67
Evidence-informed decision making 67
Pilot projects 67
Sbar 68
Simulation 68
Data analytics and decision support systems 68
Leadership and management implications 69
Strategies for decision making 69
Current issues and trends 70
Critical thinking exercise 72
5 Managing time and stress 74
Definitions 75
The relationship between time and stress 75
Moral distress 76
Resilience 77
Leadership and management implications 77
Creating an environment to prevent and address work-related stress 77
Getting started 77
Strategies 77
Stress management. 77
Wellness programs in the larger context. 77
Self-care. 77
Setting boundaries. 77
Relaxation. 77
Journaling. 77
Organizational recommendations 79
Healthy work environments standards. 79
Empowerment. 79
Special considerations for nurse managers 81
Current issues and trends 81
Predictions and risk 82
Critical thinking exercise 84
6 Legal and ethical issues 85
Definitions 86
Legal terms 86
Ethical terms 87
Background 87
State law and nursing: Education and licensure 87
The legal system and sources of law 87
Civil law 89
Tort 89
Negligence. 89
Professional negligence (malpractice). 90
Professional safeguards 90
The nurse as witness 91
Criminal law 92
Licensure, multi-state, and distance practice 92
Legal documents and the nurse 93
Guardianship 93
The problem of the adult child 94
Confidentiality and access to medical information 94
Demonstrating compliance 94
Regulatory compliance 94
The personal representative 95
Ethical components 95
Incident reports 96
Code of ethics 96
Leadership and management implications 96
Personal negligence in clinical practice 97
Liability of health care organizations 97
Mandatory reporting 98
Ethical decisions 98
Current issues and trends 99
Legal issues and the changing family dynamic 99
Staffing 99
Critical thinking exercise 101
7 Communication leadership 102
Definitions 102
Background 102
Communication theories and models 103
Intrapersonal and interpersonal communication 104
Helpful cures for ineffective communication 105
Tools for effective communication and speaking up. 105
Evidence-based practice and communication 107
Transformational leadership and communication style 108
Organizational culture and climate 108
Holistic and spiritual health care 109
Spirituality in practice 109
Leadership and management implications 110
Hostile work environment 110
Nonviolent communication 111
Team/group communication: Teamstepps and sbar 111
Teamstepps 112
Sbar and handoff communication 112
Communication to facilitate change: Kotter 113
Current issues and trends 114
Diversity in patient population and health care workforce 114
Communication issues 114
Teaching communication 114
Patient privacy 115
Communication in emergencies 115
Written communication 115
Electronic communication and social media 115
Critical thinking exercise 117
8 Team building and working with effective groups 118
Definitions 119
Background 120
Why groups are formed 121
Advantages of groups 122
Disadvantages of groups 123
Group decision making 123
Working with teams 125
Types of teams 126
Team dynamics 126
Committees 128
Types of committees 128
Effective meetings 129
Preparing for meetings 130
Leader duties 131
Constructive group roles and behaviors 132
Disruptive roles and behaviors 133
Compulsive talkers 133
Nontalkers 133
Interrupters 133
Squashers 134
Distracted or unreliable members 134
Managing disruptive behavior in groups 134
Leadership and management implications 134
Current issues and trends 135
Creating healthy workplaces 135
Teamstepps 136
Innovation centers 136
Multidisciplinary quality improvement teams 136
Critical thinking exercise 138
9 Delegation in nursing 140
Definitions 141
The process of delegation 142
Prioritization 144
Barriers to delegation 145
Ethical and legal issues concerning delegation 147
Scope of practice 147
Organizational issues 147
Cost containment 147
Nursing licensure 148
Direct versus indirect delegation 148
Communication 148
What to do when in doubt 148
Leadership and management implications 149
Current issues and trends 149
Critical thinking exercise 152
10 Power and conflict 153
Power 153
Definitions 153
Empowerment 154
Authority and influence 155
Influence tactics 155
Sources of power 156
Individual sources of power 156
Other sources of power 157
The power of the subunit 159
Power theories 159
Leadership and management implications 160
Power and leadership 160
Centrality and substitutability 161
Conflict 161
Definitions 162
Views of conflict 162
Types of conflict 163
Models of conflict 164
Cause, core process, effect 165
Causes of conflict 165
The core process of conflict 166
Effects of conflict 166
Bullying and disruptive behavior 166
Conflict scales 167
Conflict management and alternative dispute resolution 167
Conflict management styles 167
Carefronting 167
Studies of conflict management in nursing 168
Conflict resolution 169
Face negotiation theory 169
Conflict resolution outcomes 170
Conflict resolution inventories 171
Leadership and management implications 171
