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Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections E-Book

Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections E-Book

Gina M Allen | David John Wilson


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Book Details


An ideal "how-to" guide for those who perform musculoskeletal injections, this unique resource by Drs. Gina M. Allen and David John Wilson demonstrates how to make the most out of the clear visualization provided by ultrasound-guided techniques. High-quality line drawings, clinical photographs, and ultrasound images clearly depict patient presentation, relevant anatomy, and sonoanatomy.

  • Clear, concise text and numerous illustrations make this reference your go-to source on today’s ultrasound-guided musculoskeletal injections.
  • Bulleted text follows a quick-reference template throughout: clinical/ultrasound findings, equipment, anatomy, technique, aftercare, and comments.
  • Each chapter covers the entire injection process with text on the left-hand page and corresponding images on the right.
  • Useful for clinicians in radiology, sports medicine, rheumatology, orthopaedics, pain medicine, and physical therapy – anyone who needs a clear, current guide to this minimally invasive treatment option for pain relief.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front cover Cover
Inside front cover IFC
Front matter i
Ultrasound guided musculoskeletal injections iii
Copyright iv
Contributors v
Preface vi
Table of contents vii
Video contents ix
Section I Techniques ix
Chapter 9 Barbotage ix
Section II Shoulder ix
Chapter 15 Acromioclavicular joint ix
Chapter 16 Glenohumeral joint including hydrodilatation ix
Chapter 17 Glenohumeral joint arthrogram ix
Chapter 19 Long head of biceps tendon ix
Chapter 20 Subacromial subdeltoid bursa ix
Section III Elbow ix
Chapter 22 Elbow joint ix
Chapter 23 Radiocapitellar joint ix
Chapter 24 Dry needling in lateral epicondylitis ix
Chapter 25 Olecranon bursa ix
Chapter 26 Cubital tunnel ix
Section IV Wrist ix
Chapter 27 Distal radioulnar joint ix
Chapter 28 Radiocarpal joint ix
Chapter 29 De quervain’s tenosynovitis ix
Chapter 30 Wrist extensor tendon sheath ix
Chapter 31 Carpal tunnel ix
Chapter 32 Wrist ganglia aspirations ix
Section V Hand ix
Chapter 33 Thumb carpometacarpal joint ix
Chapter 34 Metacarpophalangeal joint ix
Chapter 35 Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints ix
Chapter 36 Scaphotrapezium trapezoid joint ix
Chapter 37 Flexor tendon sheath ix
Chapter 38 Trigger finger release ix
Section VI Hip and groin ix
Chapter 39 Hip joint ap approach ix
Chapter 40 Hip joint lateral approach ix
Chapter 41 Greater trochanteric bursa ix
Chapter 42 Iliopsoas bursa ix
Chapter 43 Proximal iliotibial tract ix
Section VII Knee ix
Chapter 46 Knee joint ix
Chapter 47 Patella tendon ix
Chapter 49 Pes anserine complex (bursitis) ix
Chapter 51 Popliteal cyst (baker’s cyst) ix
Section VIII Ankle ix
Chapter 52 Ankle joint ix
Chapter 53 Subtalar joint ix
Chapter 54 Anterolateral gutter ix
Chapter 55 High-volume injection for achilles tendinopathy (saline stripping) ix
Chapter 56 Peroneal tendon sheath ix
Chapter 57 Tibialis posterior tendon sheath ix
Section IX Foot ix
Chapter 59 Metatarsophalangeal joint ix
Chapter 61 Plantar fasciitis ix
Chapter 62 Mortons neuroma ix
I Techniques 1
1 How to do an interventional procedure 2
Decide whether injection is appropriate 2
Previous medical history to determine contraindication (relative or absolute) 2
Informed consent 4
Aseptic technique 6
Avoidance of needle-stick injuries 6
Perform procedure—see appropriate chapter for site of injection 6
Log drugs used 6
Pain diary given 8
Write a report 10
2 Local anaesthetics 12
Amino amides 12
Lidocaine 12
Bupivacaine 12
Mepivacaine 12
Amine amide with s enantiomer 12
Ropivacaine 12
Levobupivacaine 12
Comments 13
Bibliography 13
3 Steroids 14
Mechanism of action 14
Preparations 14
Less soluble 14
More soluble 14
Complications 14
Flare of active infection 14
Skin depigmentation and atrophy 14
Prevention 14
Pain—postinjection flare (1 to 10%) 15
Prevention 15
Immunosuppression 15
Interaction with epileptic drugs 15
Affects diabetes mellitus control 15
Flushing 15
Menstrual irregularities and uterine bleeding 15
Cautions 15
Cumulative atrophy and tendon rupture 15
Interaction with HIV treatments 15
Patients taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics (e.g. ciprofloxacin) 16
Competitive sport 16
4 Autologous blood 18
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 18
Equipment and drugs 18
Anatomy 18
Technique 18
Aftercare 19
Comments 19
Autologous blood injection for tendinopathy 19
Guidance 19
Bibliography 19
5 Autologous conditioned plasma (ACP) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 20
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 20
Equipment and drugs 20
Anatomy 21
Technique 21
ACP 21
PRP 21
For both ACP and PCP 21
Aftercare and rehabilitation 21
Comments 21
6 Dry needling (peppering, fenestration) 22
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 22
Equipment and drugs 22
Anatomy 22
Technique 22
Aftercare and rehabilitation 23
Comments 23
7 Saline stripping for tendinopathy (high-volume injection or brisement) 24
