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Foreign Language and Culture Learning from a Dialogic Perspective

Foreign Language and Culture Learning from a Dialogic Perspective

Dr. Carol Morgan | Albane Cain


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Book Details


This book analyses an intercultural project undertaken by French and English 14-year-olds based on an exchange of materials created by the pupils and focused on the topic of law and order. The project was based on a view of learning as a dialogic process interacting with others. A first language and home culture is acquired through such interaction. This project sought to realise this dialogic process in a more meaningful way than is often the case in foreign language classrooms.

Carol Morgan (University of Bath) and Albane Cain  (University of Cergy-Pontoise) have worked together on intercultural projects in the past and both have been involved in teaching and researching foreign language learning and cultural studies for many years in schools and universities.  The research project described here was undertaken by Carol Morgan, and Albane Cain acted as a critical friend in helping to analyse the processes and products of the project.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Preface vii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Theoretical Context 4
Chapter 2 The Anglo–French Project 32
Chapter 3 The Intratextual Dialogue 44
Chapter 4 The Intertextual Dialogue 64
Chapter 5 An Illuminative Dialogue 78
Chapter 6 The Viability of the Project 100
Conclusion 109
References 112
Appendix A 120
Appendix B 123
Appendix C 151
Appendix D 153
Appendix E 157
Appendix F 158
Index 160