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Animal Draught Technology

Animal Draught Technology

Jane Bartlett


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Book Details


An important and useful guide to the widely scattered literature on a subject of increasing importance - over 300 annotated items.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
1. Introduction 6
2. Acknowledgements 7
3. Overview 8
1. Choice of Technology 8
1. Policy Issues 8
2. Physical and Technical Issues 9
2. Situation Analysis - Impact, Adoption & Diffusion 11
3. The Technology of Animal Draught Use 13
1. Tillage Techniques, Implements and Harnessing 13
2. Draught Capacity, Training, Nutrition and General Management 15
4. Bibliography 17
1. Choice of Technology 17
2. Situation Analysis 33
3. Technology of Animal Draught Use 47
3.1 Tillage Techniques, Implements and Harnessing 47
3.2 Draught Capacity, Training, Nutrition and General Management 64
4. General 78
5. Conclusion 80
Annexes 82
1. Organisations with an interest in promoting the use of draught animals 82
2. Index of bibliography items by country or region 84
3. Index of bibliography items by author or institution 86