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 24
Equipment and drugs 24
Anatomy 25
Technique 25
Aftercare 25
Comments 25
Rehabilitation 25
8 Tendon sheath ganglion aspiration 26
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 26
Equipment and drugs 26
Anatomy 26
Technique 26
Aftercare and rehabilitation 28
Comments 28
9 Barbotage 30
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 30
Equipment and drugs 30
Anatomy 30
Technique 30
Aftercare and rehabilitation 32
Comments 34
10 Biopsy 36
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 36
Equipment and drugs 36
Technique 36
Aftercare 36
Comments 36
11 Coblation 38
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 38
Equipment and drugs 38
Anatomy 38
Technique 38
Aftercare 40
Comments 40
Bibliography 40
12 Extracorporeal shock wave therapy 42
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 42
Equipment and drugs 42
Anatomy 42
Technique 42
Aftercare 44
Comments 44
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for calcific tendonitis (tendinopathy) of the shoulder: Nice interventional procedur ... 44
Bibliography 44
13 Prolotherapy 46
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 46
Equipment and drugs 46
Anatomy 46
Technique 46
Aftercare 47
Comments 47
14 Sclerosant therapy 48
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 48
Equipment and drugs 48
Anatomy 48
Technique 48
Aftercare 48
Comments 48
II Shoulder 49
15 Acromioclavicular joint 50
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 50
Equipment and drugs 50
Anatomy 50
Technique 52
Aftercare and rehabilitation 54
Comments 54
16 Glenohumeral joint including hydrodilatation 56
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 56
Equipment and drugs 56
Anatomy 58
Technique 58
Aftercare and rehabilitation 58
Comments 60
17 Glenohumeral joint arthrogram 62
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 62
Equipment and drugs 62
Anatomy 62
Technique 64
Aftercare 64
18 Sternoclavicular joint 66
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 66
Equipment and drugs 66
Anatomy 66
Technique 66
Aftercare and rehabilitation 68
Comments 68
19 Long head of biceps tendon 70
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 70
Equipment and drugs 70
Anatomy 70
Technique 72
Aftercare and rehabilitation 74
Comments 74
20 Subacromial subdeltoid bursa 76
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 76
Equipment and drugs 76
Anatomy 76
Technique 78
Aftercare 78
Comments 78
21 Suprascapular notch 80
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 80
Equipment and drugs 80
Anatomy 80
Technique 82
Aftercare and rehabilitation 82
Comments 82
Bibliography 82
III Elbow 85
22 Elbow joint 86
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 86
Equipment and drugs 86
Anatomy 86
Technique 86
Comments 88
Aftercare and rehabilitation 90
23 Radiocapitellar joint 92
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 92
Equipment and drugs 92
Anatomy 92
Technique 92
Comments 94
Aftercare and rehabilitation 96
24 Dry needling in lateral epicondylitis 98
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 98
Equipment and drugs 98
Anatomy 98
Technique 98
Comments 100
Aftercare and rehabilitation 100
25 Olecranon bursa 102
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 102
Equipment and drugs 102
Anatomy 102
Technique 102
Comments 104
Aftercare and rehabilitation 104
26 Cubital tunnel 106
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 106
Equipment and drugs 106
Anatomy 106
Technique for cubital tunnel syndrome injections 108
Aftercare 108
Comments 110
IV Wrist 113
27 Distal radioulnar joint 114
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 114
Equipment and drugs 114
Anatomy 114
Technique 114
Aftercare and rehabilitation 116
Comments 118
28 Radiocarpal joint 120
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 120
Equipment and drugs 120
Anatomy 120
Technique 120
Aftercare and rehabilitation 124
Comments 126
29 De quervains tenosynovitis 128
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 128
Equipment and drugs 128
Anatomy 128
Technique 130
Aftercare and rehabilitation 132
Comments 132
30 WRIST extensor tendon sheath 134
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 134
Equipment and drugs 134
Anatomy 134
Technique 136
Aftercare and rehabilitation 138
Comments 138
31 Carpal tunnel 140
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 140
Equipment and drugs 140
Anatomy 140
Technique for idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome injections 142
Aftercare and rehabilitation 144
32 WRIST ganglia aspirations 146
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 146
Equipment and drugs 146
Anatomy 146
Technique 148
Aftercare and rehabilitation 148
Comments 148
V Hand 151
33 Thumb carpometacarpal joint 152
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 152
Equipment and drugs 152
Anatomy 152
Technique 154
Aftercare and rehabilitation 156
Comments 156
34 Metacarpophalangeal joint 158
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 158
Equipment and drugs 158
Anatomy 158
Technique 160
Aftercare and rehabilitation 162
Comments 162
35 Proximal and distal interphalangeal joints 164
