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Guatemala: Burden of Paradise

Guatemala: Burden of Paradise

Duncan Green


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Book Details


Interweaving reportage, interview and analysis, this work provides an overview of Guatemala, its resilience and its suffering. It explores poverty and inequality, the guerilla war and the role of the military, and human rights abuses, especially under the curent government. It also examines the impact of political violence on Guatemala's writers, artists and indigenous culture.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Dedication Page ii
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents v
Preface vii
Map of Guatemala viii
A Statistical Outline ix
Introduction 1
I: The Effects of an Earthquake 5
1. The Facts about the Earthquake 5
2. The Social Dimension 5
3. A Violent Response 6
4. The Earthquake and the Peasantry 7
5. The Politics of Reconstruction 9
II: Violence, Death Squads and Disappearances 12
1. The Setting for Violence 12
2. The Origins of Political Violence 18
3. Violence Before and after the Earthquake 24
4. Guerrilla Offensives 33
5. The Violence of a System 35
III: Trade Unions and Labour Conflict 38
1. Introduction 38
2. History of the Guatemalan Labour Movement 39
3. Present Situation of the Labour Movement (1974-77) 46
4. Some Case Histories (1975-76) 53
IV: Peasants and Land Conflict 64
1. Introduction 64
2. A History of Exploitation 66
3. The Present Situation 77
4. Conclusions 94
V: Relating Foreign Aid to Human Rights: The Relevance of Guatemala 97
1. Introduction 97
2. The US Initiative 103
3. The USA and Guatemala 109
4. The Role of Church and Private Organisations 113
5. Conclusions 118
Abbreviations 120
Conversion Table 121