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Language Use in the Two-Way Classroom

Language Use in the Two-Way Classroom

Renée DePalma


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Book Details


Based on an extended ethnographic study of a dual language (Spanish-English) Kindergarten, this book takes a critical look at children's linguistic (and non-linguistic) interactions and the ways that teaching design can help or hinder language development. With a focus on official “Spanish time”, it explores the particular challenges of supporting the minority language use as well as the teacher's strategies for doing so. In bilingual classrooms, teachers' goals include bilingualism as well as academic achievement for all. The children may share these interests, but have their own agendas as well. This book explores the linguistic and social interactions that may help, or hinder, these multiple and sometimes conflicting agendas. How can teachers design educational practice that takes into consideration broader forces of language hegemony as well as children's immediate interests?

The numerous rich examples of more and less effective strategies and practices within a variety of instructional contexts make this book essential reading for educators, parents, students and researchers interested in second language education. DePalma’s findings will have important implications for program design, interventions, curriculum and instructional practices in second language learning programs.

Kathryn Lindholm-Leary, Ph.D., San Jose State University, USA


L. Lockard, Northern Arizona University

Renée DePalma received her PhD in 2003 from the University of Delaware (USA), where she helped to establish La Red Mágica, a community-university collaborative project which aims to promote intercultural relationships between university students and minority children in a nearby urban community center. She is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Vigo, Spain. Her research over the years has focused on equalities and social justice in terms of race, ethnicity, language, sexuality and gender. She is mainly interested in the social construction of marginalization within and beyond schools, ways in which success and failure are co-constructed in institutional settings, and the design of counter-hegemonic institutional contexts and classroom practices.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Chapter 1\rThe Promise and Realities of\rTwo-Way Instruction 1
Chapter 2\rThe Pragmatics of Two-Way\rImmersion Instruction: A Closer\rLook at What Really Happens 14
Chapter 3\rFrom Teaching Philosophies to\rClassroom Design 35
Chapter 4\rMaking Sure They Don’t ‘Give it\raway’: Keeping Spanish Alive 56
Chapter 5\rDaily Rituals and Routines: Safety\rin the Familiar 80
Chapter 6\r(Spanish) Language Arts:\rParticipating in the Narrative 103
Chapter 7\rTables Time: Language in Activity 128
Chapter 8\rHousekeeping and Blocks Centers:\rKeeping them Talking 149
Chapter 9\rImplications: Real Practices\rbehind the Ideal Model 178
Appendix:\rData coding template 191
References 192