Organizational conflict 171
Current issues and trends 172
Participation in high-level decision making 172
Building a personal power base 172
Political action 173
Critical thinking exercise 174
11 Workplace diversity 175
Definitions 175
Background 176
The impact of culture 177
Health equity 177
Improving quality of services and care 178
The national clas standards 178
State legislation: Mandating cultural and linguistic competency training 179
Federal legislation: Affordable care act of 2010 179
Legislative, regulatory, and accreditation mandates 179
Diversity: The americans with disabilities act and inclusive excellence 179
Gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace 180
Decreasing the risk of liability 180
Communication 181
Generational diversity 181
Baby boomers 181
Generation X 182
Millennials 182
Leadership and management implications 182
Ambiguity 183
Inflexible attitude 183
Ethnocentrism 183
High context and low context 184
Current issues and trends 184
Hiring nurses from diverse cultures 184
Negotiating 185
Interpreters 185
Critical thinking exercise 186
12 Organizational structure 187
Definitions 187
Organization theory 187
Objective perspective 187
Subjective perspective 188
Postmodern perspective 188
Key theories of organizations as social systems 189
Bureaucratic theory 189
Scientific management school 189
Classical management theory 189
Human relations school 190
Open system theory 190
Newer organizational theories 190
Key organizational design concepts 191
Division and coordination of labor 191
Hierarchy 194
Organizational forms 195
Functional form 195
Program form 196
Parallel form 197
Modified program form 197
Matrix form 197
Organizational charts 198
Organizational shapes 198
Structural power 201
Leadership and management implications 201
Organizational assessment 202
Current issues and trends 203
Critical thinking exercise 205
13 Decentralization and shared governance 206
Definitions 206
Centralization and decentralization 206
Background 206
Shared governance 208
History 208
Challenges 208
Leadership and management implications 209
Current issues and trends 212
Inter-professional education and collaboration 212
Whole-system integration 212
Engagement 213
Critical thinking exercise 215
14 Strategic management 216
Definitions 217
Strategic planning process 217
Creating mission and vision statements 217
Assessing the environment 219
Setting objectives 219
Developing implementation strategies 220
Planning for implementation 220
Planning for evaluation 221
Elements of a strategic plan 221
Implementation of the strategic plan 222
Leadership and management implications 222
Current issues and trends 222
Conclusion 223
Critical thinking exercise 224
15 Professional practice models 225
Definitions 226
Background 226
Professional practice models 227
Mission statements 227
Vision statements 227
Values statements 227
Philosophy 228
Policies and procedures 228
Policies 228
Procedures 229
Clinical protocols 229
Healthy work environments 230
Types of care delivery models 230
Traditional nursing care delivery models 231
Private duty nursing 231
Functional nursing 232
Team nursing 232
Primary nursing 232
Case management 233
Evolving models 234
Patient- and family-centered care 234
Innovative and future models 234
Customer satisfaction 235
Leadership and management implications 236
Current issues and trends 236
Critical thinking exercise 239
16 Case and population health management 240
Definitions 240
Background 241
Distinguishing components of the health care management continuum 241
Case management 242
Landmark legislation 242
Case management models 242
Practice models background 242
Seminal nursing case management models 244
Social work models 244
Interdisciplinary models 245
The new generation of inter-professional teams. 245
Competency-based models 247
The collaborate model. 247
E4 framework. 247
Other case management models 248
Case management practice standards and code of conduct 250
Practice standards 250
Code of professional conduct 251
The case management process 251
Commission for case manager certification 251
Case management society of america 251
Case management program development and implementation 251
Case management program development 251
Case management outcomes 253
Disease management 254
History and background 254
Growth of managed care systems and a focus on quality care 254
Disease management transitions to population health management 254
Chronic health conditions align with population health management 255
Population health management practice approaches 256
The population care coordination process 257
Care of mental, physical and substance use syndromes 257
Evolving practice standards and guidelines 257
Disease management process, program development and implementation 258
Disease management program components 258
Population risk assessment 258
Identification 258
Stratification 260
Enrollment and engagement 260
Program delivery 260
Interaction and management. 261
