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Translation and Nation

Translation and Nation

Dr. Roger Ellis | Dr. Liz Oakley-Brown


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In recent years the marginal position which has defined translators and their texts has come under increasing and sustained challenge. However, although translation and subjectivity has been thoroughly considered in terms of post-colonialism and post-structuralism, there are few discussions which focus specifically on the construction of "Englishness" through vernacular translation. Using a range of theoretical approaches the five essays in this volume aim to realise such an understanding of translation by critically analyzing the cultural and political implications of translation and the construction of English subjectivities at particular historical moments.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
About the Contributors vi
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Figures of English Translation, 1382–1407 7
Chapter 2 Translating the Subject: Ovid’s Metamorphoses in England, 1560–7 48
Chapter 3 Women Translators, Gender and the Cultural Context of the Scienti.c Revolution 85
Chapter 4 Hooked on Classics: Discourses of Allusion in the Mid-Victorian Novel 120
Chapter 5 ‘All the Others Translate’: W.H. Auden’s Poetic Dislocations of Self, Nation, and Culture 167
Bibliography and Abbreviations 205
Index 220