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The Spell of Responsibility

The Spell of Responsibility

Frieder Vogelmann | Daniel Steuer


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Book Details


Most people would agree that we should behave and act in a responsible way. Yet only 200 years ago, ‘responsibility’ was only of marginal importance in discussions of law and legal practice, and it had little ethical significance. What is the significance of the fact that ‘responsibility’ now plays such a central role in, for example, work, the welfare state, or the criminal justice system? What happens when individuals are generally expected to think of themselves as ‘responsible’ agents? And what are the consequences of the fact that the philosophical analysis of ‘responsibility’ focuses almost exclusively on conditions of agency that are mostly absent from real life?

In this book, Frieder Vogelmann demonstrates how large parts of philosophy have fallen under responsibility’s spell, and he uses a Foucauldian approach in an attempt to break it. The three axes of power, knowledge, and self are used in a detailed analysis of the practical regimes of labour (including the welfare state), criminality (including policing, punishment practices, and criminal proceedings), and philosophy, and of the two subject positions required by ‘responsibility’ – those of the attributors and bearers of responsibility – within them. The power relations between these positions, which Vogelmann carefully excavates from the grounds of our practices, reveal that the deck is stacked unevenly from the start.

The translation of this work was funded by Geisteswissenschaften International – Translation Funding for Humanities and Social Sciences from Germany, a joint initiative of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the German Federal Foreign Office, the collecting society VG WORT and the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publisher & Booksellers Association)
Using a Foucauldian methodology, Frieder Vogelmann takes us to the very margins of our culture, where the strange customs of subjects who attribute responsibility to themselves and to others become visible. This makes us realize the great cost – in the form of a continual effort at working on and shaping the self – of this blind allegiance to such a sacrificial ideal.
Axel Honneth, Professor of Philosophy, University of Frankfurt and Columbia University
Frieder Vogelmann has written a fascinating book that will leave a distinctive trace in current social theory. His highly original methodological interpretation of Foucault’s archaeology provides him with a powerful tool to critically rethink -- and problematize -- one of today’s most cherished normative concepts. This is one of the finest examples of what one might call applied Critical Theory.
Martin Saar, Professor of Political Theory, Leipzig University
Frieder Vogelmann is Visiting Professor for Critical Social Theory at the Goethe-University Frankfurt.

Daniel Steuer is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE) in the School of Humanities, University of Brighton.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
The Spell of Responsibility Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgments ix
1 Introduction 1
Theses 2
Conceptual History 6
Analyses 10
Diffusion through an Increasing Power to Act 10
Individualization as a Neoliberal Strategy 11
Synopsis 13
Notes 16
2 Michel Foucault’s Practices 19
Three Axes 20
Power 21
Knowledge 29
Relation to Self 36
Recapitulation I: A Critical Assessment of the Present 62
Practices 50
Joseph Rouse’s “Scientific Practices” 51
Recapitulation II: On the Status of the Concept of Practices 62
Responsibility as a Discursive Operator 65
Notes 68
3 The Practical Regime of Labor 77
Wage Labor 79
The Topos “Subjectification of Labor” 80
“Responsibility” in Practices of Wage Labor 82
Recapitulation I: “Responsibility” and the Experience of Wage Labor 92
Unemployment 93
The Questioning of “Individual Responsibility” 94
The “Unemployed” of the Neosocial Society 97
Recapitulation II: “Responsibility” and the Experience of Unemployment 101
Notes 103
4 The Practical Regime of Criminality 109
Foucault and Legal Practices 110
The Responsibility of the “Responsibilization Strategy” 113
On the Transformation of the Experience of Criminality through “Responsibilization” 113
“Responsibility” in the Practices of the Responsibilization Strategy 122
Recapitulation I: “Responsibility” and the Experience of Criminality 133
Responsibility in Court 134
Responsibility and Guilt under the Democratic Rule of Law (Klaus Günther) 135
The Theater of Responsibility 142
Recapitulation II: “Responsibility” in the Context of the Law’s Self-Reflection and Self-Staging 147
Notes 151
5 The Practical Regime of Philosophy 159
The Experience of Philosophical Practices 161
“Responsibility” as a Metaphysical Problem 164
Freedom of the Will as Self-Determination 165
Recapitulation I: “Responsibility and Accountability” 176
“Responsibility” as a Moral Problem 176
The Ambivalence of Responsibility (Friedrich Nietzsche) 179
The Relation to Self of the Philosophical Concepts of Responsibility (I): Being Subjugated 183
Recapitulation II: “Responsibility” and Duty 200
The Relation to Self of Philosophical Responsibility (II): Subjugating 204
Recapitulation III: “Responsibility” and the (Moral) Power to Act 221
“Responsibility” as a Given 224
Language as a Pattern of Relations of Responsibility (Robert Brandom) 225
Responsive Normativity (Joseph Rouse Revisited) 240
Recapitulation IV: “Responsibility” in the Normativist Limit Regime 246
Notes 251
6 Under the Spell of Responsibility 267
“Responsibility” and the Experience of Labor, Criminality, and Truth 268
Analysis and Critique 271
Works by Foucault 279
Bibliography 283
Index 317
About the Author 323