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Words and Worlds

Words and Worlds

Fèlix Martí | Paul Ortega | Prof. Itziar Idiazabal | Prof. Andoni Barreña | Prof. Patxi Juaristi | Prof. Carme Junyent | Belen Uranga | Prof. Estibaliz Amorrortu


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World Languages Review aims to examine the sociolinguistic situation of the world: to describe the linguistic diversity that currently characterizes humanity, to evaluate trends towards linguistic uniformity, and to establish a set of guidelines or language planning measures that favour the weaker or more endangered linguistic communities, so that anyone engaged in language planning -government officials, institution leaders, researchers, and community members- can implement these measures.

With an extraordinary ability to combine empirical data and strategic recommendations, this review of the urgent necessity to protect linguistic diversity is both a fascinating and accessible work of reference. It is also a manifesto for responsible action, so that we do not loose more of our common humanity in the name of so-called progress and globalised modernity. The authors, UNESCO ETXEA and Multilingual Matters have made an important contribution to the understanding of one of the major issues of this and coming decades.

With many of the world’s linguistic communities in peril as a corollary of globalised modernity, the authors’ overt manifesto of preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of humanity through the publication of such a study and the establishment of a linguistic ethic is commendable and it adds significantly to a small but growing number of sociolinguistic studies to date that raise awareness of language endangerment. A sense of zeal and urgency about the future of linguistic diversity remain with the reader long after the book is read. I would recommend it as compulsory reading for all involved or interested in language policy, language planning and language education.

Muiris Ó Laoire, Institute of Technology, Tralee, in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 10:3

This is a remarkably useful book, especially in terms of the breadth that it attempts to cover. This is a volume that could easily be used in a university course in sociolinguistics. It is clearly a volume worth reading and taking seriously.

Timothy Reagan, Central Connecticut State University, in Language Problems and Langauge Planning 31:2

This book represents an incredibly valuable compendium of information about the status of languages throughout the world.

David Deterding, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, in Language and Education 22:1 (2008)

The last few decades have seen widespread recognition of the importance of ecological and cultural diversity and of the threats that currently face this diversity. While the world's linguistic diversity has not been at the forefront of these considerations, the phenomenon of language endangerment is if anything even more acute than the danger to biological species and to other aspects of cultural diversity. The World Languages Review succeeds in presenting language endangerment in a way that combines detailed scientific accuracy with justifiable social concern and in making this area of concern accessible to a wide readership. Bernard Comrie, Director, Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary

Fèlix Martí.. Director of the UNESCO Centre of Catalonia (1984-2002) and President of the UNESCO Advisory Committee on Linguistic Pluralism and Multilingual Education (1999-2003). Paul Ortega. Former director of UNESCO Etxea-UNESCO Centre of the Basque Country. Secretary General of Pax Romana ICMICA since October 2004. Itziar Idiazabal. Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). Andoni Barreña. Professor at the University of Salamanca. Patxi Juaristi. Professor at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). Carme Junyent, Professor at the University of Barcelona. Belen Uranga. Coordinator of the survey carried out for World Languages Review. Estibaliz Amorrortu. Professor, University of Deusto.

'Words and Worlds' is a significant step forward in advancing public awareness about global linguistic diversity in the new millennium, achieving an admirable synthesis of historical perspective, empirical statement, and forward-looking commentary. It deserves the widest possible circulation.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
List of Maps vi
Acknowledgements vii
Prologue x
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Linguistic Communities 10
Chapter 2 The Linguistic Heritage 46
Chapter 3 The Official Status of Languages 92
Chapter 4 The Use of Languages in PublicAdministration 119
Chapter 5 Language and Writing 131
Chapter 6 Language and Education 150
Chapter 7 Languages and the Media 175
Chapter 8 Language and Religion 189
Chapter 9 Transmission andIntergenerational Useof Language 200
Chapter 10 Linguistic Attitudes 214
Chapter 11 The Threats to Languages 225
Chapter 12 The Future of Languages 249
References 269
Web References 281
Appendix 1 Survey Questionnaire 284
Appendix 2 Index of Contributors 289
Appendix 3 List of Informants 291
Appendix 4 Index of Languages, Familiesand Varieties 301
Subject Index 315
Map 1. Genetic Groupings of the Languages of the World 329
Map 2. Languages in the Caucasus Region 330
Map 3. Native American Languages in California 331
Map 4. Sami Language. Language, Territory, and Official Status 332
Map 5. Languages of South Africa 333
Map 6. Great Diversity but only Occasional Use in Administration 334
Map 7. Standardisation in Senegal 335
Map 8. Languages of Central America (Partial) 336
Map 9. The Media and Languages Spoken in Tanzania 337
Map 10. Tamazight Language Areas 338
Map 11. Attitudes and Indian Languages in Canada 338
Map 12. Languages of Colombia 339
Map 13. Language Diversity in China 340