Outcomes and effectiveness evaluation 261
Reporting 261
Leadership and management implications 262
Partnering with human resources 263
Individual suitability for case management 263
Current issues and trends 263
Branding and lack of universal definition 263
Influx of unqualified, non-clinical workers 264
Legislative and regulatory disruptors 264
Licensure portability and the nurse licensure compact 264
Measuring and sharing case management outcomes 264
Treatment adherence 265
Conclusion 265
Critical thinking exercise 267
17 Evidence-based practice: Strategies for nursing leaders 268
Definitions 268
Models 270
Steps for performing evidence-based practice 270
Implementing and sustaining evidence-based practice changes 271
An evidence-based practice exemplar 274
Title 274
Team 274
Purpose, rationale, and framework 274
Synthesis of evidence 274
Practice change 274
Implementation strategies 274
Evaluation 275
Conclusion 276
Organizational infrastructure and context 276
Mission, vision, and strategic plan 277
Shared governance 277
Performance expectations and appraisal 277
Resources 278
Reporting 278
Rewards 278
Leadership roles in promoting evidence-based practice 279
Leadership and management implications 280
Current issues and trends 280
Conclusion 282
Critical thinking exercise 284
18 Quality and safety 286
Definitions 286
Health care quality in the twenty-first century 288
Collaboration and health care quality as professional nursing imperatives 290
Industrial models of quality 290
Standards of quality 291
Structure standards and measures 292
Process standards and measures 292
Outcome standards and measures 292
Emerging models of health care performance and quality management 293
Six sigma 294
Lean enterprise 294
Malcolm baldrige national quality award program 295
High-reliability organizations 295
American nurses credentialing center magnet designation 295
Planetree 296
Costs associated with poor health care quality 296
Leadership and management implications 297
Planning for health care quality 297
A nurse’s health care quality toolbox 298
Current issues and trends 303
Health care safety and health care enterprise risk management 303
Accreditation and regulatory influences on quality 303
Data collection and public reporting of quality outcomes 304
Health care safety and quality improvement 306
Sentinel events 308
National patient safety goals 311
The accountability imperative and patient engagement 311
Health care enterprise risk management 312
Incident reports 312
Educating nurses about quality and safety 313
Advancing quality and safety policy 314
Critical thinking exercise 316
19 Measuring and managing outcomes 317
Definitions 317
Influences on outcomes 320
Measurement of outcomes 320
Elements of outcomes research 320
Variable selection 320
Risk adjustment 321
Leadership and management implications 321
Current issues and trends 322
Big data and outcomes 323
Patient experiences and outcomes 324
Critical thinking exercise 327
20 Prevention of workplace violence 328
Definitions 328
Background 329
Parameters of violence 330
Regulatory background 330
General duty to protect workers under the occupational safety and health administration 330
Recommendations from the national institute for occupation safety and health 331
Recommendations from the occupational safety and health administration 331
The joint commission 331
Management of workplace violence 331
Risk management 332
Deescalation and training 332
Human resources management policies. 333
Threat assessment teams 333
Employment assistance programs 333
Leadership and management implications 334
Legal implications 334
Current issues and trends 335
Bullying 335
Environmental design 335
Terrorism 336
Collaboration 336
Active shooter 337
Conclusion 337
Critical thinking exercise 339
21 Confronting the nursing shortage 340
Definitions 340
Background 341
The registered nurse workforce: Shortage and surplus 341
Factors contributing to the nursing shortage 344
Supply 346
Nursing education 346
Demographic factors 347
Aging of the registered nurse workforce. 347
Changing composition of the registered nurse workforce: Age, diversity, and gender. 348
Age. 348
Diversity and inclusion. 348
International recruitment. 348
Men. 348
The image of nursing 351
Work environment factors 352
Workload and staffing 353
Compensation 353
Demand 353
Changing demographic nature of the population 354
Health delivery system 354
American nurses association’s call to action 354
The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health 355
Recruitment 356
Recruitment of professional nurses: The evidence-based magnet recognition program® 357
Human resources, managerial, and staff roles associated with recruitment 357
Position posting 357
Advertising 358
Screening 358
Interviewing 359
Selecting 359
Orienting 360
Counseling and coaching 360
Performance evaluation 361
Staff development 361
Retention: New graduates and experienced registered nurses 361
Leadership and management implications 364
