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Animal Healthcare Training

Animal Healthcare Training

John Young


Additional Information

Book Details


Presents the findings of a training project in Nepal which teaches basic animal health care techniques to Nepalese villagers. Ten years later an evaluation was conducted to determine whether there was a continuing need for the courses and to assess their effectiveness. This book describes the course structure, content and approach, and presents the finding of the evaluation, offering an insight into a programme which could usefully be replicated in other rural areas all over the world.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Figures and Tables 6
Preface 7
Acknowledgements 9
Acronyms 10
Introduction 11
Background 11
Setting 12
Livestock disease and animal health services 14
Animal health improvement training programme 18
The farm and veterinary clinic 19
The training course - selection and content 20
The beginners course 22
Training resources 23
The medicine kit 27
The refresher course 29
AHITP follow-up role 30
Refresher course survey 31
Field visits 32
Introduction 32
Palpa District 34
VAHWs in Baugha Pokhara Thok 41
South Lalitpur 43
VAHWs in South Lalitpur 48
Conclusions 51
Appendices 56
Appendix 1: Diseases treated by the VAHWs 56
Appendix 2: Beginners' course contents 58
Appendix 3: Refresher course contents 59
Appendix 4: The AHITP recommended medicine kit 60