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The Latin American City

The Latin American City

Alan Gilbert


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Book Details


Since the 19S0s, Latin America has been transformed from a rural to an urban society. The region now contains some of the world's biggest cities, headed by Mexico City with its 20 million inhabitants. In all but five Latin American countries, more people now live in towns and cities than in the countryside. This mass movement from country to city has put enormous strain on the infrastructure and services of cities such as Bogota and Caracas. Conditions continue to worsen as governments cut back social spending in their structural adjustment programmes. The Latin American City looks at the region's urban explosion from the perspective of the poor. It asks why people are attracted to the city and examines the underlying problem of rural poverty which fuels the exodus. It explores the options open to those arriving in the city and the strategies used in order to acquire land and build a home. Highlighting the role of the informal sector in urban survival, it also explains how popular organisation and protest can result in improved living standards for the poor.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Table of Contents v
1: The Urban Landscape 1
Santafé de Bogotá 2
Caracas 7
Guadalajara 11
Rio de Janeiro 14
La Paz 18
Notes 22
Further Reading 22
2: The Growth of the Latin American City 23
Back in Time 23
From a Rural to an Urban Society 26
The Shape of the City 29
Economic Development and Urban Growth 31
Urban Primacy and the Growth of Megacities 34
Notes 38
Further Reading 38
3: The Move to the City 39
The Rural Scene 41
The Nature of Migration 44
To which Cities do Migrants Move? 47
Changes in the Migration Process 49
The Impact of Economic Recession 51
The Effects of Migration on the City 52
Return Migration 54
Notes 56
Further Reading 56
4: The World of Work 57
How do People Earn a Living? 57
The Theory of over-urbanisation 59
Unemployment 61
The Informal Sector 65
What is the Role of the Informal Sector? 67
The Informal Sector: Expansion or Decline? 71
The Situation of Women 74
Child Labour 75
Notes 78
Further Reading 78
5: Housing Strategies 79
The City Before 1950 79
The Rise of Self-help Housing 80
Acquiring Land 84
Building a Home 85
The Struggle for Services 90
Owners, Tenants and Sharers 93
Self-help Housing: Solution or Exploitation? 96
Notes 102
Further Reading 102
6: Urban Management 103
Services and Infrastructure 104
The Administration of Service Delivery 108
Transport 113
Pollution and the Environment 119
Disasters 123
Notes 125
Further Reading 125
7: Urban Protest 127
Why is there so Little Protest? 128
(1) Community Attitudes 128
(2) Clientelism 132
(3) Leadership and Co-optation 132
(4) Repression 134
Urban Social Movements 136
After the Mexico City Earthquake 137
The Rise of new Social Movements 142
Protest during the Recession 145
Notes 154
Further Reading 154
8: The Future of the City 155
National Economic Growth 155
The Changing International Division of Labour 156
Demographic Pressure 160
Urban Employment 162
Governance 163
Repaying the Social Debt 168
Income Inequality 169
Further Reading 170
Bibliography 171
Index 185