Turnover: Cost and management strategies 364
Managing the shortage 364
Current issues and trends 365
Critical thinking exercise 368
22 Staffing and scheduling 369
Definitions 370
Framework for staffing management 371
Strategies influencing staffing management 371
American nurses association’s principles for nurse staffing 373
American organization of nurse executives 373
Staffing recommendations by professional organizations 373
Patient acuity and nursing intensity 374
Nursing care delivery models 374
The joint commission staffing regulation 375
Collective bargaining agreements and staffing management 375
Leadership and management implications 376
Legislative impact on staffing management 376
The staffing management plan 377
Forecasted workload and staffing pattern (core coverage) 377
Position control 379
Scheduling 379
Demand management 380
Staffing allocation and resource pool 381
Patient assignments 383
Organizational outcomes 383
Staffing effectiveness 383
The staffing evidence on quality 383
Current issues and trends 384
Critical thinking exercise 387
23 Budgeting, productivity, and costing out nursing 388
Background 388
Definitions 389
The budget process 389
Capital budget development 390
Operating budget development 391
Projected volume 391
Staffing calculation 392
Salary calculations 393
Supply and revenue budgets 393
Tracking and monitoring of budgets 393
Leadership and management implications 394
Fiscal responsibility for clinical practice 395
Evaluation of budget expenditures 395
Costing out nursing services 395
Productivity 397
Measures of productivity 397
Current issues and trends 398
Evaluation of budget expenditures 398
Nurse workforce participation 398
Integration of economics in clinical practice 399
Critical thinking exercise 400
24 Performance appraisal 401
Definitions 401
Purposes of performance appraisal 401
Administrative 401
Measurement 402
Development 402
Relationship building 402
Issues in performance appraisal 402
What are we measuring in performance appraisal? 402
The criteria used 402
Traits 402
Behaviors 403
Competencies 403
Results 403
Which performance metric should be used? 404
Rating accuracy: Can we measure it accurately? 404
Political motivations 405
Who should do the rating? 405
Developing employees through performance appraisal and review 405
The manager as coach 406
Performance improvement plans 406
Leadership and management implications 407
Elements of a successful performance review system 407
Current issues and trends 407
Critical thinking exercise 409
25 Emergency management and preparedness 410
Transitioning theory into practice for all-hazards preparedness 410
Definitions 411
Getting started: First steps 412
Creating an emergency management committee 412
Performing an effective gap analysis 412
Keeping the momentum going 416
Action items list 417
Establishing a common nomenclature, structure, and role definition for writing all-hazards preparedness plans 417
Creating procedural annexes to all-hazards preparedness plans 417
Creating a planning subgroup 418
Developing a command center 419
Setting up the command center room 419
Developing processes in the command center 420
Testing the emergency management plans and command center 420
Establishing the hospital’s role in the community 420
Helping staff overcome fear associated with disaster and all-hazards preparedness 421
Crisis standards of care 421
Leadership and management implications 421
Moving into the future with confidence 421
Current issues and trends 422
After action 426
Critical thinking exercise 427
26 Data management and clinical informatics 428
Definitions 429
Nursing’s data needs 431
Nursing informatics 433
Health care technology and nursing applications 434
Health information technology 434
Other emerging technologies and use of big data 436
Electronic health records 436
Health information exchanges 438
Effectiveness 439
Standardized clinical terminology 439
Nursing management minimum data set 440
Leadership and management implications 442
Current issues and trends 443
Critical thinking exercise 446
27 Marketing 447
Definitions and core concepts 448
Background 450
Marketing strategy 450
The marketing process: Focus on marketing mix 451
Leadership and management implications 453
Current issues and trends 455
Cost and transparency 455
Patient-centered care 455
Nursing shortage 456
Geriatric workforce shortage 456
Work–life balance 456
Summary 456
Critical thinking exercise 457
Index 501
A 501
B 502
C 502
D 505
E 507
F 508
G 508
H 509
I 509
J 511
K 511
L 511
M 512
N 513
O 515
P 515
Q 515
R 519
S 519
T 522
U 523
V 523
W 524
References 460
Chapter 1 460
Chapter 2 462
Chapter 3 463
Chapter 4 464
Chapter 5 466
Chapter 6 467
Chapter 7 467
Chapter 8 469
Chapter 9 469
Chapter 10 471
Chapter 11 473
Chapter 12 474
Chapter 13 475
Chapter 14 475
Chapter 15 476
Chapter 16 478
Chapter 17 480
Chapter 18 486
Chapter 19 486
Chapter 20 489
Chapter 21 490
Chapter 22 490
Chapter 23 495
Chapter 24 495
Chapter 25 496
Chapter 26 496
Chapter 27 499