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 164
Equipment and drugs 164
Anatomy 164
Technique 166
Aftercare and rehabilitation 168
Comments 168
36 Scaphotrapezium trapezoid joint 170
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 170
Equipment and drugs 170
Anatomy 170
Technique 170
Aftercare and rehabilitation 172
Comments 172
37 Flexor tendon sheath 174
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 174
Equipment and drugs 174
Technique 174
Aftercare and rehabilitation 176
Comments 176
38 Trigger finger release 178
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 178
Equipment and drugs 178
Anatomy 178
Technique 180
Aftercare 182
Comments 182
VI Hip and Groin 185
39 Hip joint ap approach 186
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 186
Equipment and drugs 186
Anatomy 186
Technique 188
Aftercare and rehabilitation 188
Comments 188
40 Hip joint lateral approach 190
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 190
Equipment and drugs 190
Anatomy 190
Technique 192
Advantages 192
Aftercare and rehabilitation 192
Comments 192
41 Greater trochanteric bursa 194
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 194
Equipment and drugs 194
Anatomy 194
Technique 196
Aftercare and rehabilitation 198
Comments 200
Bibliography 200
42 Iliopsoas bursa 202
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 202
Equipment and drugs 202
Anatomy 202
Technique 204
Aftercare and rehabilitation 204
Comments 204
43 Proximal iliotibial tract 206
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 206
Equipment and drugs 206
Anatomy 206
Technique 206
Aftercare 208
Comments 210
44 Symphysis pubis 212
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 212
Equipment and drugs 212
Anatomy 212
Technique 214
Aftercare and rehabilitation 214
Comments 214
45 Adductor tendons 216
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 216
Equipment and drugs 216
Anatomy 216
Technique 216
Aftercare and rehabilitation 218
Comments 218
VII Knee 221
46 Knee joint 222
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 222
Equipment and drugs 222
Anatomy 222
Technique 222
Aftercare and rehabilitation 224
Comments 224
47 Patella tendon 226
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 226
Equipment and drugs 226
Anatomy 226
Technique 226
Aftercare and rehabilitation 228
Comments 228
48 Proximal tibiofibular joint 230
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 230
Equipment and drugs 230
Anatomy 230
Technique 230
Aftercare and rehabilitation 232
Comments 234
49 Pes anserine complex (bursitis) 236
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 236
Equipment and drugs 236
Anatomy 236
Technique 238
Aftercare and rehabilitation 240
50 Distal iliotibial tract 242
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 242
Equipment and drugs 242
Anatomy 242
Technique 242
Aftercare and rehabilitation 244
Comments 246
51 Popliteal cyst (bakers cyst) 248
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 248
Equipment and drugs 248
Anatomy 248
Technique 250
Aftercare and rehabilitation 252
Comments 252
VIII Ankle 255
52 Ankle joint 256
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 256
Equipment and drugs 256
Anatomy 256
Technique 256
Aftercare and rehabilitation 260
Comments 260
53 Subtalar joint 262
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 262
Equipment and drugs 262
Anatomy 262
Technique 262
Aftercare and rehabilitation 264
Comments 264
54 Anterolateral gutter 266
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 266
Equipment and drugs 266
Anatomy 266
Technique 266
Aftercare and rehabilitation 268
Comments 268
55 High-volume injection for achilles tendinopathy (saline stripping) 270
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 270
Equipment and drugs 270
Anatomy 272
Technique 272
Aftercare and rehabilitation 274
Comments 274
56 Peroneal tendon sheath 276
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 276
Equipment and drugs 276
Anatomy 276
Technique 278
Aftercare and rehabilitation 280
Comments 280
57 Tibialis posterior tendon sheath 282
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 282
Equipment and drugs 282
Anatomy 282
Technique 284
Aftercare and rehabilitation 286
Comments 286
58 Sinus tarsi 288
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 288
Equipment and drugs 288
Anatomy 288
Technique 290
Aftercare and rehabilitation 290
Comments 290
IX Foot 293
59 Metatarsophalangeal joint 294
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 294
Equipment and drugs 294
Anatomy 294
Technique 294
Aftercare and rehabilitation 296
Comments 298
60 Talonavicular joint 300
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 300
Equipment and drugs 300
Anatomy 300
Technique 300
Aftercare 302
Comments 302
61 Plantar fasciitis 304
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 304
Equipment and drugs 304
Anatomy 304
Technique 306
Aftercare and rehabilitation 308
Comments 308
62 Mortons neuroma 310
Cause, clinical and ultrasound findings 310
Equipment and drugs 310
Anatomy 310
Technique 310
Aftercare and rehabilitation 312
Comments 312
Index 314
A 314
B 314
C 315
D 315
E 316
F 316
G 316
H 316
I 316
J 317
K 317
L 317
M 318
N 318
O 319
P 319
R 320
S 320
T 320
U 321
V 321
W 322
Inside back